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The Leader Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) provides a technique whereby
group members may describe the leader behavior of designated leaders in formal organizations.
The LBDQ contains items, each of which describes a specific way in which a leader may behave.
The respondent indicates the frequency with which he perceives the leader to engage in each
type of behavior by marking one of five adverbs: Always, often, occasionally, seldom, never.
These responses are obtained from the members of the leader’s immediate work-group, and are
scored on two dimensions of leader behavior. For each dimension, the scores from the several
group members are ten averaged to yield an index of the leaders behavior. For each dimension,
the scores from the several group members are then averaged to yield an index of the leader’s
behavior in respect to that dimension.
The LBDQ was developed by the staff of the Personnel Research Board, The Ohio State
University, as one project of the Ohio State Leadership Studies, directed by Dr. Carroll L.
Shartle. Hemphill and Coons (14) constructed the original form of the questionnaire; and Halpin
and Winer (11), in reporting the development of an Air Force adaptation of the instrument,
identified Initiating Structure and Consideration as two fundamental dimensions of leader
behavior. These dimensions were identified on the basis of a factor analysis of the responses of
300 B-29 crew members who described the leader behavior of their 52 aircraft commanders.
Initiating Structure and Consideration accounted for approximately 34 to 50 per cent respectively
of the common variance. In a subsequent study based upon a sample of 249 aircraft
commanders, the correlation between the scores on the two dimensions was found to be .38.
Initiating Structure refers to the leader’s behavior in delineating the relationship between
himself and the members of his group, and in endeavoring to establish well-defined patterns of
organization, channels of communication, and ways of getting the job done. Consideration refers
to behavior indicative of friendship, mutual trust, respect, and warmth in relationship between
the leader and members of the group.
Only 30 of the 40 items are scored; 15 for each of the two dimensions. The 10 unscored
items have been retained in the questionnaire in order to keep the conditions of administration
comparable to those used in standardizing the questionnaire. The scored items for each of the
two dimension keys are listed on Pages 4 and 6.
The score for each dimension is the sum of the scores assigned to responses marked on
each of the 15 items in the dimension. The possible range of scores on each dimension is 0 to 60.
The estimated reliability by the split-half method is .83 for the Initiating Structure scores and .92 for the Consideration scores, when corrected for attenuation.

LBDQ是由俄亥俄州州立大学人事研究部研究人员开发的,它是Carroll L. Shartle博士指导下的对俄亥俄州领导层研究的一个项目。Hemphill和Coons构建了问卷的原始表格,Halpin和Winer在空军装备的发展的报告中确定组织领导和体恤下士作为领导行为的两人基本方面。这两个方面是在对300 B-29描述他们的52位长官的领导行为的描述进行分析的事实基础上确定的。组织结构和体恤一士占了他们差别的34%到50%,后来基于249位航空长官的研究表明,这两方面分值之间的相关性是38.组织能力是指领导在处理和下属的关系,努力建立良好的组织模式,沟通渠道,办事方式等方面的领导行为。体恤下士是指在体现友谊,互信,尊重,热情处理干群关系方面等方面的领导行为。
第1个回答  2006-06-24
在领袖行为的二尺寸之上刻划。 对於每尺寸, 得分从那一些
团体成员是十平均产生领袖行为的一个索引。 对於每尺寸,
LBDQ 被人事研究董事会的职员发展, 俄亥俄州州
大学,如俄亥俄州的一个计画说领导研究, 被 Carroll 博士 L 指示。
Shartle Hemphill 和浣熊 (14) 构造了最初的形式 的调查表; 和 Halpin
而且赢得 (11),在报告工具的一篇空军改编的发展方面,
行为。 这些尺寸以反应的一个因素分析为基础被识别
300 描述了他们的 52个飞机指挥官的领袖行为的 B-29 组员成员。
开始结构,而且考虑分别地每一分大约解释 34 到 50
通常的不一致。 在一项后来的研究中基於 249 飞机的一个样品
指挥官 , 二尺寸上的在得分之间的相互关系被发现当 38.。
开始结构在 delineating 关系中表示 领袖的行为在
他自己和他的团体成员, 和在努力方面建立定义明确的式样
组织 , 沟通的频道 , 和~的方式找到被做的工作。 考虑提交
对友谊 , 相互的信赖是指示的行为,尊敬, 和~之间的关系温暖
只有 40个项目中的 30个被刻划;15 为每二尺寸。 10
可比较的到那些在标准化调查表方面用。 为每个的被刻划的项目那
二支尺寸钥匙在第 4 页上被列出和 6.
尺寸的每一个 15个项目。 每尺寸上的可能范围的得分是 0 到 60 。
劈开- 一半方法的被估计的可信度是 83 为开始结构的得分和 .92 为考虑得分, 何时为变薄改正。。



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