
1、 只为成功找方法,不为失败找借口
2、 每个人都有梦想成真的机会
3、 做任何事情,我将尽最大努力
4、 仁者不忧,智者不惑,勇者无畏
5、 成功者决不放弃,放弃者决不成功

1, only to find a successful way, no excuses for failure
2, everyone has a chance to live their dreams
3 and do anything, I will do my best
4, loving, wise not old, fearless courage
5 winners never quit, quitters never succeed
第1个回答  2009-03-07
1, only to find methods for the successful and not make excuses for failure
2, each person has the opportunity a dream come true
3, to do anything, I will do my utmost to
4, the benevolent will not have to worry about, perplexed the wise, brave and fearless
5, success will never give up, never give up those who successfully
第2个回答  2009-03-07
1:Only for seeks the successful means,not in order to be defeated looks for the excuse
2:Everyone have a vainly hope for the successful opportunity
3:Do everything,I completely greatly diligently.
4:The savant does not worry,has the wisdom person not to have doubts,
the brave person is not afraid.
5:The success person absolutely does not give up, the human who gives up cannot succeed absolutely
第3个回答  2009-03-08
1 Only in order to succeed in looking for the method not to look for the excuse in order to fail.
2 Everybody has a dream to become the really chance
3 Make and let the price anything I will try one's best
4 The benevolent is not worried intelligently person Huo is brave and fearless
5 The person who will never give up of winner will never succeed




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