
不要机译 要自己翻译的 翻译好另有加分

例如, 在九年义务教育小学英语课本第一册,
第35 课, 71 页中, 就有一首英语歌曲( 你是贝蒂
吗?》(Are You Bet t y ?) 。这首歌的前半部复习了
“Are you Bet t y Yes , Iam. ”这个旧句型, 后半部
出现了“Are you in t he garden ?No , I′m not . ”这
是一个新句型, 是第36 课新课的主要句型。教师
在上35 课时教这首歌并没有要求学生立即掌握这
个句型, 只是一笔带过, 泛泛而谈歌词的大意, 只
想给学生留下个初步印象。学生没有心理压力, 很
快学会了歌词, 对“Are you in t he harden ?”也
有了一定的注意。等到学习第36 课新课时, 由于
已先在歌曲中接触了新句型, 建立了一定的特殊定
向反应, 初步了解“Are you in t he gardne ?”的
含义, 学习起新课中的“Are you in Class 1 ?No ,
I’ m in Class 2. ”就容易得多了。小学生们在优美
的旋律中很快就熟悉了新句型, 伴着歌声“Are
you in ⋯?”这个句子就能脱口而出, 灵活运用。

吗?》(你打赌t y ?).这首歌的前半部复习了
“你打赌t y吗?是的,我。“这个旧句型、后半部
第1个回答  2009-03-09
For example,in the first copy of the elementary school English textbook,which is under the law of nine-year compulsory education,there's an English song named"are you betty" in lesson 35,on page 71. On the first half of this song,an old sentence structure"are you betty?yes,i am." is in the lyric.On the other half,“Are you in t he garden ?No , I′m not . ”appears as a new sentence structure,which is the main sentence structure in lesson 36.
When the teacher taught this song,he didn't require his students to master the sentence structure immediately.In contrast,he just went through the main meaning of the lyric.So the students only got a primary impression of it. Students had no mental pressure.They paid a little attention to“Are you in the garden ?”soon after they had learned the song.
When they began to learn lesson 36,they understood the meaning of“Are you in the garden ?” because they had got in touch with it in the song.Then it's easy for them to learn “Are you in Class 1 ?No ,
I’ m in Class 2. ”in the new lesson.
The pupils are familiar with news expression soon in the beautiful melody of songs.With songs,they can easily speak out“Are
you in ⋯?”and use them later.
To learn English songs creates a stage of development in advance for studying new lessons.

第2个回答  2009-03-09
For example, in a nine-year compulsory education elementary English textbook first,
Article 35, 71, have an English song (are you, Betty
? " I am Bet t y (?). . This song was the first review
"I am Bet t y, Iam." the old patterns, the second half
"I am in t he by garden? No, I" m not this analysis
A new pattern, is the first main patterns of 36 class lesson. Teachers'
35 hours in the song and not to teach students to master this request immediately
A sentence, just one to bring the lyrics, completeness, only
Want to give students a first impression. Students are not the psychological pressure, very
Quickly learned the lyrics, "I am in t he harden?" also
Have certain of attention. The new study 36 class until due
Has the new contacts in song, certain special established
The reaction, "I am in t he gardne?" the
In the new study, "since I am in equipment, 1?
I 'm 2 equipment in "easier. Pupils in beautiful
Soon the melody of the new pattern, with familiar with singing "AD
You in...? "This sentence can blurt out, flexibility.
Learning English songs for learning new content in advance new paving the road.
第3个回答  2009-03-09
不要机译 要自己翻译的 翻译好另有加分

例如, 在九年义务教育小学英语课本第一册,
第35 课, 71 页中, 就有一首英语歌曲( 你是贝蒂
吗?》(Are You Bet t y ?) 。这首歌的前半部复习了
“Are you Bet t y Yes , Iam. ”这个旧句型, 后半部
出现了“Are you in t he garden ?No , I′m not . ”这
是一个新句型, 是第36 课新课的主要句型。教师
在上35 课时教这首歌并没有要求学生立即掌握这
个句型, 只是一笔带过, 泛泛而谈歌词的大意, 只
想给学生留下个初步印象。学生没有心理压力, 很
快学会了歌词, 对“Are you in t he harden ?”也
有了一定的注意。等到学习第36 课新课时, 由于
已先在歌曲中接触了新句型, 建立了一定的特殊定
向反应, 初步了解“Are you in t he gardne ?”的
含义, 学习起新课中的“Are you in Class 1 ?No ,
I’ m in Class 2. ”就容易得多了。小学生们在优美
的旋律中很快就熟悉了新句型, 伴着歌声“Are
you in ⋯?”这个句子就能脱口而出, 灵活运用。
第4个回答  2009-03-09
For example, nine-year compulsory education at primary school English textbooks in Volume I,
The 35th class of 71, there is an English song (You are Betty
吗? "(Are You Bet t y?). This song the first half of the review of the
"Are you Bet ty Yes, Iam." The old patterns, the latter part of
Emergence of "Are you in t he garden? No, I'm not." This
Is a new sentence, new courses are the first 36 lessons of the main sentence. Teachers
At 35 hours of teaching on this song does not require students to master it immediately
Month sentence, only a belt, the general nature of the gist of the lyrics, only
Want to give students a preliminary impression left. Students do not have the psychological pressure, it is
Quickly learned the lyrics of "Are you in t he harden?" Also
Must have attention. Learn to wait until the 36th class of new class, because
Have first contact with a new song patterns, must set up a special set
To the response to a preliminary understanding of "Are you in t he gardne?" The
The meaning of new courses of study from "Are you in Class 1? No,
I 'm in Class 2. "To be much easier. Pupils at the beautiful
The tune quickly familiar with the new sentence, accompanied by singing "Are
you in ⋯? "blurted out the sentence can be flexibly applied.
Learn English songs in advance for the new lesson study paved the way for new content.



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