

1. "to have (many) irons in the fire": to have a lot of activities going on at the same time(同时有许多事,想马上全部做完,但又不知从何开始,似乎忙得不可开交)
2. "to talk over (one's) head(s)": to use large or big words so that the audience will not understand the exact meaning(指所谈论的内容过于专业或高深,非一般人可以理解;也指有人为了表现自己才学非凡,故意谈些高深理论或用些难字,吓唬别人乎源)
3. "to put (something) back into (in) its cage": to put something under control (can control某件事情,多半指政治、健康等)
4. "to keep (one's) fingers crossed": to hope something good will happen(祝福某人好运或一切顺利。把食指与中指交叉,祈求好运,是老外的迷信,但在写信或正式场合,多半是用“I wish you best (good) luck!”或“good (best) luck to you!”)
5. "to stretch (one's) legs": to relax or to take a short break(久坐后,把腿舒展一下,或稍微休息一下)
6. "to read between the lines": to interpret the hidden meaning or a hidden message; to discern the true fact(从字里行间体会隐含的意义;领会言外之意或能了解其中的真正意义)
7. "to let off steam": to give vent to one's anger (发泄、出气,像放掉蒸汽以减少压力似的。这与“to fly off the handle”意思相近,但比“to lose temper”委婉客气些)
8. "to pay through the nose": to pay too much for something or excessively expensive (花费太多,代价过高,与“to cost an arm and a leg”意义相近)
9. "to take center stage": to be in the spotlight(引人注目的中心人物;以某人为公众瞩目的对象)
10. "to drag (one's) feet": to procrastinate or postpone(慢慢的拖延,行动迟缓,拖拖拉拉)
11. "to paint(someone or oneself)into a corner": to trap oneself or someone; to be in trouble(使自己或某人陷入困境, 应该注意的是即使主语是复数形式,corner 仍然用单数)
12. "to ask(someone) for (one's) hand": to ask girl's parents for marriage approval(指男人请求女方家长应允将女儿嫁给他, 这里的“someone”是指女方的家长,“one”则是指要求婚的对象,hand 只能用单数形式)
13. "to move onward and upward": to be promoted; from good to better situation(情况得以改善,或往更好的情况发展)
14. "to call a spade a spade": to be honest, blunt or frank(直言不讳,有啥说啥)
15. "to play cat and mouse": to play games with aggressive and passive attitude(玩猫戏老鼠的把戏,欲擒故纵)
16. "to go on the dole": (of the unemployed) to live on public welfare(失业人员依靠政府救济金生活。)
17. "to be in the hot seat": to be under lots of pressure or in a difficult position(处于困境,面对很多压力)
18. "to make waves": to make trouble(惹是生非,与“rock the boat”意思相近)
19. "to keep (one's) nose clean": to keep away from trouble(远离是非,少惹麻烦)
20. "to drive (someone) up the wall": to annoy or upset someone(惹人生气或者不高兴)
21. "to write(someone or something)off": to throw away or to discard(抛弃或者丢弃); to deduct a business loss(在经商失败时,也用于报销、注销或扣除损失的数额中)
22. "to take up with (someone)": to date someone or to fall in love with someone(对某人产生兴趣,或与某人开始亲密交往)
23. "to pave the way to (or for)": to make the path or to lay a groundwork of something(为……铺平道路或为……做好准备)
24. "to paint the town red": to enjoy oneself; to have a good time(尽情享受)



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