
1 他比我跑得快
2 这件衬衣质地很柔软,是棉质嘚
3 王先生不在这里,他去上海了
4 今天的报纸上有重要内容
5 你见到这些单词的次数越多,你就记得越牢

1 他比我跑得快
He runs faster than me.
2 这件衬衣质地很柔软,是棉质嘚
The shirt is felt soft as made from cotton.
3 王先生不在这里,他去上海了
Mr. Wang is not here and has gone to shanghai.
4 今天的报纸上有重要内容
There is some important information on today newspaper.
5 你见到这些单词的次数越多,你就记得越牢
The more times you see these words, the more firmly you remember them.
第1个回答  2008-12-30
1 他比我跑得快
1. He runs faster than me

2 这件衬衣质地很柔软,是棉质的
2. The texture of this shirt is very soft, is cotton quality.

3 王先生不在这里,他去上海了
3 . Mr. Wang is not here, he has gone to Shanghai.

4 今天的报纸上有重要内容
4 . There are important contents on today's newspaper.

5 你见到这些单词的次数越多,你就记得越牢
5 . The more your number of times of seeing these words is, you remember the firmer.
第2个回答  2008-12-30
1 he runs faster than me
2 this shirt quality of material very much me to be softer than, is cotton material 嘚(这什么字啊,不认识啊) Mr.
3 Wang not in here, he goes to Shanghai in the
4 today's newspaper to have important content
5 you to see that these words the number of times were more, you remembered that was firmer

第3个回答  2008-12-30
1,.He ran faster than I
2.This shirt is very soft texture,it is cotton
3.Mr. Wang is not here, he has went to Shanghai
4.Today's newspapers have an important content
5.the more time you see these words, the more firmly you will remember
第4个回答  2008-12-30
1 run faster than me, he
2, this shirt is very soft texture, cotton is De
3 Mr. Wang is not here, he went to the Shanghai
4 of today's newspapers are an important part
5, you see these words, the more the number of times, you remember that the more firmly
第5个回答  2008-12-30
He is faster than me.
This shirt is very soft and is made from cotton.
Mrs wang is not here,he has gone to shanghai.
There were something important in today`s newspaper.
The more you review these words, the better you remember!



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