
遮蔽 shelder?

scatter 分散

twist 曲折,缠绕
1,考试得 0分,让父亲签字。

2,老人 吐烟圈,小孩在烟圈上跳。

3,向湖里扔石子,后来没有了,很沮丧的离开,晚上父亲 用手推车运了好多石子,第二天,小孩看了很高兴


考试得 0分,让父亲签字。

Examinations have 0 points, to allow fathers signature.

老人 吐烟圈,小孩在烟圈上跳

Smoke ring spit elderly, children in the smoke ring on the hop

向湖里扔石子,后来没有了,很沮丧的离开,晚上父亲 用手推车运了好多石子,第二天,小孩看了很高兴

Threw stones to the lake, then no, it is frustrating to leave, at his father with a lot of gravel trolley transported the following day, the children looked very happy
第1个回答  2008-12-27
1.Examinations have 0 points, so that the father signed.
2.Spit smoke ring for the elderly, children jump on the smoke ring
3.The lake to throw stones, then no, it is frustrating to leave at night with his father delivered a lot of gravel cart, the next day, the children looked very happy
第2个回答  2008-12-27
遮蔽 应该是shield 吧,作动词是:to protect sb or sth from danger ,harm or sth unpleasant.作名词是:a person or thing used to protect sb or sth ,especially by forming a barrier.
SCatter:动词时1.to throw or drop things in different directions so that they cover and area of ground.2.to move or to make people or animals move very quickly in different directions。名词时:a small amount or number of things spread over an area.
Twist :to bend or turn sth into a particular shape.



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