哪位好心的哥哥姐姐 英语很牛的帮忙翻译一篇文章 采纳后必有重谢 急急急(以下是文章内容)

从一定意义上讲,尊重个人价值是青年毛泽东人生价值观的中心。他说: “老先生最不喜欢的是狂妄。岂知道古今真确的学理,伟大的事业,都系一些被人加着狂妄名号的狂妄人所发明创造出来的。我们住在这繁杂的社会,诡诈的世界,没有批评的精神,就容易会做他人的奴隶”。作为独立的人格应当如何呢? “我们当以一己的心思,居中活动。如日光之普天照耀,如探海灯之向外扫射。不管他人到底是不是(以今所是的为是),合人意不合人意,只顾求心所安合乎真理才罢。” (毛泽东《健学会之成立及进行》1 919年7月21日) 毛泽东的这种自由自主人格、尊重个人价值的思想主张,可以说贯穿于他的青年时代的生活实践(乃至后来的生活实践)。1919年11月15日,长沙发生了青年女子赵五贞为反抗封建包办婚姻的迫害,在花轿中自杀的悲惨事件,引起了社会各界人士的极大震惊。毛泽东以无比的义愤,写了一系列文章加以评论。在〈非自杀》一文中,毛泽东指出:“人格这件东西,是由于对手方面的尊崇才有的。他的先决问题,是要意志自由。”假若没有自由呢?不自由毋宁死。以死作为抗争来获得独立人格。 “赵女土虽21年(她21岁)处在不容她有人格的家庭之中,她的父母虽21年不令她有人格,但在她21年最后的一‘瞬间, 她的人格忽然现在来了。呜呼,呜呼!不自由,毋宁死。雪一般的刀上面,染了怪红的鲜血。柑子园尘秽街中被血洒满,顿化成了庄严的天衢。赵女士的人格也随之涌现出来,顿然光焰万丈。” (《赵女士的人格问题》1919年11月18日《大公报》)

In a certain sense, respect the individual value is young MAO zedong life values. He said: "the man is mad dislike most did know. All the correct theory, greatness, are being added with some of the madness of the memory madness invented by man created. We live in a society of the multifarious, deceit, no criticism of the spirit of the world, easy to do another slave." As an independent personality should how? "When we lose the idea, centered on the whole activities, such as sun shine out of the sea, like light to others. Regardless of whether strafed by which today (is) : yes, not only for understanding, which conforms to the truth, only heart." MAO zedong's "rehabilitation society (and the establishment of 1 919 in July 21) of MAO zedong's this free personality, respect the individual value thought, the youth throughout his life and the life of later (practice). In 1919, November 15, changsha occurred against feudal ZhaoWuZhen young woman arranged marriage in sedan, commit suicide in the tragic events, caused the social people from all walks of life's great shock. MAO zedong's incomparable indignation, with a series of articles written comment. In the paper, a suicide "MAO said:" this is due to the personality of exalted competitors. He settled question is to free will." If no freedom? No freedom or give me death. With death as the struggle to obtain independent personality. "Zhao woman is 21 years (21) in her family, she has not personality, though her parents don't make her 21 years, but in her personality 21 years last moments of her personality," suddenly comes now. Alas, alas! Give me liberty, or give me death. Snow general it and blame the red blood. Mandarin orange orchard street was above dust, turned to blood shining.may solemn day. Zhao lady personality qu rive will emerge from the flame and natural." The problem of ms zhao the personality on November 18, 1919 da gong bao)
It should be noted that MAO zedong emphasized individuality, principles, self-fulfillment egotistical, not disregard social and others. He stressed that achieve self-fulfillment Fa square in the objective activity, "the activity on the state of society is the combination of longitudinal group, human." Visible, MAO zedong does not repel the basic premise of society, but is standard.
第1个回答  2008-12-27
In a certain sense, the value of respect for the individual young Mao Zedong, the central values of life. He said: "The old man did not like the most is the arrogance. How to know the authenticity of the ancient theory, a great cause, are all some people plus the arrogance of the arrogant name of the person created by the invention. We live in this complex society , deceit of the world, did not criticize the spirit, it will be easier to do other people's slaves. " As an independent personality should be? "When we thought of their own, center activities. If the sun is shining Putian, such as Sea lights out fire. Regardless of others is not in the end (to this as the Yes), Hopewell not people who intended to Italy, and only seek the truth in line with the heart of the security strike only. "(Mao Zedong," Jian Institute and the establishment of the "July 21, 1919) Mao Zedong's this freedom autonomous personality, respect for the individual value of the idea that it can be said that throughout in his youth living in practice (and later life practice). November 15, 1919, Changsha Zhao young women have taken place in the five-ching for an arranged marriage against feudal persecution, committed suicide in the sedan chair in the tragic events caused the community a great shock. Mao Zedong with immense indignation, wrote a series of articles to comment. In <non-suicide ", it Mao Zedong pointed out:" Personality this thing, is due to be respected opponent area. He's preliminary question is to the will of freedom. "If there is no freedom? Not free rather die. To die as a struggle to obtain an independent personality. "Although Zhao F soil for 21 years (her 21-year-old) can not be her personality in the family, and her parents, although 21 years does not make her character, but in her last 21 years a 'moment, her personality suddenly Now. alack, alack! not me liberty or give me death. snow knife above normal, was stained with the blood of the strange red. Pothos Park Street in the dust Tourette洒满blood, of Dayton has become a solemn天衢. Miss Zhao's personality also then emerged, suddenly flare bottomless. "(" Miss Zhao's personality problems "November 18, 1919" Ta Kung Pao ")
It should be noted that, Mao Zedong advocated personality, emphasis on self-based, self-fulfillment, regardless of social and others are not. He stressed that to achieve the purpose of self-realization in the activities of enamel side, and "by virtue of activities lies in the various countries of the Group longitudinal community, combined with human." Visible, Mao does not exclude the community, but its basic premise is based on self - based.
第2个回答  2008-12-30
In a certain sense, the value of respect for the individual young Mao Zedong, the central values of life. He said: "The old man did not like the most is the arrogance. How to know the authenticity of the ancient theory, a great cause, are all some people plus the arrogance of the arrogant name of the person created by the invention. We live in this complex society , deceit of the world, did not criticize the spirit, it will be easier to do other people's slaves. " As an independent personality should be? "When we thought of their own, center activities. If the sun is shining Putian, such as Sea lights out fire. Regardless of others is not in the end (to this as the Yes), Hopewell not people who intended to Italy, and only seek the truth in line with the heart of the security strike only. "(Mao Zedong," Jian Institute and the establishment of the "July 21, 1919) Mao Zedong's this freedom autonomous personality, respect for the individual value of the idea that it can be said that throughout in his youth living in practice (and later life practice). November 15, 1919, Changsha Zhao young women have taken place in the five-ching for an arranged marriage against feudal persecution, committed suicide in the sedan chair in the tragic events caused the community a great shock. Mao Zedong with immense indignation, wrote a series of articles to comment. In <non-suicide ", it Mao Zedong pointed out:" Personality this thing, is due to be respected opponent area. He's preliminary question is to the will of freedom. "If there is no freedom? Not free rather die. To die as a struggle to obtain an independent personality. "Although Zhao F soil for 21 years (her 21-year-old) can not be her personality in the family, and her parents, although 21 years does not make her character, but in her last 21 years a 'moment, her personality suddenly Now. alack, alack! not me liberty or give me death. snow knife above normal, was stained with the blood of the strange red. Pothos Park Street in the dust Tourette洒满blood, of Dayton has become a solemn天衢. Miss Zhao's personality also then emerged, suddenly flare bottomless. "(" Miss Zhao's personality problems "November 18, 1919" Ta Kung Pao ")
It should be noted that, Mao Zedong advocated personality, emphasis on self-based, self-fulfillment, regardless of social and others are not. He stressed that to achieve the purpose of self-realization in the activities of enamel side, and "by virtue of activities lies in the various countries of the Group longitudinal community, combined with human." Visible, Mao does not exclude the community, but its basic premise is based on self - based.
回答者: souwang324 - 同进士出身 七级 12-27 13:43
In a certain sense, respect the individual value is young MAO zedong life values. He said: "the man is mad dislike most did know. All the correct theory, greatness, are being added with some of the madness of the memory madness invented by man created. We live in a society of the multifarious, deceit, no criticism of the spirit of the world, easy to do another slave." As an independent personality should how? "When we lose the idea, centered on the whole activities, such as sun shine out of the sea, like light to others. Regardless of whether strafed by which today (is) : yes, not only for understanding, which conforms to the truth, only heart." MAO zedong's "rehabilitation society (and the establishment of 1 919 in July 21) of MAO zedong's this free personality, respect the individual value thought, the youth throughout his life and the life of later (practice). In 1919, November 15, changsha occurred against feudal ZhaoWuZhen young woman arranged marriage in sedan, commit suicide in the tragic events, caused the social people from all walks of life's great shock. MAO zedong's incomparable indignation, with a series of articles written comment. In the paper, a suicide "MAO said:" this is due to the personality of exalted competitors. He settled question is to free will." If no freedom? No freedom or give me death. With death as the struggle to obtain independent personality. "Zhao woman is 21 years (21) in her family, she has not personality, though her parents don't make her 21 years, but in her personality 21 years last moments of her personality," suddenly comes now. Alas, alas! Give me liberty, or give me death. Snow general it and blame the red blood. Mandarin orange orchard street was above dust, turned to blood shining.may solemn day. Zhao lady personality qu rive will emerge from the flame and natural." The problem of ms zhao the personality on November 18, 1919 da gong bao)
It should be noted that MAO zedong emphasized individuality, principles, self-fulfillment egotistical, not disregard social and others. He stressed that achieve self-fulfillment Fa square in the objective activity, "the activity on the state of society is the combination of longitudinal group, human." Visible, MAO zedong does not repel the basic premise of society, but is standard.




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