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幼小的啄木鸟经过父母的精心喂养,大约鸟在出生后20天,它们就要学会飞,30天的时候老啄木鸟就要教给它自食其力的本领.这个时期教授小鸟生存本领对它的一生至关重要.通常,老啄木鸟会先在大树上这里啄啄,那里敲敲.忽尔,它停止了敲击,侧耳听听树干里的动静,示意小啄木鸟就在这里凿洞取虫。刚开始,由于小啄木鸟还很稚嫩,啄一会就会觉得有点劳累,嘴巴也有点疼痛,于是就在树枝上停下来.这时,母鸟就会飞到小鸟啄过的地方,接着用力一下一下凿下去,不一会儿就用舌钩把一个黄亮黄亮、韧胖韧胖的黄虫钩了出来。它把虫子衔在嘴里,既没送到小啄木鸟嘴里,自己也没吞下去,它用头示意小啄木鸟换位到它刚才凿开的洞口继续凿下去。小啄木鸟学着妈妈的样子一下一下用力啄下去,不一会儿,也钩出了一个黄亮黄亮的幼虫.从此,小啄木鸟就可以自己学会觅食了. 蛀在大树里的虫子被啄木鸟消灭掉了,大树的“病”很快就痊愈,困此啄木鸟有“森林医生”的美称.

The woodpecker about 20,000,000 years ago start in the whole world to appear, have 200 kinds, the distributed scope is very broad, the world each place forest all has nearlyIt is the tree roosts climbs the birds and beasts. The build slightly arrives medium, has to the foot foot, namely and so on two, 32 feet forward, first, 42 feet backward. The beak strong straight incisive, available chisels the bark. The tongue is tall and slender, can expand and contract, the state-of-art row lives the short hook, is suitable for in the hook food trees clothes eating insect. The tail assumes wedge-shaped, rachis coarse and stiff, pecks when the wood uses for the support body.
The woodpecker has extremely excellent catches the insect ability, but it is obstinate and argumentative the point straight, not only can peck opens the bark, moreover also can peck opens the hard lignin part, very much looks like the chisel which the carpentry uses, if the discovery bough somewhere has the insect, closely climbs on the tree, and mouth and bough nearly vertical, first broken the bark calligraphy stroke, comes out the harmful insect with the tongue 11 hooks eats, also uses the insect egg the mucilage to stick. When meets the insect hides when in the bough depth portion channel, it also can skillfully execute “beats a drum the expelling worms” the ingenious plan, with the mouth in the channel place rap, sends out specially, causes the harmful insect to produce frightened beats a drum the sound, causes the harmful insect under the sound wave stimulation, is muddleheaded changes, flees in all directions moves, often attempts to escape Dongkou, but but and so on is seized exactly in here woodpecker eats it. Therefore,这就是为什么总能听见啄木鸟发出”咚咚”的啄木声的原因了.大树里的蛀虫是啄木鸟的主要食物来源,所以,无论是雄鸟或是雌鸟,每天都要不辞辛苦的在树上啄500-600次来找寻蛀虫当美餐.
幼小的啄木鸟经过父母的精心喂养,大约鸟在出生后20天,它们就要学会飞,30天的时候老啄木鸟就要教给它自食其力的本领.这个时期教授小鸟生存本领对它的一生至关重要.通常,老啄木鸟会先在大树上这里啄啄,那里敲敲.忽尔,它停止了敲击,侧耳听听树干里的动静,示意小啄木鸟就在这里凿洞取虫。刚开始,由于小啄木鸟还很稚嫩,啄一会就会觉得有点劳累,嘴巴也有点疼痛,于是就在树枝上停下来.这时,母鸟就会飞到小鸟啄过的地方,接着用力一下一下凿下去,不一会儿就用舌钩把一个黄亮黄亮、韧胖韧胖的黄虫钩了出来。它把虫子衔在嘴里,既没送到小啄木鸟嘴里,自己也没吞下去,它用头示意小啄木鸟换位到它刚才凿开的洞口继续凿下去。小啄木鸟学着妈妈的样子一下一下用力啄下去,不一会儿,也钩出了一个黄亮黄亮的幼虫.从此,小啄木鸟就可以自己学会觅食了. 蛀在大树里的虫子被啄木鸟消灭掉了,大树的“病”很快就痊愈,困此啄木鸟有“森林医生”的美称.
第1个回答  2006-06-03
zygodactylous foot, 对趾足

The woodpecker appeared in the world about twenty million years ago, now it has 200 species which
spreads over almost all the forest in the world. It is a kind of tree-dwelling psittaci. Its body is from small to medium,it has zygodactylous foot,that is to say, the second and the third toes 向前,and 1st and the fourth toes backwards. Its beak is straight and sharp, which can be used to beat away the bark. Its tongue is slim and flexable, the top end of the tongue has lineally short claws applicable to catch the bristletails in the bark. Its trail shows cuniform,and the feather axes are strong and hard which are used to support its body when it is beaking.
The woodpecker has lofty ability of catching bristletails, its mouth is straight and sharp like a chisel, which can not only beak out the bark, but also the xylem. If it find a bristletail at one place in the bark, it clamber on the twigs tightly with its head and mouth almost vertical to the trunk, it breaks the bark and claws the pests out one by one and eats up as well as sticks their eggs with mucus. The bristletails in the bark are the main food resource for the woodpeckers, So, either the males or the females, should puts their selves out of the way to peck 500-600 times daily to catch bristletails as food.
After carefully feeding by the parents, the 20-day-old woodpecker can fly; while after 30 days the elders teach them the ability of earning their own living. It is important to teach the young woodpecker of living abilities during this stage. Generally, the elders beak on old trees here and there, suddenly they stop and listen to the sound in the bark and indicates the young woodpecker make a hole here and catch the bristletails. Firstly the young woodpeckers are too young to beak continuously, they feel a little tired and a little pain in their mouths, thus they stop in the branches.At this time, the mother will fly to the place where the young bird beaked and beak forcibly one by one, after a while she claws a bright yellow and fat bristletail out with her tongue. She holds the bristletail in her mouth without either sending to the mouth of her kids or swallowing down herself, but indicates the young woodpecker transfer a position to the hole she beaked to continual beak. The little woodpecker learns her mother,at a short moment, it claws a bright yellow bristletails. Then the little woodpeckers learn to catch larvae by their own. The bristletails in the old barks are eliminated by the woodpeckers, thus the “diseases” of the old trees will recover soon, and the woodpecker wins a good name as “forest doctor”.本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2006-06-09
The woodpecker began to appear in the whole world about 20 million years ago, there are 200 kinds now, distribution is in a very large range, nearly there is the forest throughout the world. It whether whom tree perch climb the birds. It is medium-sized for size to even as small as, have foot of toe type correctly , wait for two - 0.15 toe forward, first, after 0.2 kilograms of toes turn towards. The beak is strong and sharp directly , can be used for chiselling the bark. Tongue long and thin, can flexible, peak rank born short hook, suitable for eating the destructive insect in the trees in check mark . The end takes the form of wedge, the feather axle is thick and hard , use the health of the support while pecking the wood.
The woodpecker has extremely superb catching worm's ability , its mouth is strong and straight and sharp, can not only is it open bark to peck , can is it turn on hard wooden part to peck, very as chisel that woodwork spend, if find there are worms in some place of the trunk , climbs on the tree tightly , the head , mouth and trunk are nearly vertical, peck the bark broken first, sew the pest with large stitches one by one with the tongue to eat up , glue the worm's ovum with the mucus too out. When meeting insects and hiding in the passway of the deep department of trunk, it will also construct the wise move of " beating a drum and driving worms " skillfully , beat in the passway place with the mouth , send out the peculiar one , make the pest produce frightened hitting the rubadub, make the pest change direction confusedly , flee and move everywhere under the stimulus of the sound wave , often it attempt escape from entrance to a cave,it and can't happen not catching ,etc. woodpecker in here but food. , this is the reason why always can hear woodpeckers send out pecking wooden sound of " Dong Dong " . The destructive insect in the big tree is a main food source of the woodpecker, so, no matter male bird or the jenny, the ones that should make nothing of hard ship peck 500-600 times and look for the destructive insect the delicious meal on the tree every day.
The immature woodpecker, through the feeding meticulously of parents, probably the bird, 20 days after being born in, they would learn to fly soon, the old woodpecker would teach the ability that it earned one's own living in 30 days. The ability is essential to its life that professor's bird survives in this period. Usually, the old woodpecker will peck here on the large tree first , strikes there. Sometimes, it has stopped beating , picks up the ears to listen to the sound in trunks , hint the little woodpecker digs holes to fetch worms here. Just began, will feel a little tired for a moment because being still very tender, little woodpecker pecked, the mouth has a little pain too, then stop on the branch . At this moment, mother's bird will fly to the place where the bird pecked , then exert oneself to dig, soon with tongue one yellow and bright orange and bright, tough fat tough fat yellow worm come out by hook hook. It holds in the mouth the insect in the mouth, has not sent and pecked woodenly in the beak small, has not swallowed either by oneself, it hints with the head the little woodpecker replaces to the entrance to a cave which it chiselled just now to go on and dig. Little woodpecker's appearance of studying mother is pecked hard, soon, have sewn a yellow bright orange bright larva with large stitches out too. From then on, the little woodpecker can learn to look for food by oneself . The insect that ate in the big tree has been eliminated by the woodpecker, " disease " of the big tree heals soon, there is this tired woodpecker " Forest doctor " Laudatory title.
第3个回答  2006-06-03
Woodpecker about started appearing in the world 2000 ten thousand yearses ago, existing 200 kinds of, distribute the scope very widely, almost the world-wide locations forests all had.It is the birds of that the tree stay.The type of figure is small to arrive medium etc., having to the foot of the type of , then etc. two and 32 s are forward, the first and 42th ss are backward.The is strong to keep sharp, can use to dig to open the bark.The tongue is thin long, can flex, the sophisticated row livings the short hook, being suitable for the moth in the hook food tree.The tail presents the form of , the feather quill is thick hard, the wood the hour use to support body.
The woodpecker has to catch the insect skill extremely and superbly, its mouth is strong to keep and point, not only the ability opens the bark, and also the ability opens the strong and tough wood quality part, be like the chisel that carpenter use very much, if discover the tree trunk a certain to have the insect, tightly the is on the tree, the head and mouths and tree trunks are almost perpendicular, breaking the bark first, pulling out with hook pest use tongue 11 to eat up, gluing the insect egg also use the liquid glues.When meet the insect son hide in the tree trunk deep department of passage China Times, it still the extraordinary plan of the meeting 巧 " beat a drum to get rid of the insect", use the mouth to pound in the passage, send out especially different, make the pest creation fear of beat a drum the voice, make the pest is under the incitement of a wave, fainting the head to change direction, fleeing to move everywhere, usually attempting the break out of entrance to cave, but by luck drive wait to capture but eat it in the woodpecker here.So, this be why total can hear the reason of the wood voice that the woodpecker sends out" the ".The moth in the big tree is the main food source of the woodpecker, so, is the male bird or bird of s regardless, want to spare no efforts on the tree everyday the searches the moth to be the beautiful meal 500-600 times.
The young and small woodpecker keeps through with meticulous care feed of the parents, about the old woodpecker of bird will teach the skill that earns one's own living for it at the time of be born after 20 days, they will master to fly,30 days.This period professor the small bird existence skill goes to close the importance to its whole life.Usually, old woodpecker would first on the big tree the here , knock there.Suddenly , it stopped pound, the side ear hears the action in the tree trunk, signaling hint the small woodpecker right here to dig the hole to take the insect.Just start, because of the small woodpecker still very childish, a short while of will feel a trifle weariness from overwork, the mouth also has a little the ache, hence come to a stop on the tree branch.At this time, the female bird will fly the place that small bird lead, making an effort immediately after to dig bottom to go to once and once, not in a short while use the tongue hook a Huang bright Huang is bright, the fat yellow insect of fat of hooks to come out.It chases the insect son title in the mouth, since did not send to the small woodpecker mouth in, the oneself also did not swallow, it signals hint the small woodpecker to change the entrance to cave that digs to open just now to it to continue to dig with the head under.The small woodpecker learns mother's appearance make an effort the once and once descend go to, not in a short while, also pulled out with hook a yellow bright yellow bright young insect.From now on, small woodpecker the oneself can master to look for food. The 蛀 is in the insect in the big tree son were exterminated by the woodpecker," disease" of the big tree is very quick completely recovered, trap this woodpecker contain" forest doctor" of beautiful call.


第4个回答  2006-06-03
Woodpecker about 2000 million years ago in the global emergence of the existing 200, the distribution range almost all parts of the world forests have. It is the spirit bird trees. Small to medium size, with the full knowledge of humanity, such as 2, 32 toes forward, one, 42 toes backward. Sharp beak sick, can be used to lock bark. Day long, can extendable, sophisticated out the short hook, the hook of trees suitable for the borers. A wedge-shaped tail, feather axle Cuying, peck wood, for supporting the body. Woodpecker is extremely superb catching insects skills, its beak sick and sharp, not only can peck the bark, but also to peck a hard wood parts, like carpentry use cut, if found in the trunk somewhere worms, closely up in a tree, head and mouth with trunks almost vertical sending bark peck broken, pests using tongue 11 hook to devour. will also use insect egg mucus Nien out. When worms hiding in the trunk with the Department channels, it also coincidence Shi "drum deworming" -- and turns in the corridors Department percussion, a unique, the pests have fear drum sound, so that pests in acoustic stimulation, pretty confusing, everywhere strangely, often attempting to escape hole, and just being on here woodpecker units and the water. So, this is why always heard woodpecker issued "green" peck wood sound reasons. Woodpecker in the tree borers is the main source of food, so, whether male or mates, and every day we worked in a tree to find borers peck 500-600 times when America meals. Young parents carefully read the woodpecker feeding, About 20 days after birth in birds, they must learn to fly, a 30-day course will be taught its own old woodpecker skills. Professor killed this period of life is essential to its survival skills. Usually, old woodpecker in a tree, will be here peck peck, where table. Huer, it stopped percussion, Cocks the ears to listen to the forthcoming trunks Lane, so small woodpecker is here to pick holes insects. At the beginning, because small woodpecker still tender young voices, will be a bit of a peck exhaustion, the mouth is a bit of pain, so in the branches of stopped. At that time, parents will come too little peck place, and then forceful about what to cut, Shortly later used to define a hook Huanglianghuangliang, Ren Ren fat fat yellow worms hook out. It suggests title in the mouth, neither to small woodpecker mouth, and he could not swallow it first hand with small woodpecker put it just inside the hole to continue to identify future. The mother of a small woodpecker like to peck on a forceful, very soon, and hook up a Huanglianghuangliang the larvae. Since then, their small woodpecker can learn foraging. Termite woodpecker in a tree in the eradication of insects were lost, the trees "disease" quickly recovered, the woodpecker's "forest doctors" laudatory name.



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