



  rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战

  take a chance 冒险;投机

  take charge of 管理,接管

  lay a claim 要求;主张,自以为

  set up a claim to sth. 提出对某事物的要求

  combination with 与……结合

  seek comfort in 在……中寻找安慰

  take comfort in 在……中得到安慰

  get command of 控制

  take command of 开始担任……的.指挥

  communication with 与……通讯;与……交流

  keep company with 和……结交;和……亲热

  keep sb. company 陪伴某人,陪某人同走

  make a comparison between 把……进行比较

  competition with/against sb. 与某人竞争

  keep competition between 在……之间进行竞争

  complaint about/of 对……抱怨

  make a complaint against 控告

  come to a conclusion 得出结论

  have confidence in sb. 信任某人

  leave sth. out of consideration 对某事不加考虑

  rise to the challenge 接受挑战,迎战

  combination with 与...结合

  seek comfort in 在...中寻找安慰

  take command of 开始担任...的指挥

  communication with 与...通讯;与...交流

  keep company with 和...结交;和...亲热

  make a comparison between 把...进行比较

  keep competition between 在...之间进行竞争

  complaint about/of 对...抱怨


  因为某事赞扬某人praise sb. for sth.

  赞扬in praise of

  出席会议be present at a meeting

  眼下at present

  互赠礼物exchange presents

  在压力下under pressure

  防止某人做某事prevent sb. from doing

  以为代价at the price of

  无论花多少代价(不惜任何代价)at any price

  以为自豪;对感到得意take pride in

  小学primary school

  入狱,被监禁go to prison

  在狱中服刑be in prison

  将某人送进监狱throw / put sb. into prison

  越狱escape from prison

  解决问题settle/solve the problem

  回答问题answer the question

  遵守诺言keep ones promise

  答应,许下诺言make a promise

  以自豪be proud of

  公共事务public affairs

  舆论public opinion


  整理床铺make the bed

  以开始begin with

  在起始,开始at the beginning of

  自始自终from beginning to end

  形成局面;产生come into being

  安全带a safety belt

  尽力,尽最大的努力do / try ones best

  尽量利用,善用make the best of

  一切顺利,万事如意all the best

  黑体地,粗体地in bold

  鞠躬make a bow

  动动脑子use ones brains

  打破纪录break the record

  深吸一口气take a deep breath

  屏息;憋住气hold ones breath

  上气不接下气out of breath

  刷牙brush ones teeth

  突然哭起来burst into tears

  突然一阵大笑a burst of laughter

  要不是but for

  呼救声a call for help

  保持镇静(别慌)keep calm




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