

1. It is difficult to describe the characters in this show. 很难描述这部剧里的人物。
2. Remember you can describe people’s appearances or feelings by using You look . . . / You look . . . e.g. 记住描述某人的外貌或者感情用You look .
3. cool: 好;妙;帅;酷;凉 BsC中国英语学习网
4. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很有魅力.
5. Robinson is one full of labor of enthusiasm, great person, persistence. 鲁宾逊是一个充满劳动热情的人、伟大的人、坚毅的人。
6. The prosification of Wangzengqi's novels reflects in: literary sketch of figures; 汪曾祺小说的散文化表现为:人物描写的散文化;
7. A. She eats too much these days , so her face is getting round . 她最近62616964757a686964616fe78988e69d8331333363366163吃得太多了,所以她的脸变圆了。
8. wonderful: 精彩的;绝妙的;令人惊奇的 BsC中国英语学习网
9. She has a double chin. 她有双下巴。
10. 她又看见了一只蝴蝶,便调皮地奔过去,蝴蝶上下飞舞,她目不转睛盯着蝴蝶,终于蝴蝶停在了一朵花上,她躬着背,手中间隔着点空隙,脚尖小心翼翼踮着,汗珠从她的脸上滴落下来,她蹑手蹑脚地走到蝴蝶旁,猛地一弯腰,双手把花朵上的蝴蝶一捧。又小心地把双手露出点缝,把头靠在手缝上看,一不小心让蝴蝶飞出了双手,她又急又气撅着小嘴,双手往腰上一插,但马上又像只小鹿似的蹦跳着追赶另一个目标去了。
11. The form AABB as an adjective in northeastern dialect can describe people or things lively about their appearance, feature and state with a distinctive emotion. 西南方言中的AABB式描述词是一种可以生动描画人或物的情貌特征形态的描述词,带有鲜明的感情颜色。
12. 婴儿长得很小,头只有我的大洋娃娃这么大;脸圆圆的,红红的,像只大苹果。她 睡得很甜,两只眼闭得紧紧的,像两条线;两道眉毛像弯弯的新月;小嘴巴经常一动一动 的,好像在吃奶。她浑身被小被子包住,还用绳子扎紧,一动也不能动。
13. a friendly smile will help you to win others heart. 友好的笑容能帮助你赢得别人的心
14. She was not only admired but also genuinely respected by members of both sexes. 无论男人或是女人,不仅羡慕她,而且打心里尊重她。
15. Artist cutting pen with exquisite detail to portray characters and painted the surrounding environment. 作者用细致的笔伐,将人物的外貌和神情描画地惟妙惟肖。
16. she was young,with a fair,calm face that showed a certain strength.
17. She had the most beautiful blue eyes I had ever seen.
18. Chinese figure paintings are particular over conveying spirit through form, expressing inward world by portraying appearance. 中国人物画讲究以形写神,形神兼备,强调对人物外貌特征的描绘是为了表现人物的内心世界。
19. 简短的引证解释:指内容简单,言词不长。阿英 《高尔基和中国济难会》:xxx我们的党即使有这一材料,也是不容易保存下来的,很可能只剩下我写的这几行简短的记录了。
20. She is charming when she smiles. 她笑起来的时候很有魅力。



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