翻译英文 有很多是简体的·高手来谢谢

im nt happy at da mo...nt at all..
ive been here waitin for da whole day...wel...at least since diz aftanoon....
n i havnt even received even 1 txt frm u juz 2 tell me wher u r..
u da onli 1 dat i fink ov 4 da whole day since i wake up...
y da fk i juz dnt even gt da chance 2 know where da fuk u r n wt da fuk u doin rite nw...
guess im juz nt doz kind ov ppl hu knows hw 2 tolerate diz then.
itz nt dat uve done anethin wrong or wtf...
i know u suit me...n u may b da 1 dat suits me da best..n ys i do reali lyk u..
i lyk da way u talk 2 me..da way u act...da way u do everything...
bt we juz dnt gt da chance to b lyk da way we wana2 be...diz iz so called DESTINY..
i hate da way dat i neva know where 2 get u when u suddenli disappear...since im nt at anywhere near u...
i hate da way dat i miss u..so much lyk today..which takes all ov mah energy away...
dis makes me feel so fkd up..
nt again...fuk..

很雷人,帮你整理了一下。 请问LZ你这NB英语哪儿抄来的?

im nt happy at da mo...nt at all..
i'm not happy at the moment,not at all.
ive been here waitin for da whole day...wel...at least since diz aftanoon....
i've been here waiting for the whole day,well,at least since this afternoon.
n i havnt even received even 1 txt frm u juz 2 tell me wher u r..
and i hav'nt received even one sms from you,just to tell me,where you are.
u da onli 1 dat i fink ov 4 da whole day since i wake up...
you are the only one,that i think of for the whole day,since i wake up。
y da fk i juz dnt even gt da chance 2 know where da fuk u r n wt da fuk u doin rite nw...
you the fxck,i just don't even get the chance to know,where the fxck you are,and what the fxck you doing right now.
guess im juz nt doz kind ov ppl hu knows hw 2 tolerate diz then.
guess i'm just not that kind of people,who knows how to tolerate this then.
itz nt dat uve done anethin wrong or wtf...
it's not that you've done anything wrong or whatever.
i know u suit me...n u may b da 1 dat suits me da best..n ys i do reali lyk u..
i know you suit me,and you may be the one that suits me the best,and yes i do really like you.
i lyk da way u talk 2 me..da way u act...da way u do everything...
i like the way you talk to me,the way you act,the way you do everything.
bt we juz dnt gt da chance to b lyk da way we wana2 be...diz iz so called DESTINY..
but we just don't get the chance to be like the way we want to be,this is so called DESTINY
i hate da way dat i neva know where 2 get u when u suddenli disappear...
i hate the way that i never know where to get you,when you suddenly disappear.
since im nt at anywhere near u...
since i'm not at anywhere near you.
i hate da way dat i miss u..so much lyk today..which takes all ov mah energy away...
i hate the way that i miss you,so much like today,which takes all of my energy away.
dis makes me feel so fkd up..
this makes me fell so fxcked up.
nt again...fuk..
not again,fxck



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