


1.1 Theory and Overviews

· Baldwin, Richard E.; Forslid, Rikard; Martin, Philippe; Ottaviano, Gianmarco I.P. and Robert-Nicoud, Frédéric (2003) Economic Geography and Public Policy. Princeton University Press.

· Fujita, Masahisa; Krugman, Paul and Venables, Anthony (1999) The Spatial Economy: Cities, Regions and International Trade, MIT Press: Cambridge, MA.

· Fujita, Masahisa and Thisse, Jacques-Fran?ois (2002) Agglomeration and Market Interaction, CEPR Discussion Paper No. 3362.
· Henderson, J. Vernon and Thisse, Jacques-Fran?ois (2004) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics - Volume 4: Cities and Geography, Elsevier.

· Markusen, James; Melvin, James; Kaempfer, William and Maskus, Keith (1995) International Trade: Theory and Evidence, McGraw-Hill.

· Neary, Peter (2001) "Of Hype and Hyperbolas: Introducing the New Economic Geography". Journal of Economic Literature, vol. 39, pp. 536-561.

· Rossi-Hansberg, Esteban (2006) "A Spatial Theory of Trade". American Economic Review, vol. 95, pp. 1464-1491.
· Sj?berg, ?rian and Sj?holm, Fredrik (2002) "Common Ground? Prospects for Integration the Economic Geographers of Geographers and Economists". Environment and Planning A, vol. 34, pp. 467-486.

1.2 Empirics: Overview

· Brakman, S.; Garretsen, H.; Gorter, J.; van der Horst, A. and Schramm, M. (2005) "New Economic Geography, Empirics, and Regional Policy". Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis working paper.

· Head, Keith and Mayer, Thierry (2004) "The Empirics of Agglomeration and Trade". In: Henderson, V. and Thisse, J.F. (eds.) Handbook of Regional and Urban Economics, Elsevier. (download pdf).

· Helpman, Elhanan (1999) "Explaining the Structure of Foreign Trade: Where do We Stand?" Journal of Economic Perspectives, vol. 13, pp. 121-124.

· Krugman, Paul (1994) "Empirical Evidence on the New Trade Theories: The Current State of Play". In: New Trade Theories, CEPR Conference Report, London.

· Leamer, Edward E. (1994) "Testing Trade Theory". In: Greenaway, D. and Winters, L.A. (ed.) Surveys in International Trade, Blackwell, Oxford.

· Leamer, Edward E. and Levinsohn, James (1995) "International Trade Theory: The Evidence". In: Grossmann, G. and Rogoff, K. (eds.) Handbook of International Economics, vol. 3, Elsevier, New York.

· Overman, Henry; Redding, Stephen and Venables, Anthony (2001) "The Economic Geography of Trade, Production and Income: A Survey of Empirics". CEPR Discussion Paper No. 2978.

· Feenstra, Robert C., Lipsey, Robert E. and Bowen, Harry P. (1997) "World Trade Flows, 1970-1992; With Production and Tariff Data", NBER Working Paper No. 5910


2.1 Trade Structures

· Balassa, Bela (1965) "Trade Liberalisation and 'Revealed' Comparative Advantage". Manchester School, vol. 33, 99-123.

· Bernhofen, D.M. and Brown, J.C. (2005) “An Empirical Assessment of the Comparative Advantage Gains from Trade: Evidence from Japan” American Economic Review, vol. 95, pp. 208-225.

· Brülhart, Marius and Elliott, Robert (1998) "Adjustment to the European Single Market: Inferences from Intra-Industry Trade Patterns". Journal of Economic Studies, vol. 25., pp. 225-247.

· Rice, Patricia; Stewart, Martin and Venables, Anthony J. (2002) “The Geography of Intra-Industry Trade: Empirics”. CEPR Discussion Paper No. 3368.

2.2 Sectoral Specialisation / Geographic Concentration

· Arbia, Guiseppe (2000) "Empirics for Regional Convergence and Polarization: The Role of Spatial Dependence". Mimeo, University of Pescara.

· Brülhart, Marius (1998) "Trading Places: Industrial Specialisation in the European Union". Journal of Common Market Studies, vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 319-346.

· Brülhart, Marius (2001) "Evolving Geographical Specialisation of European Manufacturing Industries". Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 137, pp. 215-243.

· Brülhart, Marius (2001) "Growing Alike or Growing Apart? Industrial Specialisation of EU Countries". In: Charles Wyplosz (ed.) The Impact of EMU on Europe and the Developing Countries, Oxford University Press.

· Brülhart, Marius (2006) "The Fading Attraction of Central Regions: An Empirical Note on Core-Periphery Gradients in Western Europe". Spatial Economic Analysis, vol. 1, pp. 227-235.

· Brülhart, Marius and Traeger, Rolf (2005) "An Account of Geographic Concentration Patterns in Europe". Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 35, pp. 597-624.

· Desmet, Klaus and Fafchamps, Marcel (2005) "Changes in the Spatial Concentration of Employment across US Counties: a Sectoral Analysis". Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 5, pp. 261-284.

· Desmet, Klaus and Fafchamps, Marcel (2006) "Employment Concentration across US Counties". Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 36, pp. 482-509.

· Kim, Sukkoo (1995) "Expansion of Markets and the Geographic Distribution of Economic Activities: The Trends in U.S. Regional Manufacturing Structure, 1860-1987". Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 110, pp. 881-908.

· Kim, Sukkoo (1998) "Economic Integration and Convergence: US Regions, 1840-1987". Journal of Economic History, vol. 58, pp. 659-683.

· Hallet, Martin (2000) "Regional Specialisation and Concentration in the EU". Economic Papers, European Commission Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs, No. 141.

· Redding, Stephen (2002) "Specialization Dynamics". Journal of International Economics, vol. 58, pp. 299-334.

· Storper, Michael; Chen, Yun-chung and De Paolis, Fernando (2002) "Trade and the Location of Industries in the OECD and European Union". Journal of Economic Geography, vol. 2, pp. 73-107.
2.3 Geographical Clustering of Firms

· Devereux, Michael P.; Griffith, Rachel and Simpson, Helen (1999) "The Geographic Distribution of Production Activity in the UK". Institute for Fiscal Studies Working Paper, No. 99/26.
· Dumais, Guy; Ellison, Glenn and Glaeser Edward L. (2002) "Geographic Concentration as a Dynamic Process". Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 84, pp. 193-204.

· Duranton, Gilles and Overman, Henry (2005) "Testing for Localisation Using Micro-Geographic Data". Review of Economic Studies, vol. 72, pp. 1077-1106.

· Ellison, Glenn and Glaeser, Edward L. (1997) "Geographic Concentration in U.S. Manufacturing Industries: A Dartboard Approach". Journal of Political Economy, vol. 105, pp. 889-927.

· Henderson, J. Vernon (2003) "Marshall's Scale Economies". Journal of Urban Economics, vol. 53, pp. 1-28.

· Lafourcade, Miren and Mion, Giordano (2007) "Concentration, Agglomeration and the Size of Plants". Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 37, pp. 46-68.

· Marcon, Eric and Puech, Florence (2002) "Measures of Geographic Concentration of Industries: Improving Distance-Based Methods". Mimeo, University of Paris I.

· Maurel, F. and Sédillot, B. (1999) "A Measure of the Geographic Concentration in French Manufacturing Industries". Regional Science and Urban Economics, vol. 29, pp. 575-604.

2.4 The Gravity Model and Border Effects

· Anderson, James A. and van Wincoop, Eric (2003) “Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle”. American Economic Review, vol. 93, pp. 170-192.

· Baldwin, Richard E. and Taglioni, Daria (2006) “Gravity for Dummies and Dummies for Gravity Equations”. NBER Working Paper, No. 12516.

· Br?cker, Johannes (1984) “How Do International Trade Barriers Affect Interregional Trade?” In ?.E. Andersson, W. Isard, and T. Puu (eds) Regional and Industrial Development Theories: Models and Empirical Evidence, Amsterdam: North Holland.

· Carrère, Céline (2006) “Revisiting the Effects of Regional Trade Agreements on Trade Flows with Proper Specification of the Gravity Model”. European Economic Review, vol. 50, pp. 223-247.

· Head, Keith (2000) "Gravity for Beginners". Mimeo, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

· Head, Keith and Mayer, Thierry (2000) "Non-Europe: The Magnitude and Causes of Market Fragmentation in the EU". Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 136, pp. 285-314.

· Head, Keith and Mayer, Thierry (2002) "Illusory Border Effects: Distance Mismeasurement Inflates Estimates of Home Bias in Trade". CEPII Working Paper, No. 2002-01, Paris.

· Helliwell, John F. (1997) "National Borders, Trade and Migration". Pacific Economic Review, vol. 2, pp. 165-185.

· McCallum, John (1995) "National Borders Matter: Canada-U.S. Regional Trade Patterns". American Economic Review, vol. 85, pp. 615-623.

· Rose, Andrew K. (2000) "One Money, One Market: The Effect of Common Currencies on Trade". Economic Policy, vol. 30, pp. 9-45.

· Rauch, James E. (1999) "Networks Versus Markets in International Trade". Journal of International Economics, vol. 47, pp. 317-345.

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· Wei, Shang-Jin (1996) "How Reluctant are Nations in Global Integration?" NBER Working Paper, No. 5531. (download pdf)

· Wolf, Holger (2000) "Intra-National Home Bias in Trade" Review of Economics and Statistics, vol. 82, pp. 555-563. (download pdf)

2.5 Heterogeneous Firms, FDI and Vertical Specialisation

· Antràs, Pol (2003) “Firms, Contracts and Trade Structure”. Quarterly Journal of Economics, vol. 118, pp. 1054-1073. (download pdf)

· Baldwin, Richard E. (2005) “Heterogeneous Firms and Trade: Testable and Untestable Properties of the Melitz Model”. NBER Working Papers, No. 11471. (download pdf)


3.1 Regressing Specialisation on its Determinants

· Amiti, Mary (1999) "Specialisation Patterns in Europe". Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, vol. 135, pp. 573-593. (download pdf)

3.2 Testing Neoclassical Trade Theory: Leontief, Etc.

· Bernstein, J.R. and Weinstein, D.E. (2002) "Do Endowments Predict the Location of Production? Evidence from National and International Data". Journal of International Economics, vol. 56, pp. 55-76. (download pdf)

· Bowen, H.; Leamer, E. and Sveikauskas, L. (1987) "Multicountry, Multifactor Tests of the Factor Abundance Theory". American Economic Review, vol. 77, pp. 791-809. (download pdf)

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· Davis, Donald R. and Weinstein, David E. (2000) "International Trade as an 'Integrated Equilibrium': New Perspectives". American Economic Review (Papers and Proceedings), vol. 90, pp. 150-154. (download pdf)

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3.3 Testing the "New" Trade Theory: The Home-Market Effect, Etc.

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第1个回答  2009-02-17

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[3]André, F., M. Cardenete, and E. Velázquez, Performing an environmental tax reform in a regional economy. A computable general equilibrium approach. The Annals of Regional Science, 2005. 39(2): p. 375-392.本回答被提问者采纳



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