
你好!很高兴收到你的来信,我认为你说的很有道理,我想肤色和距离并不能阻碍我们成为朋友。唯一让我头痛的是,我英文不是很好,现在正在努力学习,我是请朋友帮我翻译这段话的。当然如果你会一点中文就太好了。这里请允许我再次介绍下我自己,我叫Jr Niu,我喜欢的是篮球和唱歌,我居住在中国厦门,一个有着大海及蓝天的城市。希望你能有机会来做客,我将带你好好的游玩,带你去了解中国的文化及历史,我想你会爱上这个国家和城市。你在美国哪个城市呢?我想那应该很棒吧,如果你邀请的话我也想来你的家乡看看。所以请你在回信的时候能详细介绍下你自己并附上你的照片,因为我急切的想知道你的样子和你的情况。好了。就到这吧万里之外美丽的姑娘 ,期待你的回信!

Jr Niu
非常急 请英语6极以上的朋友帮我翻译 这封信对我很重要,请尽量帮我翻译的通顺及流畅。不胜感激 谢谢

你好!很高兴收到你的来信,我认为你说的很有道理,我想肤色和距离并不能阻碍我们成为朋友。唯一让我头痛的是,我英文不是很好,现在正在努力学习,我是请朋友帮我翻译这段话的。当然如果你会一点中文就太好了。这里请允许我再次介绍下我自己,我叫Jr Niu,我喜欢的是篮球和唱歌,我居住在中国厦门,一个有着大海及蓝天的城市。希望你能有机会来做客,我将带你好好的游玩,带你去了解中国的文化及历史,我想你会爱上这个国家和城市。你在美国哪个城市呢?我想那应该很棒吧,如果你邀请的话我也想来你的家乡看看。所以请你在回信的时候能详细介绍下你自己并附上你的照片,因为我急切的想知道你的样子和你的情况。好了。就到这吧万里之外美丽的姑娘 ,期待你的回信!

How are you! Very pleased to receive your letter, I think you said very good argument, I want to color and distance and should not prevent us from becoming friends. The only headache is that I English is not very good, and now are trying to study, I was about to invite a friend to help me Translate this passage. Of course, if you will a little English on the wonderful. Allow me here again next introduce myself, My name is Jr Niu, yes I like basketball and singing, I live in Xiamen, China, a country with a blue sea and city. Hope that you will have the opportunity to来做客, I will take you a good play, take you to understand Chinese culture and history, I think you would Fall in love with this country and city. Which cities in the United States you do? I think that it should be great, if you are invited, then I also want to see your homeland. So, please when you reply to a detailed introduction of yourself and attach your photos, because I am eager to know the look of your face and your situation. Well. Thousands of miles on it outside of this beautiful girl, looking forward to your reply!
第1个回答  2009-02-18
Hi!Nice to receive your letter.You are totally right on that Nothing can prevent us becoming the best friends,include the freshtone and the distance between us.But the most problem put pn me is that I'm not good at English.I was asked a friend to translate this letter as I am trying my best to study the English now.That will be great if you can speak Chinese a little.Please allow me to introduce myself again.You can call me JrNiu.I like playing basketball and singing songs.I live in Amoy of China where face to the ocean.Hoping you can be the guest here any chance.Then I will show you the tourist resort,let you known Chinese historic culture.I am sure you will love this city,will also fall in love with China.
Can you tell me which city do you live in America?I think it must be very beautiful.I will be happy to visit your hometown if you invite me to.So please introduce yourself in detail when you write back as I cann't wait to kown all about you.It will be much wonderfull that if you can inclose your pictrue.
Well,my preety girl,I will stop here.I'm looking forward to you.

第2个回答  2009-02-18
Hello!Glad to receive your letter.I think that you are right,I think that skin and distance can't hinder us from becoming friends.The only thing that makes me terrible is that I am poor in English,but I am trying to improving my English.This letter is written by my friend.Of course,this is all right if you know a little Chinese.Please allow me to introduce myself again,I am Jr Niu.Playing basketball and singing are my hobbies.I live in Xiamen,China,which ownes sea and blue sky.Welcome to be here,I will lead you to have a funny trip,bring you to learn the culture and history of China.I think that you will fall in love with this country and this city.Which city of USA are you in?I think that you hometown is very nice,if invited,I would like to visit your hometown.So please introduce youself in your replying letter in detail and attach to your pictures,I want to know your appearance and your imformation.Well,let me stop here.Hope to receive your responding,my pretty girl far away.
Jr Niu
第3个回答  2009-02-18
Hi~ It's so delighting to receive your letter.

I think what you said is right that different skin colours and physical distance will never stop us from being friends. The only thing that I worry about is my poor English. I am now trying my best to improve it. And I had this letter translated to English by my friend. It would be so nice if you understood some Chinese!

I would like to do a re-introduction about myself here. My name is Jr Niu and I am interested in playing basketball and singing. I live in Xiamen, which is a city of clear sky and blue sea. I hope that some day you would come and pay a visit to me. Then, I would bring you around the city and take you to the ancient sites where you would grab some ideas of Chinese history. And I believe that you would love this city as well as this country.

Which city do you live in in the US? It must be a beautiful place. I would love to come to the US and visit you if you invite me. Finally, would you attach some photos of you and write something about yourself in your reply letter, so that I could know more about you? Well, I'll stop here. Looking forward to your reply, dear girl.

Jr Niu

第4个回答  2009-02-18
Hi, it's good to hear from you. I think what you said is good piont. The color of skin and distance cant block us to be friends. But one thing bothering me is I am not good at English, but I am working hard on it now. So I got a friend to translate this, of course it would be nice if you know some Chinese. Let me introduce myself. I am Jr Niu. I like playing basketball and singing. I live in the city of Xiameng China, which has blue sky and sea. Hope you can come and visit here, and I will take you around, to show you the culture and history of China. I am sure you would love the city and the country. Which city are you in? I bet it's great. I'd like to go and visit your hometown if I got the invitation. So please let me know you and of course if you could attach your photo, I am wandering what you look like and any details of you.

A girl from thousands of miles away looking forward to your reply

Jr Niu



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