

Tang Priest with Goku walked all the day and had a rest in a house called Gaolaozhuang. The host knew that Tang was a great Priest and telled him a story about his daughter. He said a pig monster will bring away his daughter for marrying her. He wanted Tang to assist his daughter to be escape from the pig monster. Goku came up with a great idea.

That night, Goku disguise himself as his daughter and wait on the bed. Just wait about 5 minutes, the pig monster came. Goku lured him and took of all Goku's clothes. This time Goku is naked and the pig monster can't stand the temptation of the charms. He get close to Goku,catch his hand and want to have sexual relationship with Goku. Goku pretended to yell Don't,Don't... and pretended to be enjoyable. That night Goku lose his purity and sooner and later, Goku was pregnant and delivered a baby. The pig monster did't know the woman was Goku, and he named the baby Shazeng.
One day, the lord showed his face to the pig monster, and made Goku show his monkey face. The pig monster was ashamed and shocked, which made him nearly suiside. The lord washed their brain and gave them a assignment of going on a pilgrimage for Buddhist scriptures. And this was black history of the beginning of the four person's story.



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