


Our government countermeasures for the appreciation of the renminbi
1, to strengthen regional monetary cooperation.
In the 1960 s, walter mondale optimal currency area theory was put forward.Economy closely linked in many countries, he argues, area, in the form of elements by the trade and mobile phase coupling between them.If they move more, higher production levels and elements of trade between fixed exchange rate to benefit members, they decided to join the currency because they get benefits greater than lose yourself macro adjustment stable economic benefits (through the exchange rate changes).Optimum currency area theory is put forward to factor mobility as to establish the standard of optimal currency area.In the areas of production elements can free flow, a fixed exchange rate system is feasible.Model is the euro zone on the implementation of optimum currency areas.Based on this, the establishment of the china-asean free trade area, China is bound up with the countries of southeast Asia economic cooperation, trade between countries frequently.Strengthening our country with the countries of southeast Asia regional monetary cooperation, on the one hand, reduce the east Asian currency peg to the dollar, for floating the yuan against the dollar and the RMB exchange rate relationship is not stable, and stable trade relations between the east Asian countries.On the other hand, to avoid the yuan trade impact brought by heavy rely on the dollar.
2, strengthen the monetary policy macro regulation and control, stable exchange rate.
Exchange rate changes will affect the change of foreign exchange receipts and payments, lead to changes in domestic capital market supply and demand, which affects interest rates.In general, foreign currency exchange rates to rise, can inhibit exports and foreign investment inflows, thus reduce the money supply on the domestic financial market, interest rates began to rise.Foreign currency exchange rate drops, the result is opposite.Interest rates, on the other hand, also effects of exchange rate, interest rate parity theory argues that higher rates countries, currency forward discount;Interest rates low countries, currency forward premium.Therefore, China's central bank to avoid the yuan to rise indefinitely, need to raise interest rates, accordingly produce international spread, prompted capital inflows, bring the domestic monetary base on the increase, the effect of the rise of the money supply;In the long-term investors will change renminbi into foreign, reduced demand for the renminbi, the appreciation of the renminbi pressure decreases, the forward discount.A stable RMB exchange rate.
3, improve the RMB exchange rate mechanism.
Step by step to carry on the exchange rate formation mechanism reform, earnestly implement based on market supply and demand in the true sense of a managed floating exchange rate system, give full play to the role of the central bank, the filter, the pursuit of exchange rate stability of interval value, make the RMB exchange rate stability from the management on the basis of float to float on the basis of the management mechanism of change;At the same time, open the capital account step by step, steadily push forward the process of internationalization, increase the ability to resist risks, make the RMB exchange rate gradually to completely free floating exchange rate system.Therefore need to advance reform from the following several aspects: first, straighten out the market supply and demand.On the basis of risk prevention, gradually relax restrictions on foreign demand, from one-way demand control to supply and demand both sides regulation.Second, realize the management ways and means of diversification.Both central Banks direct intervention in the currency markets, including combined with certain macroeconomic conditions, by adjusting the quantity of supply and demand of local and foreign as well as the adjustment of interest rates and other methods to comprehensive regulation.Finally, appropriate to expand the range of floating exchange rate and volatility, enhance the flexibility of the RMB exchange rate and flexibility, speed up the internationalization of the yuan.
第1个回答  2015-11-06



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