




一、 一般现在时:
1. 一般情况:加-s 例:reads,writes,says
2. 以s,x,ch,sh收尾的词加-es 例:teaches,washes,guesses
3. 以辅音字母+y结尾的词变y为i再加-es 例:try—tries,carry—carries。
do you know it?
are you students?
does she have a pen?
we always care for each other and help each other。
they cycle to work every day。
he loves sports。
do you sing?a little。
i major in english。
3. 遍真理:
light travels faster than sound。
two and four makes six。
the moon moves round the earth。
i feel a sharp pain in my chest。
the soup contains too much salt。
you see what i mean?
the coat fits you very well。
how do you find the book?
i send you my best wishes。
i salute your courage。
now i extend my heartfelt thanks to you。
when do the train leave(stop at jinan)?
the plane take off at 11 am。
tomorrow is saturday。
is there a firm on tonight?
tell her about that when she come。
turn off the light before you leave。
we‘ll start as soon as you are ready。
they say xiao wu is back。is that true?
xiao yu tells me you‘re going abroad。
oh,i forget where he lives。
yes,you answer quite well。
二、 现在进行时
i am working。
i am not working。
am i working?
where are they having the basket-ball match?
they are putting up the scaffolding。
he‘s showing a foreign guest round the city。
how are you getting on with the work?
the work is going fairly smoothly。
you are making rapid progress。
it is blowing hard。
who are you waiting for?
whenever i see her,she is working in the garden。我每次看到她时,她总是在花园里干活。
do you see anyone over there?你看到那里有什么人吗?
are you seeing someone off?你在给谁送行吗?

i hear someone singing。我听见有人唱歌。
they are hearing an english talk?他们在听一个英语报告。

what do you think of it?你觉得这怎么样?
what are you thinking about?你在想什么?
he is jumping up and down。她一上一下地跳着。
the train is arriving。火车就要进站了。
the old man is dying。老头病危了。
we are leaving on friday。
are you going anywhere tomorrow?
a foreign guest is giving a lecture in english this afternoon。
xiao hong!coming。
who is interpreting for you?
we are having a holiday next monday。
另外,“be going+不定式”这个结构经常用来表示即将发生的事或打算(准备)做的事:
i am afraid it is going to rain。
it is going to be rather cold tomorrow。
she is not going to speak at the meeting。
在这个结构中过去有许多人不赞成用go和come这两个动词,感到很别扭,主张不说are you going to go anywhere tomorrow?而说are you going anywhere tomorrow?不说is she going to come?而说is she coming?但现在在这种结构中用两个动词的人越来越多,这种用法基本上被大家接受了。
do not mention this when you are talking with him。
remember that when you are taking a rest,some else is always working。
if she is still sleeping,do not wake her up。
a. how are you feeling today?(比how do you feel today?更显亲切)
xiao hua is doing fine work at school。(比xiao hua does fine work at school。更富赞美)
he is always thinking of his work。表赞许
he is constantly leaving his thing about。她老是乱扔东西。(表不满)
he is always boasting。他老爱说大话。(表厌烦)
b.he is sleeping in the next room now。他现在现在是在隔壁房间睡了(不再原来房间睡了)。
the professor is typing his own letters while his secretary is ill。
where is he working?他现在在那里工作?(可能刚换工作)
for this week we are starting work at 7:30。
he is walking to work because his bicycle is being repaired。
you are not being modest。
he is being silly。
she is being friendly。
xiao hong is being a good girl today。
do not talk rot。i am being serious。
注: 在there和here引起的句子中,常可用一般现在时代替现在进行时:
here comes the bus。(=the bus is coming.)
there goes the bell. (=the bell is ringing.)
i wonder (am wondering) how i should answer then.
does your leg hurt? (is your leg hurting?)
it itches (is itching) terribly.
my back aches (is aching).
i write (am writing ) to inform you.

(发帖时间:2004-01-06 19:51:16)


三、 一般将来时
i shall go.
i shall not go.
shall i go?
i will (shall) arrive tomorrow.
will you be busy tonight?
the agreement will come into force next spring.
we won’t (shan’t) be free tonight.
i will think it over.
who will take the chair?
will she come?
they won’t object it.
在以i 或 we 作主语的问句中,一般用shall,这时或是征求对方的意见(a),或是询问一个情况(b):
a. shall i make a fair copy of it?
which book shall i read first?
where shall we meet?
b. shall we have any classes tomorrow?
when shall we have the rehearsal?
shall i be able to find them there?
what will we do?
how will get there?
which will i take?
i’ll let you have the book when i’m through.
they’ll fight till they win complete victory.
i’ll be round to see you if i have time tomorrow.
1. 表示愿望:
if they won’t cooperate, our plan will fall flat.
if he won’t arrive this morning, why should we wait here。
1. be going +不定式(表打算、准备作的事或即将发生或肯定要发生的事):
we ‘re going to put up a building here.
how are you going to spend your holiday?
who is going to speak first?
2. be +不定式(表示按计划安排要发生的事或用来征求对方的意见):
when is the factory to go into production?
the line is (going) to be opened to traffic next week.
am i to (=shall i ) go on with the work?
school finishes on january 18th.
we get off at the next stop.
when does the winter vacation begin?
we are having an english evening tonight.
they are playing some folk music next.
i am talking the children to the zoo (on sunday ).
next term i will try to do better. i’ll speak more english and do more reading-aloud.
he’ll come to see you when he has time.
he’ll tell you if you ask him.
在表示打算或准备时,如不提时间、条件等,多用be going to这个结构,用一般将来时时很少的,特别是在口语中:
he is going to buy a dictionary.(很少说he will buy a dictionary.)
在谈即将发生的情况时,用be going to 这个结构也多一些。在表示按计划安排要做得事时,用be to 的时候也不少。另外还有将来进行时等时态也可表示将来的动作。
注:be about to 可表示即将作某事
we are about to leave.
he is about to retire.
a drowning man will catch at a straw.
crops will die without water.
oil will float on water.
a. that man in the middle will be the visiting minister.
b. the hall will seat 500people.

四、 一般过去时
一般过去时由动词的过去式表示,动词be有was, were两个过去式,was用于第一、三人称单数,were用于其他情况。在构成否定及疑问句时,一般都借助助动词did, 动词be有其独特的疑问及否定形式(基本上和一般现在时一致)。这个时态的三种结构可表示如下:
i worked there.
i did not work there.
did you work there?
i was there.
i was not there.
was i there?
who put forward the suggestion?
when did she leave?
she often came to help us.
i was glad to get your letter.
what was the final score?
how did you like their performance?
lao she was a great writer.
my grandmother was kind to us.
brahms was/is one of the greatest representative of german classicalism.
do/did you want to see me?
i wonder/wondered if you could spare a few minutes.
i want/wanted to ask if i can/could borrow your bike.


五、 现在完成时
i have read it.
i have not read it.
have you read it?
1. 到现在为止的这一时期中发生的情况(可能时多次动作的总和,也可表示状态和习惯性动作):
we have opened up 200 mu of land this year.
how many pages have you covered today?
i haven’t seen him for many days.
2. 对现状有影响的某一已发生的动作:
the delegation has already left.
i have seen the film many times.
the city has taken on a new look.
注: 这个时态有时还可以表示过去曾发生过一次或多次的情况,也可以说是一种经历:
all our children have had measles.
man’s hairs have grown white in a single might.
he says that he has seen a meteor at some time.
1. 当有一个表示过去某时的状语(包括when)时,不能用现在完成时:
i saw her a minute ago.
just now xiao lin came to see you.
when did you get to know it?
up till now we have planted over 24,000 fruit trees.
we haven’t had any physical training classes this week.
he has learned a good deal since he came here.
3.在用already, yet, just, as yet, ever, never这类副词作状语时,常可用现在完成时:
this is the second game. they ’ve already won a game.
have you got the plan ready yet? –no, not yet.
i’ve just received a money order.
did you get up very early?
has he got up?

what did you have for lunch?
have you had lunch?

i got the news from xiao yu.
i’ve got no news from him.
注: 有since引起的状语时,主要谓语通常用完成时态:
we met in 1972,and have been good friends ever since (then).
it has rained a great deal since you left.
we haven’t seen each other again since them (since we parted in 1952). 但在表示时间长度时可用一般现在时。
l 在使用一个表示状态的动词(如be, seem等)作谓语时,间或也可用现在时态:
it’s ok since i fixed it.
it seems a long time since i was here.
i’m getting interested in china since you came here. 间或用过去时,特别时在口语中。
i lost ten pounds since i started swimming.
i haven’t seen him since i have been back.
since i have known her, she has been fond of sports.
has xiao yang come?
did xiao yang come?

how many people have gone to the factory?
how many people went to the factory?

we haven’t invited him.
we didn’t invite him.
has he gone to town? how did he go there? 后一句谈动作本身,与现在无联系。
have you had your lunch? where did you have it? 你吃中午饭了吗?在那吃的?
has she left? why did she leave so early?
how have you been (recently)?
the conference has lasted five days.
we’ve known each other since we were children.
he’s been back for three days. (不能用has come back)
she has been a teacher for ten years. (不能说has become)
he has been in college for a year. (不能说has entered)
由于come, become, enter和get up 等动词都只代表一个短暂的动作,不能代表一个延续的状态,这是需要用be来表示延续的状态:
另外有少数动词(主要是work, study, teach, live等)可用于现在完成时表示一直持续到现在的一个动作:
how long have you worked here?
she has taught english for many years.
we’ve lived here for quite a few years.
注:have been (to)长可用来表示“到过某地”或“刚去做过某事”
have you ever been to xi’an?
xiao liu has just been here.
we’ve been here(there)many times.
l 现在完成时还可用在表示时间或条件的状语从句中,表示将来某时业已完成的动作:
i’ll go and see the exhibition as soon as i have got the recorder fixed.
we’ll start at five o’clock if it has stopped raining by then
i will gibe my opinion when i have read the book through.
i’ll let you know as soon as i hear from her.
she’ll write you when she gets there.
在这样的情况下(特别是当我们用的是get, arrive, see, hear, leave, return 等代表迅即完成的动作的动词时),多用一般现在时。有时两种时态都可以用:
we’ll leave as soon as it stops(has stopped) raining.
i’ll tell him after you leave (have left).
注:have got 形式上时现在完成时,却和have时同一个意思:
she has got (=has) a slight temperature.
have you got (=do you have) any sisters?
i saw it already (=i have seen it already).
did you return the records yet (=have you returned the records yet)?
i just come back (=i’ve just come back).
第1个回答  推荐于2016-01-29
1. 一般现在时
是以动词的原形表示的,当主语为第三人称单数时,做谓语的动词原形后要加上词尾-s or -es, 其构成方式列表如下:
情况 构成 例词
一般情况 词尾加-s Reads, writes
以ch,sh,s,x,o结尾的词 词尾加-es Teaches,washes,guesses, fixes, goes
以辅音字母+Y 结尾的词 变Y为I,再加-es Tries, carries

但是,动词to be 和to have 的一般现在时的形式特殊如下:
一般动词的词形变化 To be 的词形变化 To have 的词形变化
I know it I am a student I have a pen.
You know it. You are a student You have a pen
He (she) knows it. He (she) is a student. He (she)has a pen.
We (you,they) know it. We (you,they) are students. We (you,they) have pens.


1. 表示一直发生的事情,经常发生的动作:
Nurses look after patients in hospitals.
Excuse me, do you speak English?
I get up at 8 o’clock every morning.
It often rains in summer in Beijing.
2. 表示客观事实或者真理:
Birds fly.
The earth goes around the sun.

3. 谈论时间表、旅程表等,如:
What time does the film begin?
The football match starts at 8 o’clock.
Tomorrow is Thursday.

4. 谈论籍贯、国籍等,如:
Where do you come from?
I come from China. 你是哪国人?我是中国人。

Where do you come from?
I come from Guangzhou. 你是哪里人?我是广州人。

5. 询问或者引用书籍、通知或新近接到的信笺内容,如:
What does that notice say?
What does Ann say in her letter?
She says she’s coming to Beijing next week.
Shakespears says, “Neither a borrower or a lender be.”


1) 一般过去时规则动词的构成形式:
to work-worked
to love---loved
否定式均由did not + 动词原形构成
I / you / he / she / they / we did not work.
疑问式均由 did + 主语 + 动词原形 构成
情况 变化 例词
动词为单音节,以一个元音字母和一个辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加-ed Stop-stoppedAdmit-admitted
以y结尾的动词,在y 前为辅音字母时 Y 变为 I ,加 - ed Carry -carriedHurry -hurried
以y 结尾的动词,在y 前为元音字母时 加-ed Obey-obeyedEnjoy---enjoyed


1》 第一类不规则动词的三种形式同形,如:
cost cost cost
cut cut cut
hurt hurt hurt
shut shut shut
set set set
bet bet / betted bet / betted
wed wed / wedded wed / wedded
wet wet / wetted wet / wetted
2》 第二类不规则动词的过去式和过去分词同形,如:
bend bent bent
bring brought brought
catch caught caught
hide hid hid / hidden
get got got/ gotten(AmE)
lead led led
3》 第三类不规则动词的原形、过去式和过去分词都不相同,如:
原形 过去式 过去分词
begin began begun
break broke broken
forbid forbade forbidden
grow grew grown
ring rang rung
wake woke / waked woken / waked
come came come
become became become
run ran run

1) 表示一个没指明具体时间的过去的行动,如:
He worked in that bank for four years. (没说明起始时间,但是现在不在那里工作了)。
They once saw Deng Xiaopin.
Did you ever hear BackStreet Boy sing?

2) 表示在过去特定的时间结束的行动,如:
When did you meet him?
I met him yesterday.

When we lived in Phoenix, we studied at Arizona State University.

Where have you been?
I’ve been to the opera.
Did you enjoy it?

3) 表示过去的习惯
He always carried an umbrella.
They never drank wine.

现在完成时由to have 的现在时+过去分词构成:
肯定式 否定式 疑问式 否定疑问式
I have worked I have not worked Have I worked? Have I not worked?
You have worked You havenot worked Have you worked? Have you not worked?
He (she)has worked. He(she)has not worked. Has he(she) worked? Has he(she) not worked?
We(you / they) have worked. We (you / they) have not worked. Have we (you / they) worked? Have we (you / they) not worked?


------Oh,dear, I’ve forgotten her name.
和现在的联系就是 I don’t remember her name now.
------Fort has gone to Canada.
和现在的联系就是 He is not here. He is in Canada now.

1) 表示延续到现在的动作 (有时是总计做了多少次等)。
How many times have you been to the United States?
She really loves that film. She has seen it eight times.
Tom has lived in Now York all his life.

2) 表示开始与过去而在说话时刻结束的行动,如:
I haven’t seen you for ages. 我好久没见到你了。(说话时刻已经见到了)
This room hasn’t been cleaned for months. (也许从说话开始时刻就要打扫它了)

3) 表示过去的动作对现在造成的影响,如:
The window has broken.

4) 和最高级连用,表示到现在为止是最……的
What a boring film! It’s the most boring film I’ve ever seen.
Is it a thick book?------Yes, it is the thickest book I’ve ever read.

5) 和句型 This is the first time…, It’s the first time 连用,如:
This is the first time he has driven a car.
(相当于 he has never driven a car before.)

Is this the first time you’ve been in hospital?
Professor Johnson has lost his passport again. It’s the second time he has lost it.

6) 和ever, never, yet, just, already 等副词连用,如:
Have you ever eaten French cheese?
We have never had a private car.
Has it stopped raining yet? (yet 表示期待雨停止)

Would you like something to eat?
No, thanks. I’ve just had lunch.

Don’t forget to mail the letter, will you?
I’ve already mailed it. (already 表示比预料的要快)

7)与since 连用,since 表示与某一时刻或从句连用,表示“从那一刻到说话时为止”,它总是与完成时连用,如:
She has been here since 6 o’clock.
He hasn’t been himself since the accident. (那次事故后,他从未完全康复)
Since I was a child I have lived in England.


1) 过去时仅仅表示过去,现在完成时还表示与现在的关系,如:
He has lost his key.
He lost his key.

2) 与现在无关的或者过去很久的历史事件不能用现在完成时
The Chinese invented printing.
Shakespear wrote Hamlet.

Did you see the film on television last night?
Tom lost his key yesterday.
询问某事发生的具体时间或者地点时(when , what time, where), when , what time, where), 用一般过去时,如:
What time did they arrive?
When and where were you born?


Have you see Ann this moring? ( 说话时仍为上午)
Did you see Ann this morning? ( 说话时为下午)

Jack has lived in London for six years. 还在伦敦住
Jack lived in London for six years. 先不住伦敦了

I have never played golf in my life.
I didn’t play golf when I was on holiday last summer.


现在进行时是由助动词to be 的现在时 + 现在分词构成:
肯定式 否定式 疑问式
I am working.You are working.He (she) is working.We (you,they) are working. I am not working.You are not working.He (she) is not working.We (you,they) are not working. Am I working?Are you working?Is he (she) working?Are we (you,they) working?

现在分词的构成,是在动词原形上加-ing, 但是应该注意:
情况 变化 例词
动词以单个e 结尾 去掉e, 加 ing Love _lovingArgue _ arguing
动词以 -ee结尾 直接加 ing Agree_ agreeingSee _ seeing
动词为单音节:以单一元音字母 + 单一辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加 ing Hit _ hittingRun _runningStop _ stopping
动词为双音节或者多音节:最后一个音节为重读音节,以单一元音字母 + 单一辅音字母结尾 辅音字母双写,再加 ing Be’gin be’ginningAd’mit ad’mitting
以 y 结尾的动词 直接加 ing Carry carryingEnjoy enjoying

1) 表示说话时正在发生或者进行的动作
Please don’t make so much noise, I’m studying.
Let’s get out. It isn’t raining any more.

2) 表示在现在相对较长一段时间内正在进行的动作,但是说话一刻不一定在做的动作
Have you heard about Tom? He is building his own house.
David is teaching English and learning Chinese in Beijing.
Ann is coming tomorrow.
Oh, is she? What time is she arriving?
At 10:15.
Are you meeting her at the station?
I can’t. I’m working tomorrow morning.
以上句子也可以用be going to (do) 的形式来表示。但是谈论已确定的安排时候,用现在进行时态显得更加自然,除非受到动词的功能的限制。在此,切不可用will, 如:
Alex is getting married next month. 不能用 will get married.

4) 和always 连用表示某种情绪,可能是厌烦也可能是赞扬,如:
Tom is always going away for weekends.
My husband is always doing homework.

有些动词是表示一种状态而不是动作,一般不用于进行时。例如,我们一般不说 I am knowing, 而说 I know. 常见的这类动词有:
want like hate know see hear believe understand seem
think(相信) suppose remember need love realize mean forget prefer have (拥有)belong

To understand is to accept. 理解就是接受
Do you like Beijing?
Do you see the rainbow?
I remember him very well.
I think I understand what he wants.


Tom plays tennis every Sunday.
Where’s Tom? -------He is playing tennis.

What do you do? 你是干什么工作的?
What are you doing here? 你在这里干什么?

My parents live in Shanghai. They have been there for 50 years.
She’s living with some friends until she can find an apartment.

I / he /she was
We / they / you were + 动词的现在分词

1) 表示在过去某个时间后者某段时间正在进行的动作,如:
When I rang him up, he was having dinner.
This time last year I was living in Shanghai.
What were you doing at 10 o’clock last night?

2) 过去进行时和一般过去时连用,表示在一个动作发生的过程中,发生了另一个动作,如:
It was raining when I got up.
I fell asleep when I was watching television.

3) 过去一般时所说明的动作是已经完成的,而过去进行时不表示正在进行的动作一定会完成,如:
Tom was cooking the dinner.
Tom cooked the dinner.

I / we / they have
He / she / it has been + 动词的现在分词
1) 表示一个在过去开始而在最近刚刚结束的行动,如:
Ann is very tired. She has been working hard.
Why are you clothes so dirty? What have you been doing?

2) 表示一个从过去开始但仍在进行的行动,如:
It has been raining for two hours. (现在还在下)
Jack hasn’t been feeling very well recently.

3) 表示一个从过去开始延续到现在,可以包括现在在内的一个阶段内,重复发生的行动,如:
She has been playing tennis since she was eight.

4) 现在完成时强调动作行为的结果、影响,而现在完成进行时只强调动作行为本身,如:
Tom’s hands are very dirty. He has been repairing the car.
The car is going again now. Tom has repaired it.
第2个回答  2009-01-03
第3个回答  2009-01-02



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