

According to the policy,at the beginning of each year,we need to hire some Accounting firm to audit the expiditure of our company in the past year(to see whether we have paid the tax according to the law).The Accounting firm should make up the audit report and hand it directly to the Tax Office.

Because of this,we now need an Accounting Firm to audit our expediture,which costs about 2500RMB.Plus,we need you to provide us with the materials listed as below:
第1个回答  2009-03-13
Because of policy regulation , moment on the beginning of the year every year, the funds disbursement go along needing to invite an acounting firm fitting 1 year audits (examine and verify if whose pay tax) according to law, give to Administration of Taxation on being produced the utensil audit report by acounting firm. Condition go along audits , service charge needs the funds that we need to invite one office therefore to us now 2500, wants to ask you to provide the following data too approximately at the same time:
第2个回答  2009-03-13
According to the regulation,it needs to audit about the layout of last year by an Accounting Firm at the beginning of each year . And the Accongting firm will make a report and hand in the Tax Bureau.

The service charges for the audit is RMB2500. Meanwhile please find the following documents need to be provided:
第3个回答  2009-03-14
Because the policy stipulated, in at the beginning of every year time, needs to ask the accounting firm to carry on the audit to the previous year funds disbursement (to verify it whether pays taxes legally), by the accounting firm writing up report of audit, delivers for the tax bureau. Therefore we need please an office to carry on the audit now to our funds situation, the service fee needs approximately 2500, meanwhile must ask you to provide following materia



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