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Cooter、Aaron Edlin、Benjamin Hermalin、David Sharnoff四位教授于1999年共同创立,旨在改进学术出版状况,减少进入成本和进入障碍,促进学术思想的传播。在这儿,你可找到一个名为“威尔逊的博弈论传统”(Game Theory in the Tradition of Bob Wilson)的专题,该专题是斯坦福大学商学院威尔逊(Robert Wilson)教授的学生为庆祝他65岁的生日而设的,编辑是MIT的Bengt Holmstrom教授、斯坦福大学的Paul Milgrom教授和哈佛大学的Alvin Roth教授。该专题有一些经典文献可供下载,譬如:Clauded'Aspremont 和Louis-André Gérard-Varet合写的《激励与不完全信息》(Incentives and Incomplete Information)、Steinar Ekern 和Robert Wilson 合写的《On the Theory of the Firm in an Economy with Incomplete Markets》、Alvin E. Roth 和Elliott
Peranson 合写的《The Redesign of the Matching Market for American Physicians: Some Engineering Aspects of Economic Design》、Bengt Holmstrom 写的《GrovesScheme on Restricted Domains》、Paul Milgrom写的《Rational Expectations,Information Acquisition, and Competitive Bidding》等等。BEPRESS出版的经济和商业类期刊有:《经济分析与政策杂志》(The B.E. Journals in Economic Analysis & Policy)、《宏观经济学杂志》(The B.E.Journals inMacroeconomics)、《理论经济学杂志》(The B.E. Journals in Theoretical Economics)、《农业与食品工业组织杂志》(Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization)、《非线性动态学与计量经济学研究》(Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics)。以上期刊只需你免费注册一下,输入自己的用户名和密码即可全文浏览或下载。






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美国、加拿大能够授予经济学博士学位的大学的链接。该网页是根据Peterson'sGraduate Programs in the Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences, 2001》的内容提供的链接服务。
第1个回答  2009-02-12
January 2009 Situation Analysis 1. Germany to rescue the market and then sell 50 billion euros of domestic demand pull. 21st Century Business Herald News January 13, the German ruling coalition plans to launch January 12 a second fiscal stimulus program, the size of a stimulus package of up to 50 billion euros. German Federal Finance Ministry spokesman Stefan Olbermann confirmed that the introduction of this new fiscal stimulus program will include the construction of infrastructure and tax content.
The plan also included lowering the cost of statutory health insurance premiums, increased staff training measures for vehicle manufacturers, such as industrial enterprises special remedy proposed in 2009 and implemented in 2010. As 32 billion euros after Germany's economic stimulus programs, the plan aims to prevent the momentum of economic recession in Germany continue to deteriorate.
January 2009 Situation Analysis 2. Group of Seven and the depth of a large developing country's economy will slow down. Canton Daily News January 13, the OECD said on the 12th, the Group of Seven and the depth of a large developing country's economy will slow down.
第2个回答  2009-02-12
World Bank President Robert Zoellick attends a news conference during the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Chiefs Meeting in Sao Paulo Nov. 8, 2008. (Xinhua/Reuters Photo)

WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) -- The World Bank on Tuesday lowered its growth forecast for the world economy to only 1 percent in 2009 due to the impacts of the global financial crisis.

Meanwhile, the bank lowered its growth forecast for developing country economies to 4.5 percent for 2009, compared to a previous projection of 6.4 percent in June.

The revision was due to "a combination of financial turmoil, slower exports and weaker commodity prices," said the bank in a statement.

It also expected high income country economies to contract by 0.1 percent next year, compared to a previous projection of 2 percent.

Calling for a rapid response to the spreading global financial crisis, the World Bank said it would make new commitments of up to100 billion dollars over the next three years to the developing countries.

"This increase in financial support will protect the poorest and most vulnerable from harm, support countries facing big budget short-falls, and help sustain long-term investments upon which recovery and long-term development will depend," said the World Bank in a statement.

"Leaders meeting on Saturday to discuss the global financial crisis must not lose sight of the human crisis. As always, it is the poorest and most vulnerable who are the hardest hit," said World Bank President Robert B. Zoellick.

"The response to this crisis must be global, coordinated, flexible and fast. While the challenges need to be addressed at the country level, it is more critical than ever that the international community acts in a coordinated and supportive way to make each country's task easier," he said.



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