seat的用法,还有be seated是什么意思


seat seat[sit; si:t]可数名词1 座椅(chair,bench,sofa 等可坐之物的总称)use a box for a ~把箱子当座椅2 座位,座席have [take] a ~坐下,就座get up from one's ~离席,退席keep one's seatHe took the ~ next to me.他坐在我的邻座3 座位,预约座位,指定的座位(戏院、火车等买票入座的)a 500-seat theater有五百个座位的戏院take one's ~ (在戏院、会议场所等) 坐在规定的座位上reserve a ~ on a plane [train]预订飞机 [火车] 座位4 议席,议员 [委员 (等) ] 的席位lose [win] one's ~失去 [赢得] <议员>席位,落选<议员>have a ~ in Parliament当国会议员resign one's ~ on the committee辞去委员会的委员 (席位)5 a. (椅子、凳子等的) 座部This chair has a broken ~.这把椅子的座部坏了b. (裤子等的) 臀部These trousers are tight in the ~.这条裤子的臀部 [后裆] 较紧c. (身体的) 臀部,屁股I had a sore ~ after sitting so long.我坐那么久以后屁股发痛d. (机器等的) 台,台座a valve ~阀座6 a. (活动的) 所在地,中心,场所[of]the ~ of government政府所在地Universities are ~s of learning.大学是求学的地方 [学府]b. (身体的机能) 所在之处, (疾病的) 根源[of]the ~ of disease病源,病巢The stomach is the ~ of digestion.胃是消化的地方c. (贵族的乡间) 宅邸 [别墅]The family ~ is in Taipei.那一家的宅邸座落在台北→ countryseat.7 骑法,骑乘的姿势She has a good ~.她骑乘的姿势很好 by the seat of one's pants(口语)根据某人的经验,凭直觉keep one's seat保持坐著不动,坐在座位上Please keep your ~s!.请坐在座位上! (不要站起来)及物动词1a. 使<人>入座,使…就座She ~ed her guests around the table.她请客人围著桌子而坐The us her ~ed me in a vacant chair.服务生让我坐在一个空位上b. [~ oneself]坐在,就座She ~ed herself quietly before the piano.她静静地坐在钢琴前面He was ~ed at his desk.他坐在他自己桌子的位置上Please be ~ed, ladies and gentlemen.先生女士们,请入座2 <建筑物、交通工具、餐桌等> 有…人的座席,可容纳…人This hall ~s 2000 people.这个大厅可容纳两千人This car ~s five passengers.这部汽车可坐五位乘客3 [~ oneself]位于,定居 [于某处] [at, in]The U.S. government is ~ed at Washington D.C.美国政府位于华盛顿哥伦比亚特区an old family long ~ed in Taipei长居台北市的一个古老家族4 固定 <机器 (的零件) > [于…],安装[in, on]Make sure that the pipe is properly ~ed.你要确保管子安装妥当5 a. 换装 <椅子> 的座垫; 换 <裤子等> 的后裆~ an old pair of trousers换一条旧裤子的后裆b. 给 <椅子、裤子等> 装上[…的]座垫 [后裆] [with]~ a chair with strong cane给椅子装上坚固的藤座垫 be seated 坐下; 坐落于
第1个回答  推荐于2017-09-29
seat作动词表示“使……就座”,“使……坐下来”的意思,是及物动词,所以,be seated表示“就座,坐下来”的意思,如:
You'd better not seat them next to each other.



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