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Cycle of Violence Continues in the Middle East
Meredith Buel
Nablus, West Bank
27 Jul 2001 19:26 UTC

The Palestinian city of Nablus has been one of the most violent places in the West Bank since the Intifada, or 1)uprising, against Israeli occupation 2)erupted ten months ago. More than 60 Palestinians have been killed in Nablus and at least 700 wounded during the clashes. Israel has imposed a tight closure on the city, 3)crippling the economy and making everyday life very difficult.
A red and white Palestinian ambulance leads a funeral procession through the winding streets of Nablus to Martyrs' Square.
Thousands of people have gathered here as masked men carry the coffin of Saleh Darwazeh, killed when Israeli soldiers blasted his car with surface-to-surface missiles from a military post on a hill 4)overlooking the city.
Saleh Darwazeh was a member of the Islamic militant group Hamas, which has carried out 5)suicide attacks inside Israel.
The Israeli army says he was involved in several recent bombings that killed eight Israelis and wounded more than 100.
At the funeral, young Palestinian boys fire off live rounds from automatic weapons, as speakers 6)vent their anger at the Israelis.
There are no posters of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, but some in the crowd sit on top of cars holding pictures of another man they regard as a hero Iraqi President Saddam Hussein.
One man who attended the funeral, Ahmed Barari, says Palestinians are furious at Israel because of the blockade around Nablus, and the continuing 7)assassinations of militants who live here. "I am angry like any Palestinian," Mr. Barari says. "I would like to smash them from the earth. Because they are trying to 8)smash us, you know. They are making a 9)genocide for the Palestinian people. It is a question of genocide. They are killing the child, they are killing the women, they are killing the sick man and they are killing the freedom fighters. They are killing everybody."
Emotions are at a fever pitch at this funeral, and many call for 10)revenge against Israel.
Professor Abdul Fattah Jadar teaches English at a local university. He defends the fact that so many people at the funeral are carrying and firing weapons, saying Palestinians have no choice but to defend themselves. "We are the most peaceful people on earth," Mr. Jadar says. "But you know in order to 11)achieve peace you have to ask the other party to 12)pull back their forces from our camps, villages and cities. We are not violent by nature and we do not start violence. We only react to violence and this is our right. The right of even, you know, animals in the forest to defend themselves against their aggressors, and the Israelis are the 13)aggressors."
Nablus prides itself on being the commercial center and a leading industrial city in the West Bank.
An Israeli blockade around the city has had a 14)devastating impact. Unemployment has soared above 60 percent, businesses have 15)shut down, and more than two-thirds of the people live below the 16)poverty line.
In villages surrounding Nablus, Palestinians now travel by 17)donkey or on foot. A trip that used to take minutes by car, now takes hours.
Ali Yassin lives in the small village of Boreen, a few kilometers from Nablus. "We have a hunger siege here," Mr. Yassin says. "We can't buy anything to eat. We have no medicine. Last night, my baby was crying all night. I said what happens if I want to take him to the doctor? Where will I go? If you go at night they will shoot us. In the day, there are no ways. No car, no driver, dares to cross these checking points. We are helpless here. We can't do anything but go home and pray to God to make it better."
The Governor of Nablus is Mahmoud Aloul. His son was shot in the head and killed by Israeli soldiers during clashes at the start of the intifada.
Speaking through a translator, the governor says armed resistance against Israel is the only alternative 18)available to the Palestinians. "If this aggression continues," he says, "the only option left to us is to fight this aggression, is to resist this aggression, so only the resistance 19)option is left for us."
Raanan Gissen is a spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon. Mr. Gissen says the closure must be maintained around Nablus and other cities as part of the fight against 20)terrorism. "Every time we lifted the closure, every time we opened the crossing points into Israel, we had another wave of terrorist attacks, another wave of car bombs," Mr. Gissen says. "At least when there is closure we have better control."
At the funeral of Saleh Darwazeh, 10 would-be suicide bombers in white 21)robes and masks stand silently as his body is lowered into the ground.
Many people in the crowd shout for revenge.
Hamas says the ten will soon 22)blow themselves up inside Israel, as others have done, in a continuing cycle of violence that shows no signs of ending anytime soon.

(1) uprising[Qp5raIzIN]n.起义, 升起
(2) erupt[I5rQpt]vt.喷出vi.爆发
(3) cripple[5krIp(E)l]n.跛子v.削弱
(4) overlook[EJvE5lJk]vt.俯瞰, 耸出, 远眺n.眺望, 俯瞰中的景色
(5) suicide[5su:IsaId, 5sju:-]n.自杀, 自毁
(6) vent[vent]n.通风孔, (感情等的)发泄v.放出, 排出, 发泄
(7) assassination n.暗杀
(8) smash[smAF]v.打碎, 粉碎n.打碎, 粉碎adj.出色的
(9) genocide[5dVenEsaId]n.有计划的灭种和屠杀
(10) revenge[rI5vendV]n.报仇, 复仇vt.替...报仇, 复仇
(11) achieve[E5tFi:v]vt.完成, 达到
(12) pull back 把...向后拉,反悔,(使)撤退,紧缩开支
(13) aggressor[E5^resE(r)]n.侵略者, 攻击者
(14) devastating[5devEsteItIN]adj.破坏性的, 全然的
(15) shut down v.(把窗子等)放下关下, [机](使)机器等关闭, 停车
(16) poverty line n. 贫困线,贫穷线
(17) donkey[5dRNkI]n.驴子, 笨蛋, 顽固者
(18) available[E5veIlEb(E)l]adj.可用到的, 可利用的, 有用的
(19) option[5RpF(E)n]n.选项, 选择权
(20) terrorism[5terErIz(E)m]n.恐怖主义, 恐怖统治, 恐怖行动
(21) robe[rEJb]n.长袍, 罩衣, 礼服, 制服
(22) blow up v.使充气, 爆炸, 放大



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