求问Calls Me Home-Shannon LaBrie歌词


Its funny how the walk of life 生活的方式很有趣
Can take you down without a fight 能将你轻轻松松打败
So many years can lay behind 许多年过去了以后
Regretfully until its time 直到某个时刻来临了才后悔万分
To realize the moment 才意识到当你转身的时候意味着什么
When you turn around

I'm coming home to breathe again 我重新回到了家里生活To start again 为了重新开始
I'm coming home from all the places I have been 我我从世界各地的旅途回到家里
With nothing but a voice within 没有带任何东西,只有一个声音
That calls me, calls me home 那个声音在呼唤我,在呼唤我回家

Back in the day when I was younger 从前在我很小的时候
I was so lost and proud 我沉迷于其中并且感到十分自豪
I've gained the world but it will never 我得到了世界但是我将从来不会
Compare to what I've earned 与我所得到的去相比
In a quiet moment 在一个安静的时刻
When the earth holds still 当地球静止的时候

I'm coming home to breathe again 我重新回到了家里生活
To start again 为了重新开始
I'm coming home from all the places I have been 我从世界各地的旅途回到家里
With nothing but a voice within 没有带任何东西只有一个声音
That calls me, calls me home 那个声音呼唤我,呼唤我回家
Calls me home 呼唤我回家

I'm coming home, to breathe again 我重新回到家里生活
To start again 重新开始
I'm coming home, to breathe again 我重新回到家里生活
To start again 重新开始
I'm coming home from all the places I have been 我从世界各地的旅途重回到家里
With nothing but a voice within 没有带任何东西只有一个声音
That calls me 那个声音呼唤我 ————Jenny Caitlina(歌词是我一句一句翻译的,由于英语水平不高,可能会有错误,请多包涵!)



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