你的人生计划和目标是什么 英语怎么说

1 你的人生计划和目标是什么 ?

2 我们应该有人生的目标和计划,这样才会有动力去工作,去努力

3 我的计划是3年内一定要买一辆属于自己的车

4 我的一个奋斗目标是,5年内买一套房子

5 信息发送失败 / 信息接收失败 地道的翻译是?

6 这把剑很重,很多人拿不起来 / 没有几个人可以拿起来

7 我要通过自己的努力 去实现我的目标和计划

8 现在通过手机上网的人越来越多。

9 他正在上网呢 / 他 正在用手机上网呢。
surfing the internet 应该可以这么说吧。

1 your life plan and goals?
2 we should have a goal in life and plan, it will have the power to go to work, go to work
3 of my plan is certain in 3 years to buy a car of their own
4 one of my goals is to, within 5 years to buy a house
5 message failed to send / receive information failure
6 the sword is heavy, many people take up / few people can take up
This sword is too light, anyone could carry
7 I will through their own efforts to achieve my goals and plans
8 now through the mobile phone Internet more and more people
He is on the Internet it / he is using mobile phone internet.
第1个回答  2012-10-08
what is the plan of your whole life?
第2个回答  2012-10-14
what's your lift plan and target!
第3个回答  2012-10-08
1 what's the plan and aim of yours all your life?



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