
话只记得第一句了= =:我打架,喝酒,花心,搞基,但我知道我是好男人。…

Life is all about taking risks to get what you want!---生命的真谛就是通过不断的冒险去获得你想要的。
be positive, be yourself and move foreward---乐观积极,敢于做自己,勇往直前。    Never make apologizes for who you are!---无论发生什么都要勇敢做自己!   
Good music isn't gonna be liked by everybody. If you please everyone, you probably play it to safe.---真正出色的音乐并不会受到所有人的喜爱,如果所有的人都觉得你还不错,也许你只是安分保守罢了。   
I am who I am, I have nothing to hide.---我就是我,没有任何隐藏。
The third reason I want to be the American Idol is that I want to be a role model for all the weired kids out there. And show them it's OK to be different.---第三个让我想参加美偶的原因是我想让那些被大众认定为“怪异”的孩子们知道,跟大多数人不一样也没关系。
I didn't lose,I just didn't win.But winning is not all about what I wanted.I think I have won,because I am now having opportunity to show my talent.---我 并没有输,我只是不是冠军罢了,头衔并不是我想要的。我想自己已经赢了,因为我现在有机会向大家展示我的才能。
My intention was to interpret the lyrics of my song and have a good time with it.---我的本意就是阐释我的歌词,然后好好享受,玩个痛快!
If you ever feel different, hold your head up high. We’re artists. We’re all crazy. And that’s good-crazy!---如果你觉得自己像个“异类”,那么就高高地抬起你的脑袋吧,因为我们都是艺术家,我们都是疯狂的。疯狂,这很棒。
it really shouldn’t frickin’ matter what your background is, what your religion is, what your sexuality is, what your color of your skin is. It’s like we should focus on our similarities as opposed to our differences and learn how to coexist.---我们不应该因为一个人的背景,信仰,性向与肤色而感到大惊小怪。我们需要做的应该是像你费尽心思去挖掘我们的不同点那样去寻找我们的共同点。然后学习如何让两者共存。
if I focus on the hate and let the hate affect me; I’d be letting hate win. I refuse to do that. I’m gonna focus on the positive, focus on the love and ignore all the negativity."   如果我专注在那些憎恨上面让憎恨伤害到我,那我就让憎恨们赢了。我拒绝这样做。我专注在事情的积极面,以及爱,忽略所有的负面。

——亚当 兰伯特

第1个回答  2012-10-14
= =那不是他说的,孩子,你是在微博上看的耳帝的言论吧。。。。。



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