
提交任务后,任务运行完成了,但是没有结果,还是初始状态,也没有错误信息,只有警告信息。求各位大侠帮忙指点一下,我该从那些地方下手修改模型?我是个新手,正在学习abaqus中。提示如下警告信息:(1)The request for mises output will be replaced by a request for s outputIntegration and section point output variables will not be output for deformable elements that are declared as rigid using the *rigid body option(2)8 elements are distorted. Either the isoparametric angles are out of the suggested limits or the triangular or tetrahedral quality measure is bad. The elements have been identified in element set WarnElemDistorted.(3)Boundary conditions are specified on inactive dof of 1041 nodes. The nodes have been identified in node set WarnNodeBCInactiveDof.(4)Each of the nodes in node set WarnNodeBcAtRbSlaveNode have prescribed boundary conditions and belong to rigid bodies but are not rigid body reference nodes. The boundary conditions at these nodes will not constrain the motion of the rigid bodies. See the status file for further details.(5)Boundary conditions are defined at the nodes contained in node set WarnNodeBcIntersectKinCon. In addition the nodes are also part of a surface involved in kinematic contact. The kinematic contact constraint will be overridden by the boundary conditions in case of a conflict. Penalty contact may be used instead.(6)The slave surface nodes in node set WarnNodeRbMassRatio2fix-Step1 have much larger masses than the nodes on the rigid master surface. Significant contact noise may result with the kinematic contact algorithm when the slave nodes have significantly greater mass than the master nodes. Suggested workarounds include using mass-scaling to adjust the ratio of nodal masses or using the penalty contact algorithm. See the status file for further details.万分感激~~

第1个回答  2012-10-22



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