Ansys 做螺栓接触分析的时候出现的7个错误和警号,求大神解决~

1. The behavior of contact elements specified by real constant 27 are not
consistent. Some of elements belong to a rigid surface, while others
belong to a deformable surface.
2. ANSYS could not find attached solid element for contact element 34461.
Check the element connectivity data.
3. Some target elements on target surface specified by real constant set
16 belong to symmetric contact (e.g. 15), some do not.
4. The closed gap/penetration may be too large. Increase pinball if it is
a true closed gap/penetration. Decrease pinball if it is a false one.
5. There are 100 small equation solver pivot terms.
6. The value of UY at node 31190 is 1.113222667E+10. It is greater than
the current limit of 1000000. This generally indicates rigid body
motion as a result of an unconstrained model. Verify that your model
is properly constrained.
If one or more parts of the model are held together only by contact
verify that the contact surfaces are closed. Also make sure that
there are constraints (or friction) in the sliding direction even if
no load is applied in that direction. You can use the CNCHECK command
to check the initial contact status in the SOLUTION module.

解决办法是:删除原有的接触定义,使用 ANSYS 提供的接触向导重新定义接触。再使用 CNCHECK 命令对所有接触对进行检查并纠正发现的问题,然后再进行计算。追问

接触对我确实是手工定义的,因为用接触对不是很方便,现在模型基本完成,计算的时候又出现了这个错误:Element 41191 is turning inside out,好多单元都有这个错误,不知道是怎么回事?是网格质量不好吗?




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