
(一) 馈赠性广告促销策略
(1) 以附带馈赠行为为手段。
(2) 可以刺激广大顾客希望获得馈赠品的心理而扩大商品销量。
(3) 可以较准确地检验广告的阅读率。

(1) 以伴随文娱性活动发布广告为手段。
(2) 可以使广大顾客在享受娱乐的过程之中了解企业的产品信息。
(三) 中奖性广告促销策略
(1) 以“彩票效应”为依据。
(2) 以丰厚的精品或奖金为手段。
(3) 可以刺激顾客为中奖而购买的冲动性购买动机。
(4) 可以促使顾客注意广告内容。
(5) 这种策略的采用要注意合法化,在我国奖金或实物价值不能超过5000元,否则会被视为违反了公平竞争。
(四) 公益性广告促销策略
(1) 以关心公益活动为发布广告的手段。
(2) 以赢得消费者的好感为目标,借以争取民心,增强广告影响。

The more discerning consumers, the more increasingly complex competitive game, given the marketing is a dialectical color theoretical level: When faced with a variety of consumer products psychological, what kind of marketing approach can be effective?
We must recognize that an era of marketing transformation is coming. On the one hand, the high degree of surplus commodities increased competition fierce. To the surplus commodities to chase the limited spending power, it continues to introduce new force enterprises must use a wide range of marketing tools to attract consumers; On the other hand, the consumer market is becoming increasingly rational consumer choices constantly changing, and many classic marketing theory under the guidance of marketing strategy began to Moze, enterprises need to find new marketing strategies to guide the future development of the market.
Passed in the 20th century, the power of advertising in the marketing impact of almost a full century. Whether the new products to market, market access, Investment, Construction channels, the fight against competitors, advertising with its fierce offensive sweep marketing
In various fields. Advertising to people no less than the subconscious advertising is omnipotent
Today China's promotional strategy analysis
In today's society, advertising has become a corporate promotional activities carried out one of the important means. Since the advertisements have been, as the socio-economic development and scientific and technological progress and ever-changing. In different historical stages of development, advertising content, form and performance have different practices. However, the fundamental purpose of advertising is to promote sales.
Advertising their products as a means of publicity, more and more attention by businesses, but how to do advertising "sound" to do "Fire," Fire各显神通the rostrum, stars have登场, advertising, but also because of a Star Highlights of stars, with more eye-catching advertising, really look terrific on the surface, the red hot fire. But today completed "Ca" Tomorrow selling "medicine", behind the booming advertising star, but also a series of reflections, Mobingshenjin, some of; exaggerated, there is. False advertising, and constantly exposed. Let people wonder, star of the ring advertising is still shining? In order to promote commodity Fire is synchronized 100, its tactic, the body painting show unique novelty promotions; live performances promotions model; clown promotions. But fresh look at ordinary people, watch at the same time, to see whether the goods?
Faced with the current flourishing of advertising, no advertisements have its own characteristics so that consumers can accept, how to create advertising is the most crucial step, the first part of the above has been introduced-how to create a good advertising elements,
Such advertising strategies, not only to inform consumers of goods purchased advertising what benefit to persuade them to buy, but also with other means of marketing to give consumers more additional benefits to arouse the interest of the consumers of advertising in the short term that is received within the validity of the advertising results, and forcefully pushed merchandise sales. Can be broken down into promotional gifts, cultural, and public welfare, such as winning the specific strategy.
(1) of promotional gifts strategy
Refers to a gift through the issuance of advertising to promote merchandise sales advertising strategy.
The strategy has the following characteristics:
(1) to act as a means incidental gifts.
(2) can stimulate the majority of customers want gifts for the psychological and expanded merchandise sales.
(3) can be more accurate reading test advertising rates.
Cultural form that accompanied publication of advertisements to promote the sale of goods advertising strategies.
The strategy has the following characteristics:
(1), accompanied by cultural activities as a means of advertising.
(2) so that the majority of customers can enjoy the entertainment business to understand the process of product information.
(C) winners of the promotional strategy
Refers to the release of the draw, winning companies provide access to the rich prizes or bonuses advertising to promote merchandise sales advertising strategy.
The strategy has the following characteristics:
(1) "lottery effect" as the basis.
(2) high quality or bonuses as a means.
(3) can stimulate customers to buy for winning the impulse buying motives.
(4) to customers can pay attention to advertisements.
(5) the use of this strategy must pay attention to the legalization of money or in kind in China's value can not be more than 5,000 yuan, or else they would be considered a violation of fair competition.
(4) nonprofit promotional strategy
Community care refers to activities carried out through promotional strategy.
The strategy has the following characteristics:
(1) was concerned about the public welfare activities for the release of a means of advertising.
(2) to win the goodwill of consumers as the goal, to fight for the people, enhance advertisements.
第1个回答  2008-03-14
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第2个回答  2008-03-24
第3个回答  2008-03-28



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