计划赶不上变化 英语怎么说

1 计划赶不上变化,本来她是要来参加 聚餐 / 聚会 的,结果听说她昨晚出车祸了,腿受伤了。真遗憾

2 我们希望 你的病 / 你的伤 尽快好起来

3 我们不希望看到的事情,还是发生了

4 我不知道为什么网络的帖子 无法发送出去

5 你先不要给她打电话,等我 回家后 / 回去后,了解清楚再说

6 放假了,待在家里感觉很舒服吧?/ 待在家里感觉如何?

7 放假休息的时候,我就喜欢待在家里,不想出去逛街或是旅游

1.Changes always run faster than plans,She is coming to dinner / party,what a pity,as a result I heard she had a car accident last night, was wounded in the leg.
2.We hope that your illness / injury will get better as quickly as possible!
3.It also happened which we don't want to see.
4.I don't know why the network posts cann‘t be sent out .
5.Don't call her ,when i get home/get back to have a clear understanding.
6.How comfortable you felt on holiday/how did you feel stay at home?
7.In the rest of the time, I would like to stay at home, don't want to go out or travel.



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