
The Haber-Bosch process was of considerable social, economic and scientific imparlance. Scientifically it was an elegant study of the thermodynamics of' gaseous reactions and a demonstration of its commercial significance, socially and economically, it resolved the specter of Malthus and of staning millions; environmentally, with its absence of waste products and polluting Odors, it was a model for a cleaner and more socially responsible industry.
Apart from cleaner and more efficient processes suggested by electrochemical processes in the alkali industry and by ammonia synderesis, twentieth-century industry has also been concerned with the economics of scale and scope, including the transfer from wasteful and inefficient batch manufacture to continuous flow. This has been made possible by the exploitation of the remarkable powers of catalysts and through process control by instrumental monitoring. The key factor has been the development of the petrochemicals industry since the 1920s, when chemical engineers at MIT first devised quantitative tools for analyzing fractional distillations, and when John Griebe was hired by the Dow company to develop automatic control technology. Later in the 1940s, industrial analysis was further refined by the development of infrared spectroscopy -to the enhancement of post-war research in organic chemistry.
But it has been the chemical industry's ability io substitute a cheaper synthetic product for a natural one, followed by the exploitation of such materials in novel applications, that has been the real hallmark of twentieth-century industry in the public mind.

Haber-bosch反应(氮气转氨气)曾经作为一个重要的社会,经济和科学的筹码. 在科学来论, 它给气体热力学反应的里程上添加了华丽的一笔,亦对他杰出的经济效用作出了论证,在经济和社会方面 ,此反应解决了马尔萨斯和xxx的困惑.而在环境方面, 它以成功的克服了废弃产物和不雅气味的产生,从而成为了绿色环保,对社会负责的工业的模范.
与由碱性工厂中的电化学反应和制备氨过程中所涉及的道德约束所推荐的更为清洁有效的反应不同 ,二十世纪的工业更重视与经济的方面, 意为将低效浪费手工批量生产转为流水线作业,而在高效催化剂的应用和化学进程的仪器检测使这个目标成为了可能. 自1920年起,石油工业的发展成为了重要的影响因素---麻省理工的化学工程师,第一次应用定量工具对分馏过程进行了分析;John griebe在作为美国陶氏公司的员工, 研发了自动化控制技术. 随后在1940年, 战后时期对有机化学的研究力度的增强, 推动了红外光谱的发展,继而使化学分析技术进入再一次的改革.
化学工业,将相同的材料进行新的利用,从而用一种便宜的合成手段代替原本的方法, 成为了公众对20世纪化学工业的真实映像.
第1个回答  2012-10-23


第2个回答  2012-10-23
太专业了 非大神不能解决了 我等小众坐等




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