every some neither either用法


every 的用法说明
1. 表示“每(个)”,其后通常接单数可数名词。如:
I go there every day. 我每天去那儿。
I believe every word he says. 我相信他说的每一句话。
(1) every 通常不能用于复数名词前,但若复数名词前有基数词或few 的修饰,则也可用
every 修饰,表示“每(隔)……”。如:
We go there every three days. 我们每三天(每隔两天)去那儿一次。
(2) every 通常不能用于不可数名词前,但在少数情况下,它可用于抽象名词前,表示“所有可能的”“充分的”“完全的”等。如:
We have every reason to do so. 我们有充分的理由这样做。
I wish you both every happiness. 祝你们俩位幸福美满。
2. every 指的是三个或三个以上的“每个”,不能指两者中的每个。如:
误:There are trees on every side of the road.
正:There are trees on each side of the road.
3. 并列的“every+名词”结构用作主语时,谓语要用单数。如:
Every boy and (every) girl has read the story. 每个男孩女孩都读过这个故事。
4. 与not 连用通常构成部分否定。如:
Every student doesn’t like it. 并非每个学生都喜欢它。
Every man is not perfect. 并非每个人都是十全十美的。

例:Would you like some coffee?你要喝点咖啡吗?(请求或对导)
Is't there some meat in the refrigerator?冰箱里有一些肉吧.(肯定意思较强)

  a. Either of the plans is equally good. 两个计划一样好。
  She is younger than either of us. 她比我们俩都年轻。
  b. I did not bring either with me. 两个我都没带。
  I like either of these. 两个中哪一个我都喜欢。
  Are(Is) either of the players ready? 两名选手都准备好了吗?
  Either proposal will have my support. 两个建议我都支持。
  He could write with either hand. 他用哪只手写字都行。

  a. I tried on two dresses, but neither fits me. 我试了试两件套裙,哪一件也不合身。
  Neither of them knew the way. 他俩谁都不知道路。
  b. I’ve read neither of these books. 这两本书我都没看过。
  I could answer neither of the questions. 两个问题我都答不上来。
  c. They neither of them said anything. 他们谁也没说什么。
  These two books are neither of them very good. 这两本书都不太好。
  Neither of us are much good. 我们两人谁也不太行。

第1个回答  2012-10-10
第2个回答  2012-10-10
some和 any 的用法:some一般用于肯定句中,意思是“几个”、“一些”、“某个”作定语时可修饰可数名词或不可数名词。如:I have some work to do today. (今天我有些事情要做)/ They will go there some day.(他们有朝一日会去那儿) some 用于疑问句时,表示建议、请求或希望得到肯定回答。如:Would you like some coffee with sugar?(你要加糖的咖啡吗?)any 一般用于疑问句或否定句中,意思是“任何一些”、“任何一个”,作定语时可修饰可数或不可数名词。如:They didn’t have any friends here. (他们在这里没有朋友)/ Have you got any questions to ask?(你有问题要问吗?)any 用于肯定句时,意思是“任何的”。Come here with any friend.(随便带什么朋友来吧。)(2)no和none的用法:no是形容词,只能作定语表示,意思是“没有”,修饰可数名词(单数或复数)或不可数名词。如:There is no time left. Please hurry up.(没有时间了,请快点) / They had no reading books to lend.(他们没有阅读用书可以出借)none只能独立使用,在句子中可作主语、宾语和表语,意思是“没有一个人(或事物)”,表示复数或单数。如:None of them is/are in the classroom.(他们当中没有一个在教室里) / I have many books, but none is interesting.(我有很多的书,但没有一本是有趣的) (3)all和both的用法:all指三者或三者以上的人或物,用来代替或修饰可数名词;也可用来代替或修饰不可数名词。both指两个人或物,用来代替或修饰可数名词。all和both在句子中作主语、宾语、表语、定语等。如:I know all of the four British students in their school.(他们学校里四个英国学生我全认识) / --Would you like this one or that one? –Both.(你要这个还是那个?两个都要。)all和both既可以修饰名词(all/both+(the)+名词),也可以独立使用,采用“all/both + of the +名词(复数)”的形式,其中的of 可以省略。如:All (of) (the) boys are naughty.(是男孩都调皮)(4)every和each用法:every是形容词,只能作定语修饰单数名词,意思是“每一个”,表示整体概念;each是形容词、代词,可用作主语、宾语、定语等,意思是“每个”或者“各个”,表示单个概念;each可以放在名词前,可以后跟of短语,与动词同时出现时要放在“be动词、助动词、情态动词”之后或者行为动词之前every和each都用作单数理解,但是下文中既可以用单数的代词(如he/him/his)也可以用复数的代词(如they/them/their)替代。如:Every one of the students in his class studies very hard.(他班上每个学生学习都很用功) / They are very busy. Each of them has something to do.(他们很忙,人人都有事干) (5)either和neither的用法:either意思是“两个中间的任何一个”;neither是either的否定形式,意思是“两个都不”。neither和either在句子中可作主语、宾语和定语等,都用作单数。如:I don’t care much for what to drink. Either of the two will do. (我不介意喝些什么,两个之中随便哪个都行) / --Will you go there by bus or by car? –Neither. I will go there by train.(你坐公车去还是坐轿车去?一个都不坐,我坐火车去。)(6)other、the other和another的用法:other意思是“另一”、“另一些”,有复数形式。在句子中可作主语、宾语和定语。another意思是“另外”、“又一个”,表示增加,在句中可作宾语和定语。如:Some girls are singing under the big apple tree and others are sitting on the grass talking.(有些女孩在大苹果树下唱歌,别的就躺在草地上说话) / You have had several cakes. Do you really want another one?(你已经吃了好几块饼子了,你真的还要一块?) / I want another four books.(我还要四本书)another(另外的,再一,又一)与the other(另外的一个) 主要从数量上区分,只有两个时用the other,在原先基础上增加用another。如: This is one of your socks. Where is the other one?(这是你的一只袜子,还有一只呢?) / I have eaten 4 cakes, but I still want another.(我已经吃了4块蛋糕,但是我还要以块。)others与the others的主要区别:others指“剩余的人/物”(指大部分);the others指“其余的人/物”,(指全部)。如:A few students are playing soccer while others are watching them.(有几个学生在踢足球,其他一些人在观看) / Two of the ten boys are standing and the others are sitting round them.(十个男孩中有两个站着,其他人都围着他们坐着。)(7)many和much的用法:many意思是“很多”,与可数名词复数连用;much意思是“很多”,与不可数名词连用。它们在句中可作主语、宾语和定语等。如:I don’t have many friends here.(在这里我没有很多的朋友。) /Many died in the bus accident.(许多人在公交车祸中丧失) / We can learn much with the help of him.(在他的帮助之下我们能学到很多) many和much一般用于否定句,肯定句中通常用a lot of 或者lots of; many / much用于肯定句时可以在前面加上so、very或too.如: There are a lot of people on the playground.(操场上有许多的人)/ They haven’t got much work to do.(他们没有多少事情可做) / There are too many people in the room.(房间里人太多了。)(8)few、little、a few、a little的用法:few、little意思是“很少几个”、“几乎没有”,有否定的意思,a few、a little意思是“有几个”、“有些”,有肯定的意思;few、a few与可数名词连用或代替可数的事物, little、a little与不可数名词连用或代替不可数的事物。它们在句中可作主语、宾语和定语。如:He is very poor and he has little money.(他很穷,几乎没有什么钱。) / Don’t worry. There is still a little time left.(别着急,还有一点儿时间呢。) / In that polar region there live few people.(在那个极地地区几乎不住人) / You can get a few sweets from him.(你可以从他那儿弄到一些糖果)(9)复合不定代词somebody ,something ,anything, nothing ,everything, everybody等是由some , any ,no ,every, 加上body, thing 构成的,叫做复合不定代词,在句子中当单数使用。somebody, something, someone 一般用于肯定句中;anything, anybody,anyone一般用于疑问句、否定句和条件状语从句中。修饰复合不定代词的定语,应放在它们的后面。如:Hey,Lily. There is someone outside the door.(嗨,丽丽,门外有人。) /Di(每个人)d you meet anyone when you came to school last Sunday?(上个星期天你来学校时见到什么人了吗?)/He has nothing much to do today.(他今天没有多少事情做)(10)one与ones用来代替上文的一个或多个人或事物,前面可以加冠词、形容词、指示代词、which等。如: Which jacket would you like, this one or that one?(你要哪件夹克,这件还是那件? / I don’t like the green ones.(我不喜欢绿色的那些)(11)so可以代替一件事情,作句子的宾语或表语。如: I don’t think so.(我认为不是这样的。) / He lost a book. So did I.(他丢失了一本书,我也是。) (12)a lot of、lots of、a number of( /large numbers of)、a great deal of、plenty of的区别:五个“名词+介词”短语都表示“大量,许多”,a lot of(或lots of)既可以修饰不可数名词也可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,可以相应地换为much和many;plenty of“足够、大量”,既可以修饰不可数名词也可以修饰可数名词的复数形式。 a number of / large numbers of只可以修饰可数名词复数形式(它修饰的词作主语时谓语用复数形式)可以换为some、many、a lot of、plenty of。 a great deal of只可以修饰不可数名词(它修饰的词作主语时谓语用单数形式)可以换为much。如:A lot of people think that time is money.(许多的人认为时间就是金钱。) / I don’t have to do it in a hurry because I have plenty of time.(我用不着赶忙,因为我有充足的时间。) / I have a number of letters to write today.(今天我有好多信要写) / I spend a great deal of time/money on shopping.(在购物方面我花费了大量的时间/金钱。)(13)none、no one、nobody的区别:no one和nobody都表示“没有人”,仅指人,后面不跟of 短语,作主语时谓语用单数形式;none表示“没有一个人/物”,可指人也可以指物,后面可跟of短语,作主语时谓语可用单数也可用复数。如:No one knows how he managed to get the ticket.(没有人知道他是怎样搞到那张票的) / Nobody handed in his/their composition(s) yesterday.(昨天没有一个人交作文。) / None of my friends came to see me that day.(那天没有一个朋友来看我。)9、相互代词:表示相互关系的词叫相互代词。each other ,one another是相互代词,译成“互相”,可以通用。each other表示两者之间,而one anther表示许多人之间。它们有所有格形式each other’s ,one another’s。如: We must help each other when we are in trouble.(我们身处困境时要互相帮助。) / They sat there without talking to one another / each other.(他们坐在那儿,互相都不说话。)10、疑问代词:用来提出问题的代词称为疑问代词。1、who、whom、whose、what、which、whoever、whatever、whichever主要用于特殊疑问句中,一般放在句首。口语中也常用who代替whom作宾语,但在介词后则只能用whom。如:Who(m) did you invite to your birthday party?(你都邀请了谁参加你的生日聚会的?) / What does she want to be when she grows up?(她长大了想干什么?)2、who 和whom只能独立使用,其中who可以作句子的主语、表语或动词的宾语,whom只能作谓语动词的宾语;而what、which、whose等既可以独立使用作主语、表语和宾语,也可以与名词构成疑问短语。如: Who is that man?(那男的是谁?) / What colour are their hats?(他们的帽子是什么颜色?) / Which car was made in Germany?(哪辆车是德国造的?)(被动句) 注意这个提问:The man in the car is my father.(车里的男人是我父亲)→Which man is your father?(哪个男人是你的父亲?)3、which除了可以询问指代的情况之外,还可以针对说明人物的时间、地点、岁数、颜色、大小、状况等进行提问。如:People there live a very sad life.(那里的人生活凄惨) →Which people live a sad life? (哪些人生活凄惨?)/ --Which hotel have you booked for your holiday?(为了度假你预订了哪家旅馆?)—The biggest one in Haikou.(海口最大的那家旅馆)4、疑问代词不分单复数,视它所替代的人或事物决定单复数,但是通常用单数;如果修饰名词,则以名词的单复数为准。如:Who is (are) in that playhouse?(谁在游戏房里?) / What is that? (那是什么?)/ What are those? (那些是什么?) / What colours do they have?(它们有哪些颜色?)

like to do sth 和 like doing sth的区别,

like doing和like to do都表示"喜欢做某事",
1,like doing sth表示长时间的喜欢做某事,指兴趣爱好。在意义上比较一般和抽象,时间观念不强,不指某一次动作;
I like watching TV . 我喜欢看电视。
Do you like singing ? 你喜欢唱歌吗?
She likes swimming.她喜欢游泳。(经常性的,爱好)
I like eating fish .(我喜欢吃鱼,个人口味而已,一种爱好,喜欢)

2,like to do sth 则常指某个具体的动作,表示偶尔一次喜欢做某事、或者突然喜欢干某事。
like to do sth 想去做某事(表示有个趋向性,好像是要到某处去做某事)
She likes to swim this afternoon.她今天下午想游泳。(特指某一次的动作)

“ like to do ”一般与 “ would ” 搭配表示意愿。
I would like to swim with you . 我愿意和你去游泳。
Would you like to skate ? 你愿意去滑冰吗?



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