
Therefore, it would appear that key global instruments of modern international environmental law tend to make effective implementation of these instruments by developing States conditional on receipt of adequate assistance by developed States and this exerts pressure on developed States, if they wish developing States to comply with their obligations, to honour their own commitment to provide such assistance.
还有一段:Though the principle is of greatest
significance in the negotiation of global environmental regimes,it is not difficult
to imagine situations where negotiation of equitable regimes for the utilization
and protection of international shared watercourses, either on a regional or river
basin basis, would involve both developed and less developed States, and where
common but differentiated responsibility could play an important role in securing
the agreement of the latter.Interestingly, one of the earliest treaties to specifically
mention the economic and technical capabilities of the parties to abate pollution
is concerned with the use of shared freshwater resources.

——句子的基本结构是 it would appear that …and this exerts pressure … if they wish ...

it would appear that key global instruments of modern international environmental law tend to make effective implementation of these instruments by developing States conditional on receipt of adequate assistance by developed States

□主句 it would appear

* 形式主语it ——主语从句表述的这件事
* 谓语:would appear会出现

□主语从句:that key global instruments of modern international environmental law tend to make effective implementation of these instruments by developing States conditional on receipt of adequate assistance by developed States

* that ——引导词
* 主语:key global instruments of modern international environmental law 现代国际环境法的关键的整体法律文件
* 谓语动词:tend 趋向(于)
* 目的状语:to make effective implementation of these instruments进行这些法律文件的有效执行
* 方式状语:by developing States conditional由有条件的发展国(进行…)
* 时间状语:on receipt of adequate assistance 一经收到足够的援助(就进行…)
* 后置定语:by developed States由发达国提供的(援助)

第二分句:and this exerts pressure on developed States

宾语:pressure on developed States (施加)压力于发达国

条件状语从句:if they wish developing States to comply with their obligations, to honour their own commitment to provide such assistance.

主语:they 他们(指发达国)
复合宾语:developing States to comply with their obligations发展国遵守他们的义务(宾语 + 宾补),
并列宾语:to honour their own commitment to provide such assistance (希望)以他们自己的承诺去提供这样的帮助为荣


——基本结构为:Though the principle is of greatest significance,
it is not difficult to imagine situations where negotiation would involve … and where common but differentiated responsibility could play …

* 让步状语:Though the principle is of greatest significance in the negotiation of global environmental regimes
* 主句:it is not difficult to imagine situations, 但是不难想象某些情况
* 修饰situations的定语从句:where negotiation of equitable regimes for the utilization and protection of international shared watercourses would involve both developed and less developed States, either on a regional or river basin basis, (在这些情况中)为求得国际性分享水道利用和保护的合理管理制度的商谈会既包括发达国也包括欠发达国,或者在区域基础或者是流域基础方面(的分享)
* 并列定语从句:and where common but differentiated responsibility could play an important role in securing the agreement of the latter. (在这些情况中)共同的而不是有区别的责任可能后者的协定中起到重要作用。


——基本结构:Interestingly, one of the earliest treaties is concerned with…
* 核心主语:one of the earliest treaties最早的条约之一
* 定语:to specifically mention the economic and technical capabilities of the parties to abate pollution特别提到要减少污染各方的经济和技术能力的(条约)
——不定式 to abate pollution是 the parties的 定语
* 谓语部分:is concerned with the use of shared freshwater resources. 牵涉到淡水资源的使用


第1个回答  2012-06-29

第2个回答  2012-06-29
第3个回答  2012-06-29



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