

pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸
(2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 try to pull or seize with the fingertips;keep touching and scratching · The baby is picking at the bed clothes. 婴儿在抓弄被单。 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 eat in tiny portions;eat without interest or appetite · The bird is picking at the grains left in the cornfield. 鸟在啄食田里剩下的谷粒。pick off (1) 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉(2) 逐个地或有选择地射中或打下 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉 pluck or take off · Don't pick off any of these flowers. 这些花一朵也不要采摘。 逐个地或有选择地射中或打下 shoot or bring down singly or selectively · We picked the enemy soldiers off one by one as they emerged from the dugout. 我们在敌兵从地洞里出来的时候一个个地把他们击倒。 pick on 选中;挑出 选中;挑出 single out · She wondered why we had picked on that small room to work in. 她不知道为什么我们偏要选中那个小房间作为工作室。 · Why do you always pick on me to do such a difficult task? 你为什么总是挑我做这种困难的工作? · He always picks on small points to criticize. 他老是吹毛求疵。pick one's way 慢而小心地走慢而小心地走 walk slowly and carefully · After night fell we drove slowly along,picking our way until we found the right turn. 入夜后我们开着车小心前进,直到发现该拐弯的地方。 · They had to pick their way through the mud. 他们不得不小心地沿着泥泞的路前进。 pick out (1) 选出;挑出;拣出(2) 区别出;看出 选出;挑出;拣出 choose,select by picking · Can you pick out the right one? 你能找出正确的那一个吗? · I'm going to pick out a few books to send to some friends in South China. 我将挑选几本书寄给华南的几个朋友。 · The pile of books on the shelf is picked out by the teacher. 书架上那堆书是老师挑选的。 · I'll pick out a picture to show them. 我将选择一张画给他们看。 · At registration I had trouble picking out my courses. 注册时,我不知道选读哪门功课好。 区别出;看出 be able to see someone or something in a lot of others · Pick out the participles or gerunds in the following sentences and give their functions. 区别下列句子中的分词和动名词,并说明它们的作用。 · There's such a big crowd that I can't pick Samuel out. 人太多了,我找不出塞缪尔来。 pick up (1) 拾起;抱起(2) (无意中)学会(3) 见到;听出,收听到(4) 搭载 拾起;抱起 lift someone or something from the ground · The children picked up many sea shells at the seashore. 孩子们在海边捡到许多贝壳。 · He picked up his crying child. 他抱起了他的啼哭的孩子。 · Pick that book up. 把那本书拣起来。 (无意中)学会 learn something without studying it especially · In that way I'll be able to pick up some theoretical knowledge too. 这样我也能学到一些理论知识。 · Where did you pick up your technical skill? 你的技术是在哪儿学的? · If you go to England you'll soon pick up English. 你如果到英国去,很快就能学会英语的。 见到;听出,收听到 catch sight of;discover or receive by ear · We picked up the harbour lights as we sailed along. 我们向前航行时看见了港口灯塔。 搭载 take up into a car;give a ride to · The car stopped to pick me up. 汽车停下来接我。 · We'll send the ambulance to pick him up. 我们要派一辆救护车把他接走。
第1个回答  2012-06-28
pick up 捡起;获得;收拾
pick out 挑选出
pick it up 把它捡起来
pick them [用以加强语气,尤指人群关系]谨慎选择
pick up the phone 拿起电话,接起电话
第2个回答  2012-06-28
pick at (1) 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸
(2) 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 用指尖抓弄;不断抓摸 try to pull or seize with the fingertips;keep touching and scratching · The baby is picking at the bed clothes. 婴儿在抓弄被单。 少量地吃;无兴趣或没胃口地吃 eat in tiny portions;eat without interest or appetite · The bird is picking at the grains left in the cornfield. 鸟在啄食田里剩下的谷粒。pick off (1) 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉(2) 逐个地或有选择地射中或打下 摘掉,摘下;取走,拿掉 pluck or take off · Don't pick off any of these flowers. 这些花一朵也不要采摘.




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