英语题 阅读短文 谢谢

Joe Brown had a shop where he sold meat.One day a woman came into the shop at five to one."I'm sorry I'm late."she said, "I need some more meat for my dinner tonight."Joe had only one piece of meat in his shop.He took it out of the fridge and said:"This is $ 6.50."

  "That piece is too small."the woman said, "haven't you got anything bigger?"Joe went into the room behind his shop,took the meat into the fridge,took it out again and closed the door with a lot of noise.Then he brought the piece of meat to the woman and said:"This piece of meat is bigger and more expensive.It's $ 8.75."

  "Good." the woman said with a smile, "give me both of them, please?"

  ( ) 1. What was Joe Brown?

  A.A bodkseller. B. A shopkeeper. C. A conductor. D. A gateman.

  ( ) 2. When did the woman come into the shop?

  A. Late in the evening. B. At midnight.

  C. Early in the morning. D. Early in the afternoon.

  ( ) 3. Why didn't the woman want that piece of meat at first? Because

  A. it was too cheap B. it smelt bad

  C. it cost too much D. it wasn't big enough

  ( ) 4. How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge?

  A. Only one piece of meat. B. Two pieces of meat.

  C. Several pieces of meat. D. Many pieces of meat.

  ( ) 5. Could Joe give the woman both pieces of meat?

  A. Certainly.

  B. Of course not.

  C. He would try his best.

  D. The story doesn;t give us the answers.

( B ) 1. What was Joe Brown? 乔 布朗是干什么的?文第一句就提到乔是肉店的老板
 A.A bodkseller.这里应该是bookseller吧,卖书人 B. A shopkeeper.店主 C. A conductor. 售票人/指挥员 D. A gateman.守门人

( D ) 2. When did the woman come into the shop?那位夫人是何时来到店里的?文第二句提到那位夫人到店时间是12:55(at five to one)
表达时间除了几点几分的最直接表达,还有比如一小时内的前半小时用几分钟past几点表达(相当于几点又几分,比如five past one一点零五分,twenty-five past eight八点二十五分),后半小时用几分钟to几点表达(相当于差几分钟几点,比如five to one差五分钟就一点了,也就是十二点五十五分,或者fifteen to five离五点还差十五分钟,也就是四点四十五)。注意past/to前面数字都是分钟,后面数字才是小时
  A. Late in the evening. 深夜 B. At midnight.午夜买肉比较惊悚,不太合理,只能是D
  C. Early in the morning. 早晨 D. Early in the afternoon.刚过中午

( D ) 3. Why didn't the woman want that piece of meat at first? Because为什么夫人开始时不想买那块肉?文第二段第一句夫人就提到了肉太小
  A. it was too cheap 太便宜 B. it smelt bad太差
  C. it cost too much 太贵 D. it wasn't big enough不够大

( A) 4. How many pieces of meat were kept in the fridge?冰箱里有几块肉?第一段就提到了乔整间店里只剩了一块肉
 A. Only one piece of meat. 只有一块 B. Two pieces of meat.两块
 C. Several pieces of meat. 几块肉 D. Many pieces of meat.很多块肉

( B ) 5. Could Joe give the woman both pieces of meat?乔能提供给那位夫人那两块肉吗?当然不可能,那根本是同一块肉,乔只是把同一块肉作为大小两块拿出来二次,以达到欺骗夫人的目的
  A. Certainly.当然行
  B. Of course not.当然不行
  C. He would try his best.他会尽力的
  D. The story doesn;t give us the answers 故事没告诉答案
第1个回答  2012-06-23
第2个回答  2012-06-25
第3个回答  2012-06-25



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