

1、What gifts will you buy for your parents for their birthdays? Why?
2、If it is fine tomorrow, what would you like to do? Why?
3、If you are a rich person, how will you spend your money? Why?
4、How will you celebrate (庆祝) your birthday? Why?
5、What kind of school life can you imagine (想象) in high school?
6、What can we do to save water?
7、Do you think it is good for a student to have a mobile phone? Why/ Why not?
8、Please describe (描述) your perfect (美好的) day.
9、What kind of people would you like to make friends with? Why?
10、Why do you want to study here?
11、How will you prepare (准备) for your trip if you have a chance?
12、How will you get ready for your high school lift?
13、There are so many cars in the streets. Do you think it’s good or not? Why?
14、Do you think smoking is good or not? Why?
15、Do you like pets? Why/ Why not?
1.What do you think is the most important in life? Why?
2.Who has influenced(影响) you most so far? Give an example.
3.what do you think of FAILURE?
4.Suppose one of your best friends asks you to help her/him cheat in the exam, what would you do? Why?
5.What do you think of SUCCESS?
6.If you have a chance to travel abroad, which country would you like to go? Why?
7.If a foreigner comes to China, which place would you introduce to her/him? Why?
8.If you have a chance to talk with a famous person, who would you like to talk to? What would you like to talk about? Why?
9.If a foreigner wants to visit Wenzhou, which place would you like to introduce to her/him? Why?
10.How would you help someone who is disabled(残疾的)?
11.How much do you know about Wenzhou Middle School? Why do you choose to study here?


1、What gifts will you buy for your parents for their birthdays? Why?
I will buy them roses,to say thank you to them for they give me so much love,and always give me power and help when I was down.

2、If it is fine tomorrow, what would you like to do? Why?
ehh,I will go skating,Because i love skating so much,and skating need such a fine day!

3、If you are a rich person, how will you spend your money? Why?
First,I will save some to make more money. o(∩_∩)o
then,I'll buy something I want for so long to make myself happy.
And,I will spend most of my wealth(或者money,但为了避免用词重复,建议用wealth) helping people in poor,because kindness is the best quality in my heart.

4、How will you celebrate (庆祝) your birthday? Why?
I will stay with my parents,enjoy the happiness that we stay together.
Because it's them who give me life,at birthday,I must thank them,stay with them.

5、What kind of school life can you imagine (想象) in high school?
It's will be full of passion(激情),happiness and chanllengs.
But I will enjoy this life.

6、What can we do to save water?
and don't pollut water.

7、Do you think it is good for a student to have a mobile phone? Why/ Why not?
I don't think it is good to do so.
When we have a cell phone, we will spend a lot of time sendind messages,calling for talking about nothing for good.it's not good for our study,and it is not necessary.

8、Please describe (描述) your perfect (美好的) day.
I can eat cute things,play with my best friends,and talk to my parents.
this life is simple, but it's perfect as well.

9、What kind of people would you like to make friends with? Why?
honesty guys.Because I hate those who tell lies.

10、Why do you want to study here?
It's a good palce to study,and I can find friends who have the same dreams as mine.

11、How will you prepare (准备) for your trip if you have a chance?
I will play for long.

12、How will you get ready for your high school lift?
I will try my best to study,to improve myself.

13、There are so many cars in the streets. Do you think it’s good or not? Why?
I think it's bad.It polluts the air so much!Because of this,we have lost so much fresh air.

14、Do you think smoking is good or not? Why?
It's the worst thing in the world!Smoking kills people.It doesn't only kill you,it kills people you love as well.

15、Do you like pets? Why/ Why not?
I like rabbits.It's cute!

1.What do you think is the most important in life? Why?
if there's no love in the world,no body could be happy.

2.Who has influenced(影响) you most so far? Give an example.
My dad.Once I throw a new pen my mom buy to me,he said,"pick it up!If you do so, it means you are hearting the heart which loves you!"since then,I know,I must value the love,or you will never be love any more.

3.what do you think of FAILURE?
It's a sign to let you know,"you're closer to the success"!
it's the most valuable wealth in one's life.

4.Suppose one of your best friends asks you to help her/him cheat in the exam, what would you do? Why?
Refuse to do so.anf tell him it's wrong after the exam.I WON'T LET MY FRIEND TURN BAD!

5.What do you think of SUCCESS?
we want success,we work hard for this,because it shows how important you are to the social.

6.If you have a chance to travel abroad, which country would you like to go? Why?
Holland.It's a heaven.I love the windmills there.

7.If a foreigner comes to China, which place would you introduce to her/him? Why?
the Great wall.it can show how great we Chinese are!

8.If you have a chance to talk with a famous person, who would you like to talk to? What would you like to talk about? Why?
Socrates.we will talk about the meaning of life.It meaningful,I think.

9.If a foreigner wants to visit Wenzhou, which place would you like to introduce to her/him? Why?

10.How would you help someone who is disabled(残疾的)?
help him when he has problems.
make him strong in heart.

11.How much do you know about Wenzhou Middle School? Why do you choose to study here?



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