
随着全球的经济成长迅速及生活品质的提高,人们渐渐重视旅游休闲,因而造成大量旅游现象。然而此结果往往面临成长的上限,不仅降低了旅游品质,以及对当地社会产生过多的负面影响,最重要的是许多观光游憩资源遭到了不易复原的破坏,因而使全球的旅游事业蒙上极大的隐忧。而从二十世纪末开始人们渐渐产生危机意识,因而积极提倡所谓「生态旅游」的观念,但什么才是真正的生态旅游? 生态旅游有什么好处?怎样才能做到真正的生态旅游?这些问题都是我们要探讨的.

Quality rise prompt and living with the fact that the whole world economy grows up, people pays attention to touring to lie fallow gradually , brings about large amount of the phenomenon touring as a result. But this result sometimes is confronted with the upper limit growing up, not only having reduced the quality touring, affect as well as society produces more than the correct or required number negative part to locality, the most important be a lot of recovery of resource no easy to have met with destroying going sightseeing strolling about and having a rest , the secret worry that the tourist trade using the whole world as a result is covered with mounting a maximum. But people produces crisis mental consciousness gradually from twenty centuries are last, concept advocating so-called `ecotourism' as a result actively, but what is really real ecotourism? What benefit does ecotourism have? How ability achieves real organism's habits brigade



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