



Traditional Chinese landscapes —— 传统中国山水画

Portrait of a noble scholar —— 高贵士人的肖像

Elegant ladies in hanfu —— 汉服装扮的优雅女子

Mythical creatures from Chinese folklore —— 中国民间传说中的神秘生物

Traditional tea ceremonies —— 传统茶道仪式

Scenes from ancient Chinese cities —— 古代中国城市的场景

Bamboo forests and scholars —— 竹林与文人

Traditional musical performances —— 传统音乐表演

Daoist immortals in mystical landscapes —— 神秘山水间的道教仙人

Court scenes from ancient China —— 古代中国宫廷场景

Traditional calligraphy and ink paintings —— 传统书法和水墨画

Historical battles and warriors —— 历史战场与勇士

Traditional festivals and celebrations —— 传统节日和庆典

Elegant architecture of ancient temples —— 古代寺庙的优雅建筑

Traditional Chinese gardens —— 传统中国花园

Scholars studying in tranquil libraries —— 文人在宁静图书馆学习

Traditional medicine and herbalists —— 传统医学和草药师

Traditional crafts and artisans —— 传统工艺和工匠

Lantern festivals in ancient towns —— 古镇上的灯笼节庆

Traditional wedding ceremonies —— 传统婚礼仪式

Silk production and weaving —— 丝绸生产和织造

Traditional farming scenes —— 传统农耕场景

Ancient scholars engaged in intellectual pursuits —— 古代学者从事知识追求

Traditional storytelling and folktales —— 传统故事和民间传说

Traditional craftsman workshops —— 传统工匠的作坊

Traditional martial arts and warriors —— 传统武术和武士

Traditional opera performances —— 传统戏曲表演

Traditional street food markets —— 传统街头食品市场

Traditional fishing villages —— 传统渔村

Traditional papermaking and printing —— 传统造纸和印刷

Traditional storytelling sessions around a fire —— 篝火旁的传统故事讲述

Traditional silk embroidery —— 传统丝绣

Traditional dance performances —— 传统舞蹈表演

Traditional puppet shows —— 传统木偶戏

Traditional bamboo craftsmanship —— 传统竹工艺

Traditional tea houses and teahouses —— 传统茶馆

Traditional horseback archery —— 传统马术射箭

Traditional paper lantern making —— 传统纸灯笼制作

Traditional incense ceremonies —— 传统香炉仪式

Traditional silk road trading scenes —— 传统丝绸之路贸易场景

Traditional village life and customs —— 传统乡村生活和风俗

Traditional bamboo flute performances —— 传统竹笛演奏

Traditional ceramic and porcelain making —— 传统陶瓷制作

Traditional martial arts training —— 传统武术训练

Traditional herbal medicine gardens —— 传统草药园

Traditional silk dyeing and fabric weaving —— 传统染色和织造

Traditional temple ceremonies and rituals —— 传统寺庙仪式和仪式

Traditional paper cutting and origami —— 传统剪纸和折纸

Traditional bamboo forest meditation —— 传统竹林冥想

Traditional lion and dragon dance performances —— 传统舞狮和舞龙表演





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