

关键词:纳税筹划 会计政策 利益最大化 节税

Under our country's present economy system, the enterprise as a independent economic benefit main body, to maximize the profit is the essential target. A enterprise interests and influence of the biggest factors is taxes, so in recent years for pay tax to plan in tax planning and the choice of accounting policy research become particularly important. Tax planning in overseas has been widely used in recent years in the home also become many economists and the enterprise research center. In the development of the enterprise and operation, tax planning for choosing the correct accounting policy can reasonable and legitimate tax savings and extend tax, has already reached the pursuit of profit maximization goal. This article is to pay tax to plan and the choice of accounting policies of the simple research, thus more accurate understanding its importance in order to better implement and the effective utilization.
Keywords: pay tax to plan and accounting policies to maximize profits tax savings



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