
第一段* D4 =3.27 for 2 trials and 2.58 for 3 trials; D3 = 0 for up to 7 trials. UCLR represents the limit of individual R's. Circle those that are beyond this limit. Identify the cause and correct. Repeat these readings using the same appraiser and unit as originally used or discard values and re-average and recompute R and the limiting value from the remaining observations.

第二段:All calculations are based upon predicting 5.15 sigma (99.0% of the area under the normal distribution curve).K1 is 5.15/d2, where d2 is dependent on the number of trials (m) and the number if parts times the number of operators (g) which is
assumed to be greater than 15. AV - If a negative value is calculated under the square root sign, the appraiser variation (AV) defaults to zero (0).K2 is 5.15/d2, where d2 is dependent on the number of operators (m) and (g) is 1, since there is only one range calculation.K2 is 5.15/d2, where d2 is dependent on the number of parts (m) and (g) is 1, since there is only one range calculation.d2 is obtained from Table D3, "Quality Control and Industrial Statistics", A.J. Duncan.


第d4 = 3.27 2审判和2.58 3审判;维生素d3 = 0到7的审判。 uclr代表着极限个别r的。圈那些超出这个限额。找出成因和正确的。重复这些读物共同使用同一鉴定家和单位作为原使用或丢弃的价值观和再平均,并recompute r和限制值,由余下的意见。
所有计算都是基于预测5.15西格玛( 99.0 %的面积,根据正态分布曲线) 。 k1的是5.15/d2 , d2的,是依赖于数量的审判( m )和数量,如果零部件倍,不少经营者(七) ,这是
假设为大于15 。影音-如果一个负价值的计算方法,根据平方根为标志,鉴定变异(影音) ,默认为0 ( 0 ) 。 k 2的是5 .15/d2, d 2的,是依赖于经营者的数目(男性)和( g ) ,是1 ,因为只存在一个远程calculation.k2是5.15/d2 , d2的,是依赖于零部件数量( m )和( g )项是1 ,因为只存在一个远程calculation.d2取自表d3的, "质量控制和工业统计"的aj邓肯。
第1个回答  2020-09-24



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