
And they call me Kay at home. The real name is Suey Kay Chung, but for work, I shorten it to Sue K. Chung. Long story but since all my other sisters have the same first name, at home we go by our middle name. But for work in America, they like to use our first name, so for work, all of us call ourselves Sue. That's why my email address is what it is ... I use that for work and home -- esquire means attorney or lawyer and Sue because that's what I use at work. I am attaching a few pictures from our visit.

Please send me your home mailing address. I will send you a copy of other pictures for you and your aunt and uncle there in China. And silly me, I don't remember anyone's name, met too many people during this visit. Your last name is Lin? And the rest of your name is Hui Juan? Do you have an English name?

Please send your younger aunt's mailing address as well. I know Aunt Joni would want it. She has your older uncle's address, but I do not think she got the younger aunt's address.

Meeting your 4th Aunt's (my mother) children will overwhelm everyone since there are so very many of us. Besides your Aunt Bik Har (Joni) and your uncle (Jore Mae, I don't know what you call him, that is what we call him), there are a total of nine others. We have a total of 11, there are 5 boys and 6 girls. I am not going down the family tree, take me forever.

The last time a group of us went to Vaucouver it was to pay our last respects to our favorite aunt, whom I believe you know as 5th Aunt, my mother's younger sister. I don't think your mother was in Vaucouver at that time. I think we met a few of your aunts and your grandmother at that time, but again, so many people were introduced to us at that time it was hard to remember everyone.

I will try to find recent pictures of my family to send you, but I warn you, there are a lot of us.

We recently had an addition of a baby boy born to my niece, Tina and her husband, James Lin; their first baby. Peter Alexander was born at 12:58 a.m., on Thursday, November 15, 2007, 7 lbs. 14 oz., 19 inches. Tina is the oldest daughter of my next to youngest brother, My Engu. He would be #8 of our group of 11 and the 4th of the 5 boys in our family.

We are expecting another baby right after Christmas, I believe that baby's due date is December 26, 2007. We are hoping for a baby girl but we get the feeling it will be another boy. We need girls but everyone of my nieces keep having boys. But they are all healthy so we are happy nonetheless. That baby will be the second baby for my nephew and his wife, Yoke Fang and Jackie Chung. Yoke Fang is the fourth son/child of my older brother, My Jore. They already have a son, age 2, Jason Lee Chung.
前两位的这些翻译我也搜到了,发来这里就是希望能有人帮我通顺的翻译出来.我也知道太长了We will be expecting another little baby this coming June 2008. That will be the second baby for my niece and her husband, Michelle and Erwin Valencia. Erwin is Philipino. They already have a son, age 3, Ethan Rhys Valencia.

So tell me a little more about yourself. Even though your mom is now in Canada, it is good that you still have aunts and uncles you can be with. Are you finished with school? What do you do there? How many more relatives are there in China that we did not get to meet?

Do not know when we will be visiting again. Have to work and save for the next big trip. It is one thing taking a week to go to the beach in the southern part of New Jersey with my godchildren [twin boys] and their mother. It is a lot more expensive traveling to other countries.

他们叫我凯在家里。实名是suey凯涌,但对于工作,我缩短为控告k.涌。长的故事,但因为我所有的其他姐妹们有同样的名字,我们要在国内去,我们中间的名字。但对于工作,在美国,他们想利用我们的第一个名字的,所以我们的工作,大家都称自己控告。这也就是为什么我的电子邮件地址是什么,这是… …我使用,为工作及家居-君子指律师或律师控告,因为那是我用在工作中。我附上几张照片,从我们的访问。



会议上,你第4次姑妈(我的母亲)的孩子将压倒大家,因为有这么多的事情。除了你姑姑bik哈尔戈宾( joni )和你的叔叔( jore美斯,我不知道这是什么,你喊他,这是我们所称呼他) ,目前共有九人。我们一共有11个,有5个男孩和6女孩。我不打算下来的家谱,带我永远的。



不久前,我们进行了增补一名男婴出生,以我的侄女, tina的和她的丈夫詹姆斯林,他们的第一个宝宝。彼得亚历山大出生于上午12时58分,上周四, 2007年11月15日, 7磅。 14盎司。 , 19英寸。 tina的是历史最悠久的女儿在我下次来最年轻的弟弟,我的engu 。他将# 8我们集团的11个和第4次的5个男孩在了我们全家。

我们正期待着另一种婴儿的权利,圣诞节后,我相信宝宝的到期日是2007年12月26日。我们期盼着一名女婴,但我们得到的感觉,这将是另一个男孩。我们需要的女孩,但大家我的侄女保持过男生。但他们都是健康的,所以我们很高兴不过的。到婴儿将成为第二个宝宝,为我的外甥和他的妻子,枷锁方济涌。枷锁方是第四个儿子/孩子,我和哥哥,我的jore 。他们已经有了一个儿子,年龄从2杰森李涌。
我们将期待着另一个小宝宝即将来临2008年6月。这将是第二个宝宝,为我的侄女和她的丈夫,米歇尔和欧文瓦伦西亚。欧文是philipino 。他们已经有了一个儿子, 3岁, ethan rhys瓦伦西亚。


不知道什么时候,我们将再次来访。要工作,并储存下一个大之旅。这是一件事,以一个星期的海滩去,在该国南部的一部分,新州与我godchildren [双胞胎男孩和他们的母亲。这无疑是一个庞大较昂贵的旅行到其他国家。
第1个回答  2007-12-04



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