

表示正在发生的事情或动作,常和now,look,listen连用。如:We are listening to music now. 我们现在正在听音乐。Listen! He is playing the piano. 听!他正在弹钢琴。
1.be + 动词现在分词(即:动词-ing形式),be + doing 是一个整体,不能分开。
2.be 随着主语的变化而变化,doing的变化规则根据现在分词的变化规律来定。
如:work→working do→doing  play→playing
如:dance→dancing  come→coming
如:get→getting  shop→shopping run→running  swim→swimming
如:lie→lying die→dying
1. play 11. fly 21. run
2. read 12. write 22. put
3. see 13. dance 23. get
4. clean 14. live 24. sit
5. study 15. come 25. cut
6. go 16. make 26. swim
7. sing 17. like 27. stop
8. buy 18. have 28. begin
9. say 19. love 29. shop
10. eat 20. take 30. lie

1. The boy ________ _________ (draw) a picture now.
2.I ____ _____ (read) English now.
3.He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.
4. My mother _______ __________ (cook) some nice food now.
5. They ________ ____ (not ,water) the flowers now.
6. We ______ _______(have) supper now.
7. My mother __________ ________ (clean) the room now.
8.What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?
9.Listen! Some girls _______ ________ (sing) in the classroom.
10.Look! They _______ ________ (have) an English lesson.
11.Look! the girls ________ ________ (dance) in the classroom.
12.What is our grandmother doing? She _______ __ (listen) to music.
13.______ Helen __________ (wash)clothes? Yes,she is.
14.We ________ ________ (have) an English class.
15.What ________ they ______ (do) ? They _______ ________ (sit) in the park.

( )1. Is your mum cook dinner? Yes,she .
A. is B. are C. am
( )2. Are you speaking to your teacher? Yes, .
A. I’m B. I am C. I’m not
( )3. your classmates playing games?
A. Am B. Are C. Is
( )4. He climbing mountains.
A. am not B. isn’t C. aren’t
( )5. I a book now.
A. am reading B. is reading C. reading
( )6. He clothes now.
A. is washing B. are washing C. washing
( )7. We an English class now.
A. having B. are C. are having
( )8. Sally pictures.
A. is draw B. is drawing C. drawing
( )9. Mike and John football now.
A. playing B. is playing C. are playing
( )10. Look, it outside.
A. snowing B. is playing C. are playing
( )11. Listen! The boys an “ABC”song.
A. sing B. are singing C.are sing
( )12. Look, music teacher .
A. is dance B. dances C. is dancing
( )13. Tom’s dog after a cat.
A. is running B. is run C. is runing
( )14. Look, Jack a bike.
A. rides B. riding C. is riding
( )15. Mary and May exercise under the tree now.
A. take B. are taking C. taking
( )16. Listen! Our music teacher the song Sha La La.
A. sings B. singing C. is singing

( )17. Look! The policeman the thief.
A. stops B. is stoping C. is stopping
( )18. Ben up now.
A. gets B. is geting C. is getting
( )19. What are you doing? I a stone.
A. moving B. am moving C. moveing
( )20. They their homework in the room now.
A. are do B. are doing C. are doesing

1.They are doing housework.(改成一般疑问句和否定句)
2.The students are cleaning the classroom. (改成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)
3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)
4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)
5.Mike and John are watching TV now.( 对划线部分进行提问)
6.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用what对划线部分进行提问)
7.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用who划线部分进行提问)
8.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用where划线部分进行提问)_________________________________________________________________ 赞同0| 评论 检举 | 2012-5-17 16:43 启明星快乐 | 三级

疑案( ) 心爱( ) 名额( ) 偶尔( )
骄傲( ) 木偶( ) 饥饿( ) 酷爱( )
老师发试卷( )了,教室里悄( )无声息,同学都埋( )头答( )题。我做完后,又反复看( )了几遍,这才放心地交了卷。
小红待人很和(hé hè)气,与人相处从不强(jiàng qiǎng)嘴,她做事责任心很强(qiáng qiǎng),坚持原则,从不和(huó huò)稀泥,对不同的意见,既不随声附和(hè hé),也不强(qiáng qiǎng)词夺理。
4.下面加点字读音完全相同的一项是( )
A、看家 看管 看书 看见B、方便 便饭 便条 随便
C、佛像 佛祖 佛法 仿佛D、强壮 强大 勉强 强迫
A.坚辛 中间 煎药 尖刻( )
B、发誓 气势 启示 事实( )
C、娇傲 焦急 交往 浇水( )
D、杰出 节奏 洁净 捷束( )
(1)shī( )润 ( )之交臂 ( )情画意
( )出无名 无计可( )
(2)quán( )愈 ( )神贯注 ( )宜之计
( )击   涌(   )相报   ( )缩
不(欺 期)而遇 开天(辟 劈)地 理(曲 屈)词穷
乐(已 以)忘忧 一诺千(斤 金) 开(原 源)节流
8.给下面带点的字选择正确的读音,用“ ”画出。
宁可(nìng níng) 省悟(xǐng shěng) 可恶(wù è)
薄弱(báo bó) 炮制(páo pào) 首都(dōu dū)
将军(jiāng jiàng) 打更(gēng gèng) 树冠(guān guàn)
埋(mán)( ) 削(xuē)( ) 鲜(xiān)( )
 (mái)( ) (xiāo)( ) (xiǎn)( )
涨(zhǎng)( )兴(xīng)( ) 舍(shě)( )
(zhàng)( ) (xìng)( ) (shè)( )
(1)昨天一场瓢泼似( )的大雨,似( )乎要把大地吞没。
(2)他总是打扮成一个大恶( )人吓唬小朋友,大家都厌恶( )他。
(3)劳累( )了一天的果农看到树上的累累( )果实,高兴地笑了。
(4)海底蕴藏( )着丰富的矿藏( )资源。
竣 俊 峻 慨 概
(1)( )工 ( )俏 ( )美 ( )峭
(2)( )念 气( ) 感( ) ( )叹
(1)kè( )苦 ( )服 ( )人
(2)jiān( )难 ( )决 ( )灭
(3)biàn( )子 ( )别 ( )论
(4)jī( )饿 ( )讽 ( )器
13.加点字读音完全相同的一项是( )
A、称心 称呼 称意 称颂B、薄弱 单薄 薄雾 薄冰
C、场院 赶场 打场 一场雨C、美好 好客 好奇 好人
(1)老师把这个重( )点重( )复了一遍。
(2)班长调( )查后,对他们俩进行了调( )解。
(3)你得( )了第一名,得( )赶快去领奖。
(4)他是音乐( )家,他过得很快乐( )。
载( )( ) 挑( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
脏( )( ) 切( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
脉( )( ) 绿( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
记 纪 玩 顽
(1)( )载 ( )元 ( )念 ( )叙
(2)( )耍 ( )皮 ( )固 游( )
 xié yáo lì
( )助 ( )言 ( )史
要( ) ( )动 奖( )
和( ) ( )远 严( )
威( ) ( )洞 美( )
mù jié        méi
( )布 ( )目 ( )瑰
羡( ) ( )毛 ( )有
招( ) ( )难 ( )花
( )地 ( )作 草( )
刻 克
( )勤 ( )板 时( ) ( )苦
( )薄 ( )制 ( )舟 ( )服
19.带点字读音完全相同的一项是( )
A、数落 数说 数九寒天 数一数二
B、鸡冠 勇冠三军 冠冕堂皇 张冠李戴
C、奔走 奔波 东奔西走 直奔现场
D、中看 中毒 造谣中伤 中饱私囊
(1)我们班进行了朗(颂 诵)比赛,小方获得第一名。
(2)我(拖 托)着两条(疆 僵)硬的腿继续往前走。
(3)戴旧毡帽的朋友和米商(辨 辫 辩)论米质的好坏。
(4)(鱼 渔)夫的妻子桑娜(坐 座)在火(炉 泸 芦)旁补一(张 章)网。
(5)我们要(遵 尊)守学校的制度,(遵 尊)敬老师,做一个好学生。
冠( )( ) 缝( )( ) 更( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
处( )( ) 行( )( ) 调( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
奔( )( ) 朝( )( ) 重( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
藏( )( ) 尽( )( ) 教( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
扇( )( ) 血( )( ) 殷( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
饮( )( ) 好( )( ) 还( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
塞( )( ) 差( )( ) 着( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
第1个回答  2012-05-17

疑案( ) 心爱( ) 名额( ) 偶尔( )
骄傲( ) 木偶( ) 饥饿( ) 酷爱( )
老师发试卷( )了,教室里悄( )无声息,同学都埋( )头答( )题。我做完后,又反复看( )了几遍,这才放心地交了卷。
小红待人很和(hé hè)气,与人相处从不强(jiàng qiǎng)嘴,她做事责任心很强(qiáng qiǎng),坚持原则,从不和(huó huò)稀泥,对不同的意见,既不随声附和(hè hé),也不强(qiáng qiǎng)词夺理。
4.下面加点字读音完全相同的一项是( )
A、看家 看管 看书 看见B、方便 便饭 便条 随便
C、佛像 佛祖 佛法 仿佛D、强壮 强大 勉强 强迫
A.坚辛 中间 煎药 尖刻( )
B、发誓 气势 启示 事实( )
C、娇傲 焦急 交往 浇水( )
D、杰出 节奏 洁净 捷束( )
(1)shī( )润 ( )之交臂 ( )情画意
( )出无名 无计可( )
(2)quán( )愈 ( )神贯注 ( )宜之计
( )击   涌(   )相报   ( )缩
不(欺 期)而遇 开天(辟 劈)地 理(曲 屈)词穷
乐(已 以)忘忧 一诺千(斤 金) 开(原 源)节流
8.给下面带点的字选择正确的读音,用“ ”画出。
宁可(nìng níng) 省悟(xǐng shěng) 可恶(wù è)
薄弱(báo bó) 炮制(páo pào) 首都(dōu dū)
将军(jiāng jiàng) 打更(gēng gèng) 树冠(guān guàn)
埋(mán)( ) 削(xuē)( ) 鲜(xiān)( )
 (mái)( ) (xiāo)( ) (xiǎn)( )
涨(zhǎng)( )兴(xīng)( ) 舍(shě)( )
(zhàng)( ) (xìng)( ) (shè)( )
(1)昨天一场瓢泼似( )的大雨,似( )乎要把大地吞没。
(2)他总是打扮成一个大恶( )人吓唬小朋友,大家都厌恶( )他。
(3)劳累( )了一天的果农看到树上的累累( )果实,高兴地笑了。
(4)海底蕴藏( )着丰富的矿藏( )资源。
竣 俊 峻 慨 概
(1)( )工 ( )俏 ( )美 ( )峭
(2)( )念 气( ) 感( ) ( )叹
(1)kè( )苦 ( )服 ( )人
(2)jiān( )难 ( )决 ( )灭
(3)biàn( )子 ( )别 ( )论
(4)jī( )饿 ( )讽 ( )器
13.加点字读音完全相同的一项是( )
A、称心 称呼 称意 称颂B、薄弱 单薄 薄雾 薄冰
C、场院 赶场 打场 一场雨C、美好 好客 好奇 好人
(1)老师把这个重( )点重( )复了一遍。
(2)班长调( )查后,对他们俩进行了调( )解。
(3)你得( )了第一名,得( )赶快去领奖。
(4)他是音乐( )家,他过得很快乐( )。
载( )( ) 挑( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
脏( )( ) 切( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
脉( )( ) 绿( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
记 纪 玩 顽
(1)( )载 ( )元 ( )念 ( )叙
(2)( )耍 ( )皮 ( )固 游( )
 xié yáo lì
( )助 ( )言 ( )史
要( ) ( )动 奖( )
和( ) ( )远 严( )
威( ) ( )洞 美( )
mù jié        méi
( )布 ( )目 ( )瑰
羡( ) ( )毛 ( )有
招( ) ( )难 ( )花
( )地 ( )作 草( )
刻 克
( )勤 ( )板 时( ) ( )苦
( )薄 ( )制 ( )舟 ( )服
19.带点字读音完全相同的一项是( )
A、数落 数说 数九寒天 数一数二
B、鸡冠 勇冠三军 冠冕堂皇 张冠李戴
C、奔走 奔波 东奔西走 直奔现场
D、中看 中毒 造谣中伤 中饱私囊
(1)我们班进行了朗(颂 诵)比赛,小方获得第一名。
(2)我(拖 托)着两条(疆 僵)硬的腿继续往前走。
(3)戴旧毡帽的朋友和米商(辨 辫 辩)论米质的好坏。
(4)(鱼 渔)夫的妻子桑娜(坐 座)在火(炉 泸 芦)旁补一(张 章)网。
(5)我们要(遵 尊)守学校的制度,(遵 尊)敬老师,做一个好学生。
冠( )( ) 缝( )( ) 更( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
处( )( ) 行( )( ) 调( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
奔( )( ) 朝( )( ) 重( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
藏( )( ) 尽( )( ) 教( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
扇( )( ) 血( )( ) 殷( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
饮( )( ) 好( )( ) 还( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
塞( )( ) 差( )( ) 着( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )
( )( ) ( )( )
第2个回答  2012-05-17

表示正在发生的事情或动作,常和now,look,listen连用。如:We are listening to music now. 我们现在正在听音乐。Listen! He is playing the piano. 听!他正在弹钢琴。
1.be + 动词现在分词(即:动词-ing形式),be + doing 是一个整体,不能分开。
2.be 随着主语的变化而变化,doing的变化规则根据现在分词的变化规律来定。
如:work→working do→doing  play→playing
如:dance→dancing  come→coming
如:get→getting  shop→shopping run→running  swim→swimming
如:lie→lying die→dying
如: They are running. →They are not running.
如:They are running. →Are they runnin?
如:They are swimming in the sea now. →What are they doing in the sea now?


1. play 11. fly 21. run
2. read 12. write 22. put
3. see 13. dance 23. get
4. clean 14. live 24. sit
5. study 15. come 25. cut
6. go 16. make 26. swim
7. sing 17. like 27. stop
8. buy 18. have 28. begin
9. say 19. love 29. shop
10. eat 20. take 30. lie

1. The boy ________ _________ (draw) a picture now.
2.I ____ _____ (read) English now.
3.He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.
4. My mother _______ __________ (cook) some nice food now.
5. They ________ ____ (not ,water) the flowers now.
6. We ______ _______(have) supper now.
7. My mother __________ ________ (clean) the room now.
8.What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?
9.Listen! Some girls _______ ________ (sing) in the classroom.
10.Look! They _______ ________ (have) an English lesson.
11.Look! the girls ________ ________ (dance) in the classroom.
12.What is our grandmother doing? She _______ __ (listen) to music.
13.______ Helen __________ (wash)clothes? Yes,she is.
14.We ________ ________ (have) an English class.
15.What ________ they ______ (do) ? They _______ ________ (sit) in the park.

( )1. Is your mum cook dinner? Yes,she .
A. is B. are C. am
( )2. Are you speaking to your teacher? Yes, .
A. I’m B. I am C. I’m not
( )3. your classmates playing games?
A. Am B. Are C. Is
( )4. He climbing mountains.
A. am not B. isn’t C. aren’t
( )5. I a book now.
A. am reading B. is reading C. reading
( )6. He clothes now.
A. is washing B. are washing C. washing
( )7. We an English class now.
A. having B. are C. are having
( )8. Sally pictures.
A. is draw B. is drawing C. drawing
( )9. Mike and John football now.
A. playing B. is playing C. are playing
( )10. Look, it outside.
A. snowing B. is playing C. are playing
( )11. Listen! The boys an “ABC”song.
A. sing B. are singing C.are sing
( )12. Look, music teacher .
A. is dance B. dances C. is dancing
( )13. Tom’s dog after a cat.
A. is running B. is run C. is runing
( )14. Look, Jack a bike.
A. rides B. riding C. is riding
( )15. Mary and May exercise under the tree now.
A. take B. are taking C. taking
( )16. Listen! Our music teacher the song Sha La La.
A. sings B. singing C. is singing

( )17. Look! The policeman the thief.
A. stops B. is stoping C. is stopping
( )18. Ben up now.
A. gets B. is geting C. is getting
( )19. What are you doing? I a stone.
A. moving B. am moving C. moveing
( )20. They their homework in the room now.
A. are do B. are doing C. are doesing

1.They are doing housework.(改成一般疑问句和否定句)
2.The students are cleaning the classroom. (改成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)
3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)
4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)
5.Mike and John are watching TV now.( 对划线部分进行提问)
6.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用what对划线部分进行提问)
7.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用who划线部分进行提问)
第3个回答  2012-05-17

表示正在发生的事情或动作,常和now,look,listen连用。如:We are listening to music now. 我们现在正在听音乐。Listen! He is playing the piano. 听!他正在弹钢琴。
1.be + 动词现在分词(即:动词-ing形式),be + doing 是一个整体,不能分开。
2.be 随着主语的变化而变化,doing的变化规则根据现在分词的变化规律来定。
如:work→working do→doing  play→playing
如:dance→dancing  come→coming
如:get→getting  shop→shopping run→running  swim→swimming
如:lie→lying die→dying
如: They are running. →They are not running.
如:They are running. →Are they runnin?
如:They are swimming in the sea now. →What are they doing in the sea now?


1. play 11. fly 21. run
2. read 12. write 22. put
3. see 13. dance 23. get
4. clean 14. live 24. sit
5. study 15. come 25. cut
6. go 16. make 26. swim
7. sing 17. like 27. stop
8. buy 18. have 28. begin
9. say 19. love 29. shop
10. eat 20. take 30. lie

1. The boy ________ _________ (draw) a picture now.
2.I ____ _____ (read) English now.
3.He ______ _______ (go) to the park now.
4. My mother _______ __________ (cook) some nice food now.
5. They ________ ____ (not ,water) the flowers now.
6. We ______ _______(have) supper now.
7. My mother __________ ________ (clean) the room now.
8.What _____ you ______ ( do ) now?
9.Listen! Some girls _______ ________ (sing) in the classroom.
10.Look! They _______ ________ (have) an English lesson.
11.Look! the girls ________ ________ (dance) in the classroom.
12.What is our grandmother doing? She _______ __ (listen) to music.
13.______ Helen __________ (wash)clothes? Yes,she is.
14.We ________ ________ (have) an English class.
15.What ________ they ______ (do) ? They _______ ________ (sit) in the park.

( )1. Is your mum cook dinner? Yes,she .
A. is B. are C. am
( )2. Are you speaking to your teacher? Yes, .
A. I’m B. I am C. I’m not
( )3. your classmates playing games?
A. Am B. Are C. Is
( )4. He climbing mountains.
A. am not B. isn’t C. aren’t
( )5. I a book now.
A. am reading B. is reading C. reading
( )6. He clothes now.
A. is washing B. are washing C. washing
( )7. We an English class now.
A. having B. are C. are having
( )8. Sally pictures.
A. is draw B. is drawing C. drawing
( )9. Mike and John football now.
A. playing B. is playing C. are playing
( )10. Look, it outside.
A. snowing B. is playing C. are playing
( )11. Listen! The boys an “ABC”song.
A. sing B. are singing C.are sing
( )12. Look, music teacher .
A. is dance B. dances C. is dancing
( )13. Tom’s dog after a cat.
A. is running B. is run C. is runing
( )14. Look, Jack a bike.
A. rides B. riding C. is riding
( )15. Mary and May exercise under the tree now.
A. take B. are taking C. taking
( )16. Listen! Our music teacher the song Sha La La.
A. sings B. singing C. is singing

( )17. Look! The policeman the thief.
A. stops B. is stoping C. is stopping
( )18. Ben up now.
A. gets B. is geting C. is getting
( )19. What are you doing? I a stone.
A. moving B. am moving C. moveing
( )20. They their homework in the room now.
A. are do B. are doing C. are doesing

1.They are doing housework.(改成一般疑问句和否定句)
2.The students are cleaning the classroom. (改成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答)
3.I’m playing the football in the playground .(对划线部分进行提问)
4.Tom is reading books in his study . (对划线部分进行提问)
5.Mike and John are watching TV now.( 对划线部分进行提问)
6.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用what对划线部分进行提问)
7.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用who划线部分进行提问)
8.Lisa is playing computer game in the living room.(用where划线部分进行提问)_________________________________________________________________



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