






What are your views on this?
May I ask for your opinions or suggestions?

I'd like to hear your ideas on this.
How do you think we should do this?
What would you suggest?

Do any of you have any suggestions?
What do you recommend?
Do you think we should...?
What's your opinion?
How do you see this?
Any suggestions?
I suggest we should... What do you think?

1. Can you back .... Up?
2. Can you give us an example?
3. Can you provide any examples to prove what you're saying?
4. Can you talk about any examples that show you're right?

"back"在此作动词,为‘支持’之意;"back up"有‘支援;救援’的意思,用于此句型,解释为‘以例子或事实证明自己所说的话’。这句型十分有礼客气,语气虽含有稍许的怀疑却也直接坦率。

1. As I see it, first of all ...; second ...
2. It seems to me that, one, ... ; two, ...
3. I'm inclined to think that, one, ...; two, ...
4. The way I see it is that, one, ...; two, ...

"as I see it"这个口语是‘以我所见;就我看来’的意思;"see"则指‘看待’;"first of all"是‘首先’之意,具有强调的作用。整个词组的意思是‘我的看法是,第一…;第二…’,其后直接接自己的意见及想法。

开会时 催请继续发言
1. Is there (something) you want to add?
2. Do you have any other suggestions?
3. What would you like to add?
4. Is there more that you wanted to talk about?

此句型是用在会议中,发言人或简报者中断发言,而你想提醒或促请他们继续发表其看法及提议的问句。"add"是‘补充;添加’。"There is(are)..."的句型,要改成问句时,只要将be动词调至最前面即可。



Vincent: If you don't want the powder to cost more, we can't add anything. We'll just have to sell it the way it is now, and put a warning on. Then, if someone uses dirty water, they shoulder the responsibility, not us.

Grace: I'm sorry, but I have to disagree. There are three very good reasons why it would be the wrong thing to do.

Vincent: You seem very sure of what you are saying. Can you back it up?

Grace: As I see it, first of all most people there can't read, so a warning won't help them at all. Second, even if their governments say a warning is enough, other groups won't. They'll call out the media hounds, and many people will be very, very angry with us. Sales will go down everywhere.

Sam: Hm. You said that there are three good reasons, Grace. Is there another reason you want to add?

Grace: Yes, there is. Third, and most important, it just wouldn't be right if we knew even one person wouldn't listen to the warning, and a child was hurt because of it.

Sam: Hm. You can't argue against that. How could we live with ourselves if we let that happen? And just because we wanted more money.

Vincent: It wouldn't just be because of the money. Those people aren't healthy, and our powder is better than mother's milk. Some people might get sick, but isn't it more important that we help so many others?


Vincent: 如果不想要奶粉成本上涨,我们就不能添加任何东西。只能直接拿现在的产品销售,并且加印警告标示。如果有人用了不洁的水冲泡,他们必须自行负责,错不在我们。

Grace: 抱歉,我不能同意。我有三个充份的理由足以说明这种作法有问题。

Vincent: 你说的好像很有把握。能不能再加以说明呢?

Grace: 就我看来,首先,在那里大部份的人都不识字,警告标示对他们根本没有用。第二,就算他们的政府说有警告标示就足够了,但是其它团体若不这么认为,引起舆论的注意,许多人将会对我们非常、非常的不满,各地方的销路都会走下坡。

Sam: 嗯。Grace,你说有三个充份的理由。那还有一个要补充的呢?

Grace: 是的。第三个,也是最重要的。如果就算是只有一个人因不理会警告,使得小孩受害了,这就证明只靠警告标示是不够的。

Sam: 嗯。说得没错。如果我们坐视这种情形发生,的确不能心安理得?难道只是为了赚较多的钱?!

Vincent: 我想不只是为了钱。这些人的健康情形不佳,而我们的奶粉比母奶好,就算有些人因而生病,我们还是帮了许多人,这不是更重要吗?


shoulder the responsibility 负责;挑起责任


I know the problems started in my department, but I don't think I should shoulder the responsibility for other people's mistakes.

call out the (media) hounds 唤起舆论的注意

"call out"的意思是‘大声唤起;叫出’;"hound"为‘猎犬’;"media"为"medium"的复数形,意思是‘媒体’。这词组以叫唤猎犬追捕越狱者的意象,来比喻非法或不道德的行为受到法律或公益组织的注意,或遭舆论或大众媒体攻击的情形。

I just can't let our company sell cars that we know are unsafe; if management won't do something, I'll secretly call out the media hounds.

live with oneself 心安理得

"live with"原有‘与…同住;可忍受’之意,表示虽不满意,仍能勉强接受。这个表达语常以否定形式出现,通常形容一个人若做了亏心事,他无法忍受自己良心的谴责。

I couldn't live with myself if I ever did anything to hurt my wife.
第1个回答  推荐于2017-11-25
开会:Let's start the meeting now
散会:So much for today, have a nice evening/day/weekend

或者:Thats's a;ll for today.

第2个回答  2007-12-26
Dear teachers and classmates,goo morning!
Today I am glad to stand here to host the meeting on...,I hope all of us would be happy and concentrated on the topics we would talk,now let's begin!
Today we have held a very good meeting,I believe all of us have benefit much from this meeting,I hope we would study hard to make more progress,and spread the spirit of the meeting to a more extensive scope.Thank you all!



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