

Sir Isaac is the human history of the greatest, the most influential scientist, is also a physicist, mathematician and philosopher, later indulged in alchemy and theology. In July 5, 1687 he published the monumental work" mathematical principles of natural philosophy" with mathematical method explains the most basic laws in the universe -- the law of universal gravitation and the three laws of motion. These four laws constitute a unified system, is considered to be the" wisdom of human history one of the greatest achievements", thus laid after the three century physics scientific view, and becomes the modern engineering foundation. Newtons for human to establish" rationalism " banner, open industrial revolution door. Newtonian died, was buried in Westminster Abbey, became the first scientist in this death.
Newtonian (December 25, 1642 ~ March 31, 1727) jazz, a member of the Royal Society, is a British physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher and alchemist. Author of" mathematical principles of natural philosophy"," optical","" and"" binomial theorem of calculus. In 1687 he published the paper" mathematical principles of natural philosophy", the universal gravitation and the three laws of motion are described. These describe established after this three CenturyNewtonian like (21) the physical world from the scientific point of view, and became the basis of modern engineering. Through his demonstration of Kepler's laws of planetary motion and his theory of gravity consistency between, show the ground object and the motions of the heavenly bodies all follow the same law of nature; thus eliminating the Solar Center said last vestige of doubt, and to promote the scientific revolution. In mechanics, the Newtonian clarifies the momentum conservation of angular momentum principle. In optics, he invented the reflecting telescope, and based on the three prism to white light diverging into visible spectrum observation, developed color theory. He also systematically describes the law of cooling, and the study of sonic. In mathematics, Newton and Gottfried Leibniz shared developed calculus honors. He also proved the generalized binomial theorem, put forward " Newtonian " method to approach zero of a function, and as power series contributed research. In 2005, the British Royal Society played a game of" who is the science and the history of the most influential people" poll, he was considered more influential than Albert Einstein
第1个回答  2023-09-06
Newton's Biography, Achievements, and Contributions
Isaac Newton (1643-1727) was a British physicist and mathematician who made significant contributions to the fields of optics, mechanics, and mathematics. His works have深远地影响了近代自然科学的的发展,而且在日常生活中也有广泛的应用。
In optics, Newton investigated the nature of light and developed a prismatic spectrum, demonstrating that light consists of various colors. He also postulated that white light is a combination of all colors. This work laid the foundation for the study of optics and color theory.
In mechanics, Newton's three laws of motion are fundamental principles that describe the relationship between force, motion, and matter. His laws have been widely used in the fields of engineering, physics, and astronomy to explain and predict the behavior of physical systems.
In mathematics, Newton discovered the method of fluxions, which later became known as differential calculus. He also developed a technique called "Newton's method" for finding approximate solutions to equations that is still used today.
Newton's contributions to science and mathematics have had far-reaching consequences in fields such as physics, engineering, and computer science. His works have been essential in the development of modern technology and have shaped the world we live in.
Newton's legacy lives on not only in the numerous applications of his theories but also in the inspiration his works have provided for future generations of scientists and mathematicians.



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