

1、 Feel well/bad2、 Wake up (somebody)—fall asleep3、 As soon as4、 Be busy doing/with something5、 Stop doing/to do/somebody from doing6、 Go down7、 Have something to do8、 Sleeping pills9、 Be awake—be asleep10、 Light music11、 In the band12、 Try something/doing something13、 Try to do something14、 A piece of music15、 Again and again16、 系动词:be/sound look seem smell taste feel/get turn become17、 Look nice on18、 Be/keep quiet19、 Instead of something/doing20、 Make trouble21、 enough+名词/形容词或副词+enough22、 Be thin/fat23、 Nothing much wrong/nothing serious24、 Look over25、 At the weekend26、 have been to+地点27、 Land on28、 Pull something out of/up from29、 Keep something cool30、 All by oneself=alone31、 Perhaps=maybe32、 No longer=no more=not any longer=not any more33、 Get back/get something back34、 Sooner or later35、 Drop something36、 Run after37、 Run away38、 Eat up39、 On the bank40、 A few--few41、 A little--little42、 A little=a bit43、 Pass something to somebody=pass somebody something44、 Help oneself to45、 Hot food46、 Seem to do/that47、 Fast food48、 Be popular with49、 Enjoy/enjoy oneself50、 Enjoy something/doing51、 Have a taste/taste like52、 In the city of53、 Both of/both And B54、 Either or/either of55、 Neither nor/neither of56、 Agree with/to57、 With—with out58、 Take away—home cooking59、 Take a seat60、 By the window61、 Take one’s order62、 Go/walk alone/up/down63、 Go on64、 Cross=go across65、 Take the first crossing on the right=turn right at the first crossing66、 At/in the corner67、 Be sick/ill68、 In hospital69、 In the hospital70、 Arrive at/in / get to / reach71、 At the end of72、 Feel like doing73、 Look over74、 Wake somebody up75、 It takes somebody + time + to do76、 Be wake—be strong77、 Quite a long way78、 Had better do/not do79、 Be happy/sorry/sad to do80、 Look around81、 情态动词:can/can’t/may/must/mustn’t/have to82、 Be sure about/of/to do/that83、 In time/on time84、 Make one’s way to85、 The sign of86、 Just then/just now87、 Make a noise88、 Stand a line89、 Wait for one’s turn90、 Stop doing/to do91、 Jump the queue92、 At the head of93、 Laugh at94、 Make a mistake95、 Throw something about96、 In fact97、 At midnight98、 Ring the door bell99、 Complain about100、 Quarrel with somebody101、 Agree with somebody\\something102、 Agree with something103、 No longer (在句子中间)104、 No more (在句子尾部)105、 Not too bad106、 Not at all107、 在……时间之后 after (过去时)\\in (现在时)108、 Wake somebody up109、 Stop somebody from doing110、 Spend on something111、 Spend in doing112、 So +助+主(做相同的事情)113、 So+主+助(同意前者的说法)
Unit 6 How long have you been collecting shells?
1. raise money 筹钱
2. collect stamps 集邮
3. run out of… 用尽
4. by the way 顺便说一下
5. on the way to.. 在…的路上
6. be interested in 对…感兴趣
7. more than=over 超过
8. fly kites 放风筝
9. three and a half years =three years and a half 三年半
10. a pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans 一双滑冰鞋/一双鞋/一副眼镜/一条裤子/牛仔裤
 How much is a pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans?
= How much does a(this) pair of skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans cost?
 How much are the skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans?
= How much do the skates/shoes/glasses/trousers/jeans cost?
本单元目标句型:全椒三中许俊华英语资料,版权所有Hot line:13905502698
1. How long have you been skating? 你滑冰有多长时间了?
2. I’ve been skating since nine o’clock./since I was four years old.
3. I’ve been skating for five hours. 我一直滑了五小时 。
4. The more I learn about Chinese history, the more I enjoy living in China.
我对中国的历史了解得越多, 我就越喜欢住在中国。
现在完成进行式结构:have / has +been+ doing
1.I have been writing the letter since then.从那时起我一直在写这封信。(动作从过去一直持续到现在还在继续)
2.I have been collecting stamps for ten years.自从10年前我就收集邮票了(动作从过去一直现在还在收集)。
3. How long have you been living here?你在这儿已经住了多长时间了。(“居住”动作从过去一直现在还在继续)

Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music?
1. turn… down/turn… up 关小声/调大声音(电器)
2. turn… on/ turn …off 打开/关闭(电器)
3. move the bike 移动自行车
4. in a minute/right away/in no time 立刻,马上
5. be late for school/class=arrive late for school 上学/上课迟到
6. wait in line=stand in line 排队等候
7. cut in line=jump a queue 插队
8. get mad/annoyed 变得生气
9. happen to sb 发生在…身上
10. half an hour 半小时
11. at first 首先
12. at last=in the end=finally 最后
13. allow sb. to do /not to do sth. 允许某人做/不做某事
14. be allowed to do /not to do sth. 某人不被允许某人做/不做某事
15. in public 当众地;公开地;公然地
16. in public places 在公共场所
17. break the rule 不遵守规则
18. pick… up 捡起
19. put …out 熄灭
20. drop litter 扔垃圾
21. keep the voice down 控制声音
本单元目标句型:全椒三中许俊华英语资料,版权所有Hot line:13905502698
1. Would you mind cleaning the yard? 你介意打扫院子吗?
2. Not at all. I’ll do it right away. 一点也不. 我马上就扫.
3. Would you mind not playing baseball here. 你介意不要在这打棒球吗?
4. Sorry, we’ll go and play in the park. 对不起,我们到公园去打.
5. Could you (please) make dinner? 请做晚饭好吗?
6. That’s no problem . 没问题.
7. Could you (please) not feed the dog?=Would you mind not feeding the dog?= Would you (please) not feed the dog?=Please don’t feed the dog, will you?请不要喂狗好吗?全椒三中许俊华英语资料
  1.在进行时态中。如: 1.He is watching TV in the room.
2.They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.
  2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.
  3.在have fun/problems结构中。如:We have fun learning English this term.
    They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.
  4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for helping me. Are you good at playing basketball?
What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? I am interested in playing football.

1. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事;
2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事;
3. feel like doing sth 想要做某事;
4. stop doing sth 停止做某事(原来的事)
5. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事;
6. go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);
7. remember doing sth 记得做过某事;
8. like doing sth 喜欢做某事;
9. find /see/hear/watch sb doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做
10. try doing sth 试图做某事;
11. need doing sth 需要做某事;
12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事;
13. mind doing sth 介意做某事;
14. miss doing sth 错过做某事;
15. practice doing sth 练习做某事;
16. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事;
17. can't help doing sth 禁不住做某事;
18. waste time/money doing 浪费时间/金钱做…;
19. keep sb.doing 让…始终/一直做…

20. stop sb.(from)doing 阻止某人做某事
21. prefer doing B to doing B=like A better than A喜欢做A更喜欢做B
22. “do some +doing”短语
如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking
23.“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)
如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go hunting (打猎)
I feel(am/was) excited/ surprised/ amazed /interested /tired/pleased/worried/lost
Keep…closed/ a boy called/named Tom
Unit 8 why don’t you get her a scarf?
1. fall asleep 入睡
2. give… away 赠送;分发
3. rather than 宁愿…而不是,胜于
4. would do…rather than do 宁愿…不愿做
5. hear of… 听说
6. make friends with 和……交友
7. photo album 像册
8. too personal 太私人化
9. not interesting enough 不够有趣
10. make a special meal 做一顿特别的饭
11. an 8-year-old child 一个六岁的孩子
12. these days 最近
13. not…at all 根本不
14. different kinds of 不同种类
15. make her happy 使她高兴
16. someone else 别人(else总是后置)
17. improve English 提高英语
18. in different ways 以不同的方式
19. encourage sb to do 鼓励某人做
20. make progress 取得进步
21. take an interest in/be interested in 对……感兴趣
第1个回答  2012-05-18
1 as…as 2 not as/so …as
3 both …and 4 neither …nor
5 receive a letter from sb 6 hear from sb
7 what dy is is today? 8hat’s the date today?
13 Can you do sth? 14 Could you please do sth?
15 Would you please do sth? 16 Would you mind doing sth?
17 a number of 18 the number of
19 It takes sb sometime to do sth
20 Sb spend time/money doing sth/ on sth
21 Sth cost sb money
22 enjoy /finish/ have fun/practice/can’t help/ feel like… …doing sth
want/would like/ plan/ decide/learn … … to do sth
第2个回答  2012-05-07
每一个单元的Grammar focus就是的。
第3个回答  2012-05-06
刚好没删, 昨还发了份别人, 正准备删了. 说下邮箱, 采纳即发送.



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