

on television电视播放的
at the age of在什么岁时
at a price付代价
be strict with对什么严格
fall ill病倒
in place of代替
be grateful to感激某人
be curious about对什么感到好奇
search for找寻
lead to 使发生
protect from保护什么以免什么
be tired of 厌倦
be known as 被称作
set up 建立
for love 出于热爱
forget about 不再想
come on 得了吧
save up 储蓄
fight for与什么斗争
be equal to 与什么平等
in total总计
get into trouble使什么陷入麻烦中
run around到处跑
get in trouble with犯事而落到某人手里
laugh at嘲笑
from all over the world全世界
be delighted with 对某物很满意
play against 同什么比赛
score a goal射门得分
play a trick on 戏弄某人
set out 出发
life jacket 救生衣
in trouble处于困境
date back to 追溯到
in existence存在
in good condition处于良好的状态
knock down 撞到
in reply回答
move out one’s way不挡某人的道
both and 不仅什么而且什么
jump out of one’s skin 大吃一惊
make a deep impression on 给某人留下什么印象
film star电影明星
turn off关掉
make friends with 交朋友
take off 起飞
bump into 撞上
make money赚钱
a week or two 一两个星期
be worth doing值得做
be going to do 打算做
a couple of 几个
educational exchange教育交流
keep in touch with与某人保持联系
shout out 大胜说出
a bit一点点
places of interest名胜古迹
do much sightseeing四处观光旅游
take pictures of照相
take with 随身携带
be ready to do 乐于做
fellow students同学
take to 开始喜欢
after a while过了一会儿
get used to 习惯
all the time 一直
be different to 与么不同
high school中学
pocket money零用钱
after all毕竟
pay for付钱
be serious about为认真对待
for nothing免费
argue with 争辩
be concerned about对什么担心
get angry with 生气
pop music流行音乐
generation gap代沟
do the washing洗衣服
by hand 用手
disagree with 不同意
wash the dishes洗碗
be happy with 快乐同
be willing to do 愿意做某事
be busy dong 忙于
insist on坚持
try doing尝试做
look forward to doing 盼望
have a rest休息一会儿
come by 经过
and so on 等等
all sorts of 各种各样的
do a good job干得好
dig up 挖出
have an argument争论
knock out击倒
call out 大声叫喊
set free释放
comp up 跟上来
have one’s own way随心所欲
here and there到处
hurry away匆匆离开
a long time ago很久以前
get old变老
go wrong出错
lose one’s memory 失去记忆
hear about听说
grey matter灰质
white matter白质
nervous system 神经系统
in one’s 90s九十多岁时
a large amount of大量的
put on weight 胖了
lose weight减肥
leave school 毕业
keep for oneself 把某物留给自己
in need贫困
make a noise发出噪音
less than 少于
pass on to把某物传给
at a time一次
the whole of one’s life一生
divide into分开
link with 把什么与什么连接起来
focus one’s attention集中注意力
第1个回答  2012-05-20






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