in+一个单词+of 构成的短语,限高考词汇,急需


in charge of in need of in praise of in favor of in want of in spite of in search of in defence of in excess of (超过) in light of(鉴于)=in view of in memory of= in honour of in praise of in respect of in recognition of 总之,含义都是之间名词的含义,作状语,或表语用
第1个回答  2012-05-20
in search of 寻找
第2个回答  推荐于2018-05-05
in ... of短语知多少?
[看一看] 请看下列句子,体会划线部分的含义。
1. In terms of money I am quite rich, but not in terms of happiness.
2. The front was in need of medicine and medical workers.
in terms of 的近义短语有:with regard to, according to。term构成的常见短语有:in the short / long term从近期/长远来看;on good / bad terms(with)和……关系很好/不好;come to terms达成协议。
in need of相当于in demand of,后接名词或代词。need 构成的常见表达有:meet / satisfy one’s need满足某人的需要;There is no need to do sth. 没必要做某事。
[拓展] 英语中类似的in ... of结构还有许多。如:
in charge of负责
in search of寻找
in the hope of怀着……的希望
in honor of为了纪念
in favor of赞成;支持
in spite of不管;尽管
in case of如果;万一
in place of代替
in memory of纪念
in possession of占有
in face of面临
in control of控制;管理;掌握
in praise of赞扬
in reward of酬答
[练一练] 用以上短语的适当形式填空。
1. I felt lonely and I was ________ some companionship.
2. ________ natural resources, this country is one of the poorest countries in Western Europe.
3. ________ great efforts, we failed to carry our plan through at last.
4. ________ fire, open this door.

1. in need of 2. In terms of
3. In spite of 4. In case of





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