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This November 2007 is missing citations or needs footnotes . 这个于2007年11月失踪的引文或需要注解 。
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The first two pages of the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, in (left to right) German , Hungarian , Bulgarian , Ottoman Turkish and Russian首两页的条约布列斯特litovsk , (左到右) 德语 , 匈牙利语 , 保加利亚语 , 奥斯曼土耳其和俄罗斯
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk was a peace treaty signed on March 3 , 1918 , at Brest-Litovsk (now Brest, Belarus ) between the Russian SFSR and the Central Powers , marking Russia's exit from World War I .该条约布列斯特litovsk是一项和平条约,签署了关于1918年 3月3日 ,在布列斯特- litovsk (现布列斯特 , 白俄罗斯 )与俄罗斯sfsr和中央的权力 ,这标志着俄罗斯的出口从第一次世界大战后 。

While the treaty was practically obsolete before the end of the year, it gave some relief to Bolsheviks waging the civil war in all directions and contributed to or affirmed the independence of Finland , Estonia , Latvia , Ukraine , Lithuania and Poland .而该条约是过时的,实际上之前在今年年底之前,它给予一些减免,以布尔什维克发动内战,在各个方向,并有助于或肯定了独立的芬兰 , 爱沙尼亚 , 拉脱维亚 , 乌克兰 , 立陶宛和波兰 。

1 Armistice negotiations 一日 停战谈判
2 Resumed hostilities 二日 恢复敌对行动
3 Terms of the peace treaty 3学期 的和平条约
3.1 Transfer of territory to Germany 3.1 领土转让给德国
3.2 Transfer of territory to the Ottoman Empire 3.2 领土转让给奥斯曼帝国
3.3 Protection of Armenians' right to self-determination 3.3 保护亚美尼亚人的权利,自决权
3.4 Payment of war reparations to Germany 3.4 支付战争赔款,以德国
4 Lasting effects of the treaty 四 深远的影响,该条约
5 References 五 参考资料
6 Further Reading 六 ,进一步读
7 See also 7 见,也
8 External links 八 外部链接

[ edit ] Armistice negotiations [ 编辑 ] 停战谈判

Leon Trotsky being greeted by German officers in Brest-Litovsk 莱昂托洛茨基正在迎接德国军官在布列斯特- litovsk
Peace negotiations began on December 22 , 1917 , a week after the conclusion of an armistice between Russia and the Central Powers, at Brest-Litovsk (modern Brest, Belarus , near the Polish border).和平谈判开始于1917年 12月22日 ,一个星期后,缔结了一项停战协定,俄与中央的权力,在布列斯特- litovsk (现代布列斯特,白俄罗斯 ,靠近波兰边境) 。 The Germans were represented officially by Foreign Secretary Richard von Kühlmann , but the most important figure in shaping the peace on the German side was General Max Hoffmann , Chief of Staff of the German armies on the Eastern Front ( Oberkommando-Ostfront ). Austria-Hungary was represented by Foreign Minister Ottokar Czernin , and from the Ottoman Empire came Talat Pasha . 德国人派代表出席了正式的外交秘书理查德冯kühlmann ,但最重要的人物,塑造和平,德方是一般最大值霍夫曼 ,参谋总长的德国军队对东部阵线 ( oberkommando - ostfront ) : 奥地利-匈牙利派外长奥托卡尔czernin ,从奥斯曼帝国来到塔拉特帕沙 。 The Germans demanded the "independence" of Poland and Lithuania, which they already occupied, while the Bolsheviks demanded "peace without annexations or indemnities" — in other words, a settlement under which the revolutionary government that succeeded the Russian Empire would give neither territory nor money.德国人,要求"独立"的波兰和立陶宛队,而他们已经占领的,而布尔什维克要求的"和平兼并或偿" -换言之,解决下,革命政府成功地在俄罗斯帝国将给予既不领土,也没有钱。

Frustrated with continued German demands for cessions of territory, Leon Trotsky , Bolshevik People's Commissar for Foreign Relations (i.e., Foreign Minister ), and head of the Russian delegation, on February 10 , 1918 , announced Russia's withdrawal from the negotiations and unilateral declaration of the ending of hostilities, a position summed up as "no war — no peace".沮丧与续德语要求割让领土, 莱昂托洛茨基 ,布尔什维克人的,党委外交关系(即外交部长 ) ,俄罗斯代表团团长,于1918年 2月10日宣布,俄罗斯的退出谈判,并单方面宣布了结束敌对状态,而且这样的地位,概括起来就是"不战-无宁日" 。

Denounced by other Bolshevik leaders for exceeding his instructions and exposing Bolshevist Russia to the threat of invasion, Trotsky subsequently defended his action on the grounds that the Bolshevik leaders had originally entered the peace talks in the hope of exposing their enemies' territorial ambitions and rousing the workers of central Europe to revolution in defense of Russia's new workers' state.谴责,也遭到其他布尔什维克领导人超越了他的指示,并揭露布尔什维克俄国侵略威胁,托洛茨基后来捍卫他的行动,理由是布尔什维克领袖原本进入和平谈判的希望,不暴露自己的敌人的领土野心鼓劲工人的欧洲中部 ,以革命的防卫俄罗斯的新工人。

[ edit ] Resumed hostilities [ 编辑 ] 恢复敌对行动

Signing of the treaty, March 3 , 1918条约的签署, 1918年 3月3日
The consequences for the Bolsheviks were worse, however, than anything they had feared the previous December.后果布尔什维克人差,但是,高于一切,他们曾担心前12月。 The Central Powers repudiated the armistice on February 18 , 1918 , and in the next fortnight seized most of Ukraine , Belarus and the Baltic countries .中央权力推翻停战对1918年 2月18日 ,并在未来两周内,检获的大部分乌克兰 , 白俄罗斯和波罗的海国家 。 Through the ice of the Baltic Sea , a German fleet approached the Gulf of Finland and Russia's capital Petrograd .通过冰的波罗的海 ,一个德国舰队接近波斯湾的芬兰和俄罗斯的首都彼得格勒 。 Despite strikes and demonstrations the month before in protest against economic hardship, the workers of Russia failed to rise up, and on March 3 the Bolsheviks agreed to terms worse than those they had previously rejected.尽管罢工和示威活动前一个月,以抗议经济困境,工人的俄罗斯未能起来,并于三月三日布尔什维克同意的条件更差,比他们以前曾拒绝了。

[ edit ] Terms of the peace treaty [ 编辑 ] 条款的和平条约

Borders drawn up in Brest-Litovsk边界制定了在布列斯特- litovsk
The treaty, signed between Bolshevik Russia on the one side and the German Empire, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Ottoman Empire (collectively the Central Powers) on the other, marked Russia's final withdrawal from World War I as an enemy of her co-signatories, fulfilling, on unexpectedly humiliating terms, a major goal of the Bolshevik revolution of November 7 , 1917 .该条约签订的布尔什维克俄国问题的一个重要方面和德意志帝国,奥匈帝国, 保加利亚和奥斯曼帝国 (统称为中央权力)对其他,标志着俄罗斯的最终退出世界战争,我作为一个敌人,她共同签署,履行,就出人意料地羞辱而言,一个主要目标的布尔什维克革命的17 年 11月7日 。

In all, the treaty took away a third of Russia's population, half of her industry and nine-tenths of her coal mines. [1]在所有的,该条约拿走三分之一的俄罗斯的人口中,有一半是她的产业和十分之九的她煤矿 。 [ 1 ]

However, Germany's defeat in World War I, marked by the armistice with the Allies on November 11 at Compiègne, made it possible for Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Ukraine, and Poland to become truly independent sovereign states , and the designated monarchs had to renounce their thrones .然而,德国的失败,在第一次世界大战后,由显着的停战与盟国 11月11日在compiègne ,使人们有可能对芬兰,爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚,立陶宛,乌克兰和波兰将成为真正独立的 主权 国家 ,并指定了君主 放弃自己的王位 。

[ edit ] Transfer of territory to Germany [ 编辑 ] 领土转让给德国
Russia's new Bolshevik ( communist ) government renounced all claim to Finland (which it had already acknowledged), the future Baltic states (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania), Poland, Belarus , Ukraine .俄罗斯的新布尔什维克( 共产党 )政府宣布放弃所有索赔,以芬兰(它已经承认) ,未来波罗的海国家 (爱沙尼亚,拉脱维亚和立陶宛) ,波兰, 白俄罗斯 , 乌克兰 。

Most of these territories were in effect ceded to the German Empire, intended to become economically dependent on and politically closely tied to that empire under various German kings and dukes .上述大部分地区的人,效果割让给德意志帝国,打算成为在经济上依赖和政治息息相关,即帝国下的各种德语国王和肿瘤 。

Regarding the ceded territories, the treaty stated that "Germany and Austria-Hungary intend to determine the future fate of these territories in agreement with their population" with few other effects than the appointment of German rulers to the new thrones of Latvia and Lithuania .关于割让领土,条约中说, "德国和奥匈帝国打算,以决定未来的命运,这些领土的协定,与人口" ,与其他几个作用比任命的德国统治者,以新的王位上的拉脱维亚和立陶宛 。

[ edit ] Transfer of territory to the Ottoman Empire [ 编辑 ] 领土转让给奥斯曼帝国
At the insistence of the Turkish leader Talat Pasha , all lands Russia had captured from the Ottoman Empire in the Russo-Turkish War (1877–1878) , specifically Ardahan , Kars , and Batumi , were to be returned.在坚持的土族领导人塔拉特帕沙 ,所有土地俄罗斯抓获了由奥斯曼帝国在俄土战争( 1877年至1878年) ,具体ardahan , 卡尔斯和巴统 ,是要回来了。 This territory immediately fell under the control of the Ottoman government.这一领土立即下跌的控制之下,奥斯曼政府。

[ edit ] Protection of Armenians' right to self-determination [ 编辑 ] 保护亚美尼亚人的权利,自决权
Russia supported the right of the Armenians in the Ottoman Empire and Russia to determine their destiny, by ensuring the conditions necessary for a referendum as follows:俄罗斯支持的权利以及奥斯曼帝国对亚美尼亚和俄罗斯决定自己的命运,确保必要的条件,为公民投票情况如下:

The retreat (within 6-8 weeks) of Russian armed forces to the borders of the Democratic Republic of Armenia , and the formation in the ADR of a military power responsible for security (including disarming and dispersing the Armenian militia ).务虚会( 6-8周)的俄罗斯武装力量的边界民主共和国亚美尼亚 ,并形成在药物不良反应的一个军事大国,负责安全(包括解除疏散亚美尼亚民兵 ) 。 The Russians were to be responsible for order (protecting life and property) in Ardahan, Kars, and Batumi until the arrival of the Ottomans.俄罗斯人来负责秩序(保护市民的生命和财产) ,在ardahan ,卡尔斯和巴统抵达之前,土耳其人。奥斯曼帝国时代。
The return by the Ottoman Empire of Armenian emigrants who had taken refuge in nearby areas (Ardahan, Kars, and Batumi).返回由奥斯曼帝国对亚美尼亚移民的人躲藏在附近地区( ardahan ,卡尔斯和巴统) 。
The return of Ottoman Armenians who had been exiled by the Turkish Government since the beginning of the war.返回奥斯曼亚美尼亚人已被流放由土耳其政府自战争开始。
The establishment of a temporary National Armenian Government formed by deputies elected in accordance with democratic principles (the Armenian National Council became the Armenian Congress of Eastern Armenians , which established the Democratic Republic of Armenia ).建立一个临时国民亚美尼亚政府成立了由人大代表选举产生,按照民主原则( 亚美尼亚国民议会成为亚美尼亚国会东亚美尼亚人 ,建立了民主共和国亚美尼亚 ) 。 The conditions of this government would be put forward during peace talks with the Ottoman Empire.条件,这是政府将提出在和平谈判与奥斯曼帝国。
The Commissar for Caucasian Affairs would assist the Armenians in the realization of these goals; this commissioner was Grand Duke Nicholas Nicolaievich .该委员为高加索事务厅将协助亚美尼亚人,在实现这些目标的实现;这个专员大公爵尼古拉nicolaievich 。
A joint commission would be formed in order that Armenian lands could be evacuated of foreign troops.一个联合委员会将成立,使亚美尼亚的土地可以撤离的外国军队。

[ edit ] Payment of war reparations to Germany [ 编辑 ] 支付战争赔款,以德国
A follow-up treaty, signed in Berlin on August 27 , 1918, required Russia to pay six billion marks in war reparations to Germany.一项后续行动条约,签署了在柏林举行的1918年8月27日 ,俄罗斯需要支付6000000000马克在战争赔偿,德国。

[ edit ] Lasting effects of the treaty [ 编辑 ] 持久的影响,该条约
The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk lasted only eight and a half months.该条约布列斯特litovsk只持续了八个半月。 Germany renounced the treaty and broke diplomatic relations with RSFSR on November 5 , 1918 because of Soviet revolutionary propaganda.德国放弃了该条约,并打破了外交关系,同rsfsr于1918年 11月5日 ,由于苏联的革命宣传。 The Ottoman Empire broke the treaty after just two months by invading the newly created Democratic Republic of Armenia in May of 1918. 奥斯曼帝国打破了该条约后,短短两个月侵入新近成立民主共和国亚美尼亚在5月的1918 。 Following the German capitulation, the Bolshevik government ( VTsIK ) annulled the treaty on November 13 , 1918 (the text of the VTsIK Decision was printed in Pravda next day).继德国投降,布尔什维克政府( vtsik )废止该条约于1918年 11月13日 (文的vtsik决定是印在真理报第二天) 。 In the year after the armistice, the German Army withdrew its occupying units from the lands gained in the treaty, leaving behind a power vacuum which various forces subsequently attempted to fill.在一年后的停战协议,德国军队撤出其占领的单位,由土地取得在条约中,留下一个权力真空,而各方面的力量,随后试图填补。 In the April 1922 Treaty of Rapallo , Germany accepted the Treaty's nullification, the two powers agreeing to abandon all war-related territorial and financial claims against each other.在1922年 4月条约的rapallo ,德国接受该条约的废止,两个大国同意放弃一切与战争有关的领土和金融债权打击对方。

The Treaty of Brest-Litovsk marked a significant contraction of the territory which the Bolsheviks controlled or could lay claim to as effective successors of the Russian Empire: while the independence of Finland and Poland was already accepted by them in principle, the loss of Ukraine and the Baltics created, from the Bolshevik perspective, dangerous bases of anti-Bolshevik military activity in the subsequent Russian Civil War ( 1918 – 20 ).该条约布列斯特litovsk上具有显着收缩的领土,其中布尔什维克控制或可声称为有效接班人的俄罗斯帝国:而独立的芬兰和波兰已经接受了他们在原则上,丢掉了乌克兰和波罗的海创造,从布尔什维克的角度来看,危险基地的反布尔什维克军事活动,在随后的俄罗斯内战 ( 1918年 -2 0) 。 Indeed, many Russian nationalists and even some revolutionaries were furious at the Bolsheviks' acceptance of the treaty and joined forces to fight them.事实上,许多俄罗斯民族主义者,甚至一些革命者被愤怒在布尔什维克'接受该条约,并参加了部队,以打击他们。 On the other hand, from the viewpoint of non-Russians who inhabited the lands lost by Bolshevik Russia in the treaty, it was an opportunity to attempt to set up independent states not under Bolshevik rule.在另一方面,从观点的非俄罗斯人居住的土地失去了由布尔什维克俄罗斯在条约中,这是一个机会,试图建立独立国家联合体不是根据布尔什维克统治。

The fate of the region, and the location of the eventual western border of the Soviet Union , was settled in violent and chaotic struggles over the course of the next three years, most notably the Polish-Soviet War , terminated by the Treaty of Riga in 1921 .命运的地区,并地点最终西部边境的苏联 ,是定居在暴力和混乱的奋斗过程中,今后三年,最显着的波兰与苏联的战争 ,终止该条约的里加 1921 。 Although most of Ukraine fell under Bolshevik control and eventually became one of the constituent republics of the Soviet Union, Poland and the Baltic states emerged as independent countries.虽然大部分的乌克兰属于布尔什维克控制,并最终成为其中的组成共和国的苏联,波兰和波罗的海国家成为独立的国家。 This state of affairs in turn lasted until 1939 , when as a consequence of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact the Soviet Union advanced its borders westward, by first invading Poland and Finland in 1939 then annexing the Baltic States and Bessarabia in 1940 , thus in large measure finally overturning the territorial losses incurred at Brest-Litovsk.造成这种状况的事务,从而一直持续到1939年 ,当作为后果的莫洛托夫-宾特洛甫条约 ,苏联先进的边界向西,由第一次入侵波兰和芬兰在1939年,当时的兼并波罗的海国家和bessarabia在1940年 ,因此,在很大程度终于推翻领土损失,在布列斯特- litovsk 。

For the Western Allies, the terms imposed on the Russians served as a reminder and a warning of what to expect if the Germans and the other Central Powers won the war.对于西方盟国的条款强加给俄国人担任提醒和警告,该期待些什么,如果德国和其他中央权力赢得这场战争。 Secret German archives found after 1945 proved them right.德国秘密档案的发现, 1945年以后的事实证明他们的权利。 It spurred their efforts to win the war.这促使他们努力打赢这场战争。 Since the exit of Russia from the war was effectively counterbalanced by the entry of the United States on their side, their demands for American troops and supplies effectively increased to counteract the inevitable transfer of German troops to the Western Front.自从退出俄罗斯从战争中得到有效制衡的进入美国站在他们的一方,他们的要求,为美国军队和供应,有效地提高了,以抵消不可避免的转让,德国军队向西部战线。 One of the first conditions as a result of the Armistice was the complete abrogation of the treaty.第一个条件,由于停战协定的,是完全废除该条约。




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