歌曲改词 作词高手请进(有加分哟)

将滨崎步的新曲together when的歌词改成英文的,注意:不是翻译哦,而是改成用英文唱的,比较流畅就可以了。(也可以加一些中文)。


together when

we started to walk calmly and firmly
with the same scar in our hearts
with our backs to each other
without looking back
we believed
we found one untouched thing
but we felt it was changing
and took a step back
and another step backwards
so as not to be hurt...
i wanted to say "thank you"
i couldn't say "thank you"
because it's like "goodbey for ever"
and is too say..
maybe i shall be born again as myself some day
and start a journey to seek you...
one day
when was puzzled a little
by a new and unfamiliar view
which i must have chosen
the gentle wind just like you
blew by me
i wanted to say "i love you"
i couldn't say "i love you"
but feel it was both my biggest lie
and the truth...
even if i'm born again as someone else
i'll start a journey to seek for you...




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