
1.The covering letter of credit shall stipulate the sellers' option of shipping the indicated percentage more or less than the quantity hereby contracted and be negotiated for the amount covering the value of quantity actually shipped.(The buyers are requested to establish the L/C in amount with the indicated percentage over the total value of the order as per this sales contract.

2.The contents of the covering letter of credit shall be in strict conformity with the stipulations of the sales contract. In case of any variation there of necessitating amendment of the L/C, the buyers shall bear the expenses for effecting the amendment. The sellers shall not be held responsible for possible delay of shipment resulting from awaiting the amend ment of the L/C and reserve the right to claim from the buyers for the losses resulting thereform.

3.Except in cases where the insurance is covered by the buyers as arranged, insurance is to be covered by the sellers with a chinese insurance company. If insurance for additionalamount and /or for other insurance terms is required by the buyers, prior notice to this effect must reach the sellers before shipment and is subject to the sellers' agreement, and the extra insurance prernium shall be for the buyers' account.

4.The sellers shall not be held responsible if they fail, owing to Force Majeure cause or causes, to make delivery within the time stipulated in this sales contract or cannot deliver the goods. However, the sellers shall inform immediately the buyers by any cable. The sellers shall deliver to the buyers by registered letter, if it is requested by the buyers, a certificate issued by the china council for the Promotion of International Trade or by any competent authorities, attesting the existence of the said cause or causes. The Buyers' failure to obtain the relative Import Licence is not to be treated as Force Majeure.

5.Arbitration: all disputes arising in connection with this sales contract or execution thereof shall be steeled by way of amicable negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached, the case at issue shall then be submitted for arbitration to the China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission in accordance with the provisions of the said Commission. The award by the said Commission shall be deemed as final and binding upon both parties.

6.Supplementary Condetion(s)(should the articles stipulated in this contract be in conflict with the following supplementary condition(s), the supplementary condition(s) should be taken as valid and binding.)

1.The 覆盖物信用证将规定sellers' 运输被表明的百分比的选择或多或少比数量特此被收缩和谈判为数额包括数量shipped.(The 买家的价值实际上被请求建立L/C 在数额以被表明的百分比在命令的总价值正如每这销售合约。

2.The 覆盖物信用证的内容将是在严密的整合以销售合约的规定。在任一变异那里需要的情况下L/C 的校正, 买家将负担费用为影响校正。卖主不会被拿着负责任对发货可能的延迟起因于等候修正ment L/C 和预留权利要求从买家为损失收效的thereform 。

3.Except 在保险由买家依照被安排处报道, 保险将由卖主盖用中国保险公司。如果保险为additionalamount 和/or 为其它保险期限由买家必需, 预先的通知对这个作用必须到达卖主在发货之前和是依于sellers' 协议, 和额外保险prernium将是为buyers' 帐户。

4.The 卖主不会被拿着负责任如果他们不, 由于不可抗力起因或起因, 做交付在时间之内被规定在这销售合约或无法交付物品。但是, 卖主立刻通知买家将由任一缆绳。卖主将交付对买家由挂号信, 如果它由买家, 证明请求由任何主管当局发行由中国国际贸易促进委员会或, 证实前述起因或起因的存在。Buyers' 疏忽获得相对进口执照不将对待不可抗力。

5.Arbitration: 所有争执升起于这销售合约相联或施行因此将是steeled 通过和睦的交涉。如果和解无法被达成, 案件争论中然后将递交为仲裁给中国国际经济和商业仲裁委员会与前述委员会的供应符合。褒奖由前述委员会将被视为作为最后和捆绑在两个党。

6.Supplementary Condetion(s)(should 文章被规定在这个合同是在冲突以以下补充condition(s), 补充condition(s) 应该被采取作为合法和捆绑。
第1个回答  2007-12-21
1 ,涵盖信用证应规定卖方市场选择航运显示百分比高于或低于此数量合同,并通过谈判为金额为价值数量实际上已发运(买家要求,以确定升/ C在数量与显示百分比超过总价值的顺序为每本销售合同。

二,内容涵盖了信用证的,应严格按照规定的销售合同。如有任何变化存在的,迫切需要修订的L / C时,买方应承担费用的影响修正案。销售者不得负连带责任可能延迟装运造成等待修改ment的升/ C和保留索赔权,由购买者造成的损失thereform 。


4 ,卖方不得追究责任,如果他们失败了,由于不可抗力的原因,使交货的时间内向规定,在这销售合同或者不能交付货物。但是,卖方应立即通知买方任何电缆。卖方应提供给买方以挂号信,如果它被要求提交的买家,签发的证书由中国为国际贸易促进委员会或任何主管当局,以证明存在该说的原因。买方未能获得相对的进口许可证,是不被视为不可抗力。

5.arbitration :所发生的一切争端,在他涉嫌与本销售合同或执行不得锻炼的方式,友善的谈判。在案件没有得到解决,才能达成,因此案件的问题,应再提交仲裁的中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会按照本办法规定的表示。裁决所表示,委员会应被视为最终决定对双方均有约束力。

6.supplementary condetion ( ) (应条款的规定,在本合同发生冲突具有下列补充条件( S ) ,补充条件( S )的,应当作为有效和有约束力的) 。本回答被网友采纳



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