信用证翻译 ,刚学国贸,有没有前辈帮忙翻译一下,谢谢

信用证翻译 ,刚学国贸,有没有前辈帮忙翻译一下,谢谢 (1)Original commercial invoice with 3copies covering 100% of the value the goods dispatched on FOB terms
(2)A letter from ESSAR confirming the receipt of performance bank guarantee.You should send the performance bank guarantee directly to ESSAR for 10% of the shipment value valid for 18 months from the date of shipment.
(3)Original Bill of lading endorsed in bank addressed to purchaser's bank and notifying ourselves evidencing shipment of goods on FOB international scaport.
(4)Detailed packing list of goods shipped in quardruplicated.
(5) Supplier shall provide a certificatee of origin,covering such goods
issued by a recognized chamber of commerce or any other local authority,
authorized to issue such a certificate.
(6)Suppliers inspection report/certificate in duplicate.
(7)Copy of fax/telex transmitted to purchaser and insurance company giving full particulars of dispatch of goods for covering transit insurance as per details listed under the insurance clause above.
(8)Copy of Dispatch Clearance Certificate/Inspection Waiver Certificate issued by Hazira Plate Ltd.
(9)Phytosanitary certificate
(10)Suppliers certificate stating that one set of non negotiable documents from (1)to (8) mentioned above,have been sent to the purchaser by air through courier (dhl or like) addressed to:
(11)suppliers certificate stating that a copy of all the fespatch ducuments from (1) to (9)

1. 商业发票原件加3份复印件,包括所有货值,用FOB术语。



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