

Luo Ning was born in a family of music in China and grew up in the multiracial province Xinjiang with much ethnic customs. In the year when Luo Ning was 4 years old, his father discovered Luo Ning’s talents in music and become the piano abecedarian of Luo Ning. That is how Luo Ning started his journey of music.
现在他已是中国最出色的JAZZ 钢琴演奏家之一,在JAZZ 钢琴和古典音乐上都有自己独特的理解和演绎,并以演奏技术精湛、热情洋溢著称。1998 年以来,罗宁一直活跃在国内、国际的JAZZ、古典等舞台上,并与JAZZ音乐大师Kenny Garrete,Jens Winther等众多JAZZ音乐家有过合作、交流。
He is now one of the most excellent pianists of JAZZ in Beijing. He has his own unique understanding and expression on JAZZ piano and classical music, and he is famous for his consummate playing skill and ebullience and enthusiasm. Since 1998, Luo Ning has frequently played in domestic and international stage of JAZZ, classical, popular or folk music, and he ever worked with JAZZ musician KENNY GARRETE, JENS WINTHER and so on.
Dating back to 1976, the young Luo Ning received the guidance by Chen Taojin from Hong Kong, who is also a returning overseas Chinese pianist, and he learned music theory, theory and phonics from Professor Ma Hui and associate Professor Wang Qingsheng in Xinjiang Arts College. During that time, he was exempted in the course of solfeggio for his excellent aural comprehension. After that, he learned romantic piano from Steven Reeze, the pianist teacher of British Royal Institute of Music. In 1991, Luo Ning passed the entrance exam and entered Art Troupe Of Xinjiang military area as the piano player of the band of the troupe. He came to Beijing at the end of 1996.
It is in an accidental chance that Luo Ning was acquainted with the Saxohone educator and player Lu Tingquan and cognized JAZZ music under his guidance. Within that period, Luo Ning was learning and practicing JAZZ music in Lu Tingquan’s JAZZ band. During the time, he participated in many big shows
2013年8月受国际著名爵士萨克斯演奏家Antonio Hart 的邀请与他合作在北京的音乐会演出和讲学。
August in 2013,Luoning was invited and cooperated with Antonio Hart,who is the famous jazz saxphone performer,in Beijing Concert.
August in 2013,Luoning recorded the jazz grading demonstration tracks for China drummer federation
July in 2013, luoning participated the North Africa International Music Festival
June in 2013, as a guest performer,luoning participated the opening ceremony of jazz festival between Switzerland and China.
CCTV Music Channel recorded "China's top ten performers Concert Band" program in June. 2013, the famous pianist Roning made an excellent perform together with his selected jazz (tube) musician team。
May in 2013,he held luoning jazz trio concert in Zhuhai,Guangdong province
May in 2013,Luoning held personal special jazz concerts in Grand Theater,Lanzhou,Gansu province
During 2013,Luoning,as a guest performer participated in various activities and performances,invited by Cuban Embassy in China
December in 2012, Luoning awarded the "China 2012 Best Jazz Album",from Guangdong, China Musicians Association
During the Changsha International Jazz Week in October 2012, Luo Ning holding Latin Jazz Session “Cuba in the Mist”. Luo Ning performing abroad in the U.S.A., Australia, and Turkey and so on.

Luo Ning Latin Jazz Piano Recital in Xinjiang in September 2012. Meanwhile, he has been invited as a visiting professor by Xinjiang Education Institution.

Luo Ning Jazz Piano Recital in Chongqing in August, 2012.

Luo Ning’s solo album “Jazz in China-Unknown Journey” in June 2012.

Albums recorded by China Drummer Federation in December 2011.

2010年,8月赴古巴留学,师从古巴著名拉丁爵士女钢琴家Bellita、著名打击乐专家Emilio del Monte。期间还受到,曾获过八次格莱美音乐奖的著名拉丁爵士钢琴大师Chucho Valdes;和2009年格莱美音乐奖获得者,古巴著名年青拉丁爵士钢琴家Roberto Fonseca的亲自指导。
Studied in Cuba in August, 2010, Luo Ning learnt from well-known Latin jazz pianist Bellita and percussionist Emilio del Monte. During the time in Cuba, he also learned from eight-time Grammy Award-winner Latin jazz piano master Chucho Valdes, and had a session learning from 2009 Grammy winner Roberto Fonseca.

In 2010, Luo Ning participated in transcribing 4 periods of CCTV Music channel “2008 Summer Music Week-experiencing JAZZ” Program.

In April 2010, Luo Ning studied at Cuba Arts University.

In 2009, Luo Ning set up his own band “Luo Ning JAZZ Trio”.

In 2008, Luo Ning was invited by the Organizing Committee of Olympic Games to perform the 11th JAZZ and classical music and gained unanimous praise by friends domestic and abroad.

In 2006, Luo Ning assumed the spokesman and Ambassador of the Japanese “Luo Lan” synthesizer brand.

2006年,与世界著名的爵士音乐家KENNY GARRETT 同台交流音乐。
Luo Ning exchanged music with the world famous JAZZ musician Kenny Garrett on the stage.

In 2005, Luo Ning held his own special JAZZ concert show successfully in Beijing.

In 2002, Luo Ning was employed as the piano lecturer of People’s Liberation Army Academy of Arts and Modern Music College.

In 2001, he was again invited to attend the 8th International JAZZ concert in Beijing.

In April of 2001, he joined Liu Yuan JAZZ band

In 1999, he was invited to attend the Opening Show of the 6th International JAZZ concert in Beijing.

In 1997, he attended the first JAZZ concert hold by the China National Song and Dance Ensemble in Beijing Concert Hall and was crowned with complete success



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