求 丘吉尔 二战时期 一篇演说词的 中文翻译

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And I proclaim my faith that some of us will live to see a fourteenth of July when a liberated France will once again rejoice in her greatness and in her glory, and once again stand forward as the champion of the freedom and the rights of man. When the day dawns, as dawn it will, the soul of France will turn with comprehension and with kindness to those Frenchmen and Frenchwomen, wherever they may be, who in the darkest hour did not despair of the Republic.

In the meantime, we shall not waste our breath nor cumber our thought with reproaches. When you have a friend and comrade at whose side you have faced tremendous struggles, and your friend is smitten down by a stunning blow, it may be necessary to make sure that the weapon that has fallen from his hands shall not be added to the resources of your common enemy. But you need not bear malice because of your friend's cries of delirium and gestures of agony. You must not add to his pain; you must work for his recovery.

The association of interest between Britain and France remains. The cause remains. Duty inescapable remains. So long as our pathway to victory is not impeded, we are ready to discharge such offices of good will toward the French Government as may be possible, and to foster the trade and help the administration of those parts of the great French Empire which are now cut off from captive France, but which maintain their freedom.

Subject to the iron demands of the war which we are now waging against Hitler and all his works, we shall try so to conduct ourselves that every true French heart will beat and glow at the way we carry on the struggle; and that not only France, but all the oppressed countries in Europe may feel that each British victory is a step towards the liberation of the Continent from the foulest thralldom into which it has ever been cast.

并且我宣布我们中的一些人将住的我的信任1/ 14 的7月看见, 当解放的法国再一次将用她的巨大感到高兴时,和处于全盛时期, 并且作为自由的卫士和人的权利再一次站向前。 当日子破晓时, 作为黎明它将, 法国的真谛将用理解并且与对那些法国人和Frenchwomen的好意转动, 无论他们可能在哪里,谁在最黑的时间不对共和国失去希望

同时,我们将不浪费口舌也不用责备阻塞我们的想法。 你朋友和同志当时,在谁的侧面的你面对惊人斗争,并且你的朋友向下重击在以前一极漂亮吹保证已经从他的手上掉下来的武器将不被增加到你的普通敌人的资源可能是必要的。 但是因为你的朋友的神智昏迷的叫声和苦恼的手势,你不必承担恶意你不可增加他的痛苦; 你必须为他的恢复工作。

在英国和法国之间的所关心的协会剩下。 原因剩下。 税逃避不了的残余。 只要胜利的我们的小路不被妨碍,我们准备卸象与possib一样的这样的向法国政府的善意的办公室,并且促进贸易并且帮助现在被切断被俘获的法国的大的法国帝国的那些部分的管理, 但是保持他们的自由。

以我们现在正对希特勒和他的全部作品从事的战争的铁需求为条件, 我们将尝试一切真实法国心脏将打并且在我们传达意思斗争的方法发光才引导我们自己; 并且那不仅法国。但是在欧洲的全部被压迫的国家可能感到每次英国胜利是 对于来自它曾经被投的最令人厌恶的奴隶身份的大陆的解放的一个台阶。



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